'''save/load from IMAS routines
from .omas_utils import *
from .omas_core import ODS, codeparams_xml_save, codeparams_xml_load, dynamic_ODS, omas_environment
from .omas_utils import _extra_structures
class IDS:
def __init__(self, DBentry, occurrence):
self.DBentry = DBentry
self.occurrence = occurrence
def __getattr__(self, key):
import imas
printd(f"{key} = imas.{key}()", topic='imas_code')
tmp = getattr(imas, key)()
setattr(self, key, tmp)
return tmp
def close(self):
# --------------------------------------------
# IMAS convenience functions
# --------------------------------------------
def imas_open(user, machine, pulse, run, occurrence={}, new=False, imas_major_version='3', backend='MDSPLUS', verbose=True):
function to open an IMAS
:param user: IMAS username
:param machine: IMAS machine
:param pulse: IMAS pulse
:param run: IMAS run id
:param new: whether the open should create a new IMAS tree
:param imas_major_version: IMAS major version (string)
:param backend: one of MDSPLUS, ASCII, HDF5, MEMORY, UDA, NO
:param verbose: print open parameters
:return: IMAS ids
if verbose:
'Opening {new} IMAS data for user={user} machine={machine} pulse={pulse} run={run}'.format(
new=['existing', 'new'][int(new)], user=repr(user), machine=repr(machine), pulse=pulse, run=run
import imas
f"DBentry = imas.DBEntry(imas.imasdef.{backend}_BACKEND, {repr(machine)}, {pulse}, {run}, {repr(user)}, {repr(imas_major_version)})",
DBentry = imas.DBEntry(getattr(imas.imasdef, backend + '_BACKEND'), machine, pulse, run, user, imas_major_version)
if new:
printd(f"DBentry.create()", topic='imas_code')
ret_code = DBentry.create()[0]
printd(f"DBentry.open()", topic='imas_code')
ret_code = DBentry.open()[0]
if ret_code < 0:
raise IOError(
'Error opening imas entry (user:%s machine:%s pulse:%s run:%s imas_major_version:%s backend=%s)'
% (user, machine, pulse, run, imas_major_version, backend)
return IDS(DBentry, occurrence)
def imas_set(ids, path, value, skip_missing_nodes=False, allocate=False, ids_is_subtype=False, only_allocate=True):
assign a value to a path of an open IMAS ids
:param ids: open IMAS ids to write to
:param path: ODS path
:param value: value to assign
:param skip_missing_nodes: if the IMAS path does not exists:
`False` raise an error
`True` does not raise error
`None` prints a warning message
:param allocate: whether to perform only IMAS memory allocation (ids.resize)
:return: path if set was done, otherwise None
# handle uncertain data
if type(path) != list:
path = p2l(path)
if is_uncertain(value):
path = copy.deepcopy(path)
tmp = imas_set(ids, path, nominal_values(value), skip_missing_nodes=skip_missing_nodes, allocate=allocate, only_allocate=only_allocate)
path[-1] = path[-1] + '_error_upper'
imas_set(ids, path, std_devs(value), skip_missing_nodes=skip_missing_nodes, allocate=allocate, only_allocate=only_allocate)
return tmp
ds = path[0]
path = path[1:]
# identify data dictionary to use, from this point on `m` points to the IDS
debug_path = ''
if hasattr(ids, ds) or ids_is_subtype:
debug_path += '%s' % ds
if ids_is_subtype:
m = ids
m = getattr(ids, ds)
if hasattr(m, 'time') and not isinstance(m.time, float) and not m.time.size:
m.time= numpy.resize(m.time, 1)
m.time[0] = -1.0
elif l2i(path) == 'ids_properties.occurrence': # IMAS does not store occurrence info as part of the IDSs
elif skip_missing_nodes is not False:
if skip_missing_nodes is None:
printe('WARNING: %s is not part of IMAS' % l2i([ds] + path))
printd(debug_path, topic='imas_code')
raise AttributeError('%s is not part of IMAS' % l2i([ds] + path))
# traverse IMAS structure until reaching the leaf
out = m
done = allocate
for kp, p in enumerate(path):
location = l2i([ds] + path[: kp + 1])
if isinstance(p, str):
if p == ":":
if allocate and len(out) != len(value):
done = True
if kp == len(path) - 1:
if len(value) == 1:
out = out[0]
for i in range(value.shape[0]):
if len(path[kp + 1:]) == 1:
setattr(out[i], path[-1], value[i])
imas_set(out[i], path[kp + 1:], value[i], skip_missing_nodes=False, allocate=allocate,only_allocate=only_allocate)
return [ds] + path
elif hasattr(out, p):
if kp < (len(path) - 1):
debug_path += '.' + p
out = getattr(out, p)
elif skip_missing_nodes is not False:
if skip_missing_nodes is None:
printe('WARNING: %s is not part of IMAS' % location)
printd(debug_path, topic='imas_code')
raise AttributeError('%s is not part of IMAS' % location)
out = out[p]
debug_path += '[%d]' % p
except IndexError:
if not allocate:
raise IndexError('%s structure array exceed allocation' % location)
printd(debug_path + ".resize(%d)" % (p + 1), topic='imas_code')
out.resize(p + 1)
debug_path += '[%d]' % p
out = out[p]
# if we are allocating data, simply stop here
if done and only_allocate:
return [ds] + path
# assign data to leaf node
printd('setting : %s' % location, topic='imas')
setattr(out, path[-1], value)
if 'imas_code' in os.environ.get('OMAS_DEBUG_TOPIC', ''): # use if statement here to avoid unecessary repr(value) when not debugging
printd(debug_path + '.%s=%s' % (path[-1], repr(value).replace('\\n', '\n')), topic='imas_code')
# return path
return [ds] + path
def imas_empty(value):
Check if value is an IMAS empty
* array with no size
* float of value -9E40
* integer of value -999999999
* empty string
:param value: value to check
:return: None if value is an IMAS empty
# arrays
if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray):
if not value.size:
return None
return value
# missing floats
elif isinstance(value, float):
if value == -9e40:
return None
return value
# missing integers
elif isinstance(value, int):
if value == -999999999:
return None
return value
# empty strings
elif isinstance(value, str):
if not len(value):
return None
return value
# anything else is not a leaf
return None
def imas_get(ids, path, skip_missing_nodes=False, check_empty=True):
read the value of a path in an open IMAS ids
:param ids: open IMAS ids to read from
:param path: ODS path
:param skip_missing_nodes: if the IMAS path does not exists:
`False` raise an error
`True` does not raise error
`None` prints a warning message
:param check_empty: return None if not a leaf or empty leaf
:return: the value that was read if successful or None otherwise
printd('fetching: %s' % l2i(path), topic='imas')
ds = path[0]
path = path[1:]
debug_path = ''
if hasattr(ids, ds):
debug_path += '%s' % ds
m = getattr(ids, ds)
elif skip_missing_nodes is not False:
if skip_missing_nodes is None:
printe('WARNING: %s is not part of IMAS' % l2i([ds] + path))
return None
printd(debug_path, topic='imas_code')
raise AttributeError('%s is not part of IMAS' % l2i([ds] + path))
# traverse the IDS to get the data
out = m
for kp, p in enumerate(path):
if isinstance(p, str):
if hasattr(out, p):
debug_path += '.%s' % p
out = getattr(out, p)
elif skip_missing_nodes is not False:
if skip_missing_nodes is None:
printe('WARNING: %s is not part of IMAS' % l2i([ds] + path[: kp + 1]))
return None
printd(debug_path, topic='imas_code')
raise AttributeError('%s is not part of IMAS' % l2i([ds] + path[: kp + 1]))
debug_path += '[%s]' % p
out = out[p]
# handle missing data
if check_empty:
out = imas_empty(out)
printd(debug_path, topic='imas_code')
return out
# --------------------------------------------
# save and load OMAS to IMAS
# --------------------------------------------
def save_omas_imas(ods, user=None, machine=None, pulse=None, run=None, occurrence={},
new=False, imas_version=None, verbose=True, backend='MDSPLUS'):
Save OMAS data to IMAS
:param ods: OMAS data set
:param user: IMAS username (reads ods['dataset_description.data_entry.user'] if user is None and finally fallsback on os.environ['USER'])
:param machine: IMAS machine (reads ods['dataset_description.data_entry.machine'] if machine is None)
:param pulse: IMAS pulse (reads ods['dataset_description.data_entry.pulse'] if pulse is None)
:param run: IMAS run (reads ods['dataset_description.data_entry.run'] if run is None and finally fallsback on 0)
:param occurrence: dictinonary with the occurrence to save for each IDS
:param new: whether the open should create a new IMAS tree
:param imas_version: IMAS version
:param verbose: whether the process should be verbose
:param backend: Which backend to use, can be one of MDSPLUS, ASCII, HDF5, MEMORY, UDA, NO
:return: paths that have been written to IMAS
# handle default values for user, machine, pulse, run, imas_version
# it tries to re-use existing information
if user is None:
user = ods.get('dataset_description.data_entry.user', os.environ.get('USER', 'default_user'))
if machine is None:
machine = ods.get('dataset_description.data_entry.machine', None)
if pulse is None:
pulse = ods.get('dataset_description.data_entry.pulse', None)
if run is None:
run = ods.get('dataset_description.data_entry.run', 0)
if imas_version is None:
imas_version = ods.imas_version
# set dataset_description entries that were empty
if user is not None and 'dataset_description.data_entry.user' not in ods:
ods['dataset_description.data_entry.user'] = user
if machine is not None and 'dataset_description.data_entry.machine' not in ods:
ods['dataset_description.data_entry.machine'] = machine
if pulse is not None and 'dataset_description.data_entry.pulse' not in ods:
ods['dataset_description.data_entry.pulse'] = pulse
if run is not None and 'dataset_description.data_entry.run' not in ods:
ods['dataset_description.data_entry.run'] = run
if imas_version is not None and 'dataset_description.imas_version' not in ods:
ods['dataset_description.imas_version'] = ods.imas_version
printd('Saving to IMAS (user:%s machine:%s pulse:%d run:%d, imas_version:%s)' % (user, machine, pulse, run, imas_version), topic='imas')
# ensure requirements for writing data to IMAS are satisfied
# get the list of paths from ODS
paths = set_paths = ods.paths()
# open IMAS tree
ids = imas_open(user=user, machine=machine, pulse=pulse, run=run, occurrence=occurrence, new=new, verbose=verbose, backend=backend)
except IOError as _excp:
raise IOError(str(_excp) + '\nIf this is a new pulse/run then set `new=True`')
except ImportError:
# fallback on saving IMAS as NC file if IMAS is not installed
if not omas_rcparams['allow_fake_imas_fallback']:
filename = os.sep.join(
'%s_%s_%d_%d_v%s.pkl' % (user, machine, pulse, run, imas_versions.get(imas_version, imas_version)),
printe(f'Overloaded save_omas_imas: {filename}')
from . import save_omas_pkl
if not os.path.exists(omas_rcparams['fake_imas_dir']):
ods['dataset_description.data_entry.user'] = str(user)
ods['dataset_description.data_entry.machine'] = str(machine)
ods['dataset_description.data_entry.pulse'] = int(pulse)
ods['dataset_description.data_entry.run'] = int(run)
ods['dataset_description.imas_version'] = str(imas_version)
save_omas_pkl(ods, filename)
# allocate memory
# NOTE: for how memory allocation works it is important to traverse the tree in reverse
set_paths = []
for path in reversed(paths):
set_paths.append(imas_set(ids, path, ods[path], None, allocate=True))
set_paths = list(filter(None, set_paths))
# assign the data
for path in set_paths:
printd(f'writing {l2i(path)}')
imas_set(ids, path, ods[path], True)
# actual write of IDS data to IMAS database
for ds in ods.keys():
occ = ids.occurrence.get(ds, ods.get('ids_properties.occurrence', 0))
printd(f"{ds}.put({occ}, DBentry)", topic='imas_code')
getattr(ids, ds).put(occ, ids.DBentry)
# close connection to IMAS database
printd("DBentry.close()", topic='imas_code')
return set_paths
def infer_fetch_paths(ids, occurrence, paths, time, imas_version, verbose=True):
Return list of IMAS paths that have data
:param ids: IMAS ids
:param occurrence: dictinonary with the occurrence to load for each IDS
:param paths: list of paths to load from IMAS
:param imas_version: IMAS version
:param time: extract a time slice [expressed in seconds] from the IDS
:param verbose: print ids infos
:return: list of paths that have data
# if paths is None then figure out what IDS are available and get ready to retrieve everything
if paths is None:
requested_paths = [[structure] for structure in list_structures(imas_version=imas_version)]
requested_paths = list(map(p2l, paths))
# fetch relevant IDSs and find available signals
fetch_paths = []
dss = numpy.unique([p[0] for p in requested_paths])
ndss = max([len(d) for d in dss])
for ds in dss:
if not hasattr(ids, ds):
if verbose:
print(f'| {ds.ljust(ndss)} IDS of IMAS version {imas_version} is unknown')
# retrieve this occurrence for this IDS
occ = occurrence.get(ds, 0)
# ids.get()
if time is None:
printd(f"{ds}.get({occ}, DBentry)", topic='imas_code')
getattr(ids, ds).get(occ, ids.DBentry)
except ValueError as _excp:
print(f'x {ds.ljust(ndss)} IDS failed on get') # not sure why some IDSs fail on .get()... it's not about them being empty
# ids.getSlice()
printd(f"ids.{ds}.getSlice({time}, 1, {occ}, DBentry)", topic='imas_code')
getattr(ids, ds).getSlice(time, 1, occ, ids.DBentry)
except ValueError as _excp:
print(f'x {ds.ljust(ndss)} IDS failed on getSlice')
# see if the IDS has any data (if so homogeneous_time must be populated)
if getattr(ids, ds).ids_properties.homogeneous_time != -999999999:
if verbose:
print(f'* {ds.ljust(ndss)} IDS has data ({len(getattr(ids, ds).time)} times)')
except Exception as _excp:
print(f'* {ds.ljust(ndss)} IDS')
fetch_paths += filled_paths_in_ids(ids, load_structure(ds, imas_version=imas_version)[1], [], [], requested_paths)
if verbose:
print(f'- {ds.ljust(ndss)} IDS is empty')
joined_fetch_paths = list(map(l2i, fetch_paths))
return fetch_paths, joined_fetch_paths
def load_omas_imas(
user=os.environ.get('USER', 'dummy_user'),
Load OMAS data from IMAS
:param user: IMAS username
:param machine: IMAS machine
:param pulse: IMAS pulse
:param run: IMAS run
:param occurrence: dictinonary with the occurrence to load for each IDS
:param paths: list of paths to load from IMAS
:param time: time slice [expressed in seconds] to be extracted
:param imas_version: IMAS version (force specific version)
:param skip_uncertainties: do not load uncertain data
:param consistency_check: perform consistency_check
:param verbose: print loading progress
:param backend: Which backend to use, can be one of MDSPLUS, ASCII, HDF5, MEMORY, UDA, NO
:return: OMAS data set
if pulse is None or run is None:
raise Exception('`pulse` and `run` must be specified')
'Loading from IMAS (user:%s machine:%s pulse:%d run:%d, imas_version:%s)' % (user, machine, pulse, run, imas_version), topic='imas'
ids = imas_open(user=user, machine=machine, pulse=pulse, run=run, occurrence=occurrence, new=False, verbose=verbose, backend=backend)
if imas_version is None:
imas_version = ids.dataset_description.imas_version
if not imas_version:
imas_version = os.environ.get('IMAS_VERSION', omas_rcparams['default_imas_version'])
if verbose:
print('dataset_description.imas_version is missing: assuming IMAS version %s' % imas_version)
print('%s IMAS version detected' % imas_version)
except Exception:
except ImportError:
if imas_version is None:
imas_version = os.environ.get('IMAS_VERSION', omas_rcparams['default_imas_version'])
if not omas_rcparams['allow_fake_imas_fallback']:
filename = os.sep.join(
'%s_%s_%d_%d_v%s.pkl' % (user, machine, pulse, run, imas_versions.get(imas_version, imas_version)),
printe('Overloaded load_omas_imas: %s' % filename)
from . import load_omas_pkl
ods = load_omas_pkl(filename, consistency_check=False)
# see what paths have data
# NOTE: this is where the IDS.get operation occurs
fetch_paths, joined_fetch_paths = infer_fetch_paths(
ids, occurrence=occurrence, paths=paths, time=time, imas_version=imas_version, verbose=verbose
# build omas data structure
ods = ODS(imas_version=imas_version, consistency_check=False)
if verbose and tqdm is not None:
progress_fetch_paths = tqdm.tqdm(fetch_paths, file=sys.stdout)
progress_fetch_paths = fetch_paths
with omas_environment(ods, dynamic_path_creation='dynamic_array_structures'):
for k, path in enumerate(progress_fetch_paths):
# print progress
if verbose:
if tqdm is not None:
elif k % int(numpy.ceil(len(fetch_paths) / 10)) == 0 or k == len(fetch_paths) - 1:
print('Loading {0:3.1f}%'.format(100 * float(k) / (len(fetch_paths) - 1)))
# uncertain data is loaded as part of the nominal value of the data
if path[-1].endswith('_error_upper') or path[-1].endswith('_error_lower') or path[-1].endswith('_error_index'):
# get data from IDS
data = imas_get(ids, path, None)
# continue for empty data
if data is None:
# add uncertainty
if not skip_uncertainties and l2i(path[:-1] + [path[-1] + '_error_upper']) in joined_fetch_paths:
stdata = imas_get(ids, path[:-1] + [path[-1] + '_error_upper'], None)
if stdata is not None:
data = uarray(data, stdata)
except uncertainties.core.NegativeStdDev as _excp:
printe('Error loading uncertainty for %s: %s' % (l2i(path), repr(_excp)))
# assign data to ODS
# NOTE: here we can use setraw since IMAS data is by definition compliant with IMAS
ods.setraw(path, data)
# close connection to IMAS database
printd("ids.close()", topic='imas_code')
# add dataset_description information to this ODS
if paths is None:
ods.setdefault('dataset_description.data_entry.user', str(user))
ods.setdefault('dataset_description.data_entry.machine', str(machine))
ods.setdefault('dataset_description.data_entry.pulse', int(pulse))
ods.setdefault('dataset_description.data_entry.run', int(run))
ods.setdefault('dataset_description.imas_version', str(imas_version))
# add occurrence information to the ODS
for ds in ods:
if 'ids_properties' in ods[ds]:
ods[ds]['ids_properties.occurrence'] = occurrence.get(ds, 0)
ods.consistency_check = consistency_check
except LookupError as _excp:
return ods
class dynamic_omas_imas(dynamic_ODS):
Class that provides dynamic data loading from IMAS
This class is not to be used by itself, but via the ODS.open() method.
def __init__(self, user=os.environ.get('USER', 'dummy_user'), machine=None, pulse=None, run=0, occurrence={}, verbose=True):
self.kw = {'user': user, 'machine': machine, 'pulse': pulse, 'run': run, 'verbose': verbose, 'occurrence': occurrence}
self.ids = None
self.active = False
self.open_ids = []
def open(self):
printd('Dynamic open %s' % self.kw, topic='dynamic')
self.ids = imas_open(new=False, **self.kw)
self.active = True
self.open_ids = []
return self
def close(self):
printd('Dynamic close %s' % self.kw, topic='dynamic')
self.open_ids = []
self.ids = None
self.active = False
return self
def __getitem__(self, key):
if not self.active:
raise RuntimeError('Dynamic link broken: %s' % self.kw)
printd('Dynamic read %s: %s' % (self.kw, key), topic='dynamic')
return imas_get(self.ids, p2l(key))
def __contains__(self, key):
if not self.active:
raise RuntimeError('Dynamic link broken: %s' % self.kw)
path = p2l(key)
ds = path[0]
if ds not in self.open_ids:
occ = self.ids.occurrence.get(ds, 0)
getattr(self.ids, ds).get(occ, self.ids.DBentry)
return imas_empty(imas_get(self.ids, path)) is not None
def keys(self, location):
return keys_leading_to_a_filled_path(self.ids, location, os.environ.get('IMAS_VERSION', omas_rcparams['default_imas_version']))
[docs]def browse_imas(
user=os.environ.get('USER', 'dummy_user'),
user_imasdbdir=os.sep.join([os.environ['HOME'], 'public', 'imasdb']),
Browse available IMAS data (machine/pulse/run) for given user
:param user: user (of list of users) to browse. Browses all users if None.
:param pretty: express size in MB and time in human readeable format
:param quiet: print database to screen
:param user_imasdbdir: directory where imasdb is located for current user (typically $HOME/public/imasdb/)
:return: hierarchical dictionary with database of available IMAS data (machine/pulse/run) for given user
# if no users are specified, find all users
if user is None:
user = glob.glob(user_imasdbdir.replace('/%s/' % os.environ.get('USER', 'default_user'), '/*/'))
user = list(map(lambda x: x.split(os.sep)[-3], user))
elif isinstance(user, str):
user = [user]
# build database for each user
imasdb = {}
for username in user:
imasdb[username] = {}
imasdbdir = user_imasdbdir.replace('/%s/' % os.environ.get('USER', 'default_user'), '/%s/' % username).strip()
# find MDSplus datafiles
files = list(recursive_glob('*datafile', imasdbdir))
# extract machine/pulse/run from filename of MDSplus datafiles
for file in files:
tmp = file.split(os.sep)
if not re.match('ids_[0-9]{5,}.datafile', tmp[-1]):
pulse_run = tmp[-1].split('.')[0].split('_')[1]
pulse = int(pulse_run[:-4])
run = int(pulse_run[-4:])
machine = tmp[-4]
# size and data
st = os.stat(file)
size = st.st_size
date = st.st_mtime
if pretty:
import time
size = '%d Mb' % (int(size / 1024 / 1024))
date = time.strftime('%d/%m/%y - %H:%M', time.localtime(date))
# build database
if machine not in imasdb[username]:
imasdb[username][machine] = {}
imasdb[username][machine][pulse, run] = {'size': size, 'date': date}
# print if not quiet
if not quiet:
# return database
return imasdb
[docs]def load_omas_iter_scenario(
pulse, run=0, paths=None, imas_version=os.environ.get('IMAS_VERSION', omas_rcparams['default_imas_version']), verbose=True
Load ODS from ITER IMAS scenario database
:param pulse: IMAS pulse
:param run: IMAS run
:param paths: list of paths to load from IMAS
:param imas_version: IMAS version
:param verbose: print loading progress
:return: OMAS data set
return load_omas_imas(user='public', machine='iterdb', pulse=pulse, run=run, paths=paths, imas_version=imas_version, verbose=verbose)
def filled_paths_in_ids(
ids, ds, path=None, paths=None, requested_paths=None, assume_uniform_array_structures=False, stop_on_first_fill=False
Taverse an IDS and list leaf paths (with proper sizing for arrays of structures)
:param ids: input ids
:param ds: hierarchical data schema as returned for example by load_structure('equilibrium')[1]
:param path: current location
:param paths: list of paths that are filled
:param requested_paths: list of paths that are requested
:param assume_uniform_array_structures: assume that the first structure in an array of structures has data in the same nodes locations of the later structures in the array
:param stop_on_first_fill: return as soon as one path with data hass been found
:return: returns list of paths in an IDS that are filled
if path is None:
path = []
if paths is None:
paths = []
if requested_paths is None:
requested_paths = []
# leaf
if not len(ds):
# append path if it has data
if imas_empty(ids) is not None:
return paths
# keys
keys = list(ds.keys())
if keys[0] == ':':
keys = range(len(ids))
if len(keys) and assume_uniform_array_structures:
keys = [0]
# kid must be part of this list
if len(requested_paths):
request_check = [p[0] for p in requested_paths]
# traverse
for kid in keys:
if kid == 'occurrence' and path[-1] == 'ids_properties':
propagate_path = copy.copy(path)
# generate requested_paths one level deeper
propagate_requested_paths = requested_paths
if len(requested_paths):
if kid in request_check or (isinstance(kid, int) and ':' in request_check):
propagate_requested_paths = [p[1:] for p in requested_paths if len(p) > 1 and (kid == p[0] or p[0] == ':')]
# recursive call
if isinstance(kid, str):
subtree_paths = filled_paths_in_ids(
getattr(ids, kid), ds[kid], propagate_path, [], propagate_requested_paths, assume_uniform_array_structures
subtree_paths = filled_paths_in_ids(
ids[kid], ds[':'], propagate_path, [], propagate_requested_paths, assume_uniform_array_structures
except Exception:
# check if the issue was that we were trying to load something that was added to the _extra_structures
if o2i(l2u(propagate_path)) in _extra_structures.get(propagate_path[0], {}):
# printe('`%s` does not exist in the IMAS data dictionary.
# Consider opening a JIRA issue asking for its addition: https://jira.iter.org' % l2i(path + [kid]))
printe('Error querying IMAS database for `%s` Possible IMAS version mismatch?' % l2i(path + [kid]))
paths += subtree_paths
# assume_uniform_array_structures
if assume_uniform_array_structures and keys[0] == 0:
zero_paths = subtree_paths
for key in range(1, len(ids)):
subtree_paths = copy.deepcopy(zero_paths)
for p in subtree_paths:
p[len(path)] = key
paths += subtree_paths
# if stop_on_first_fill return as soon as a filled path has been found
if len(paths) and stop_on_first_fill:
return paths
return paths
def reach_ids_location(ids, path):
Traverse IMAS structure until reaching location
:param ids: IMAS ids
:param path: path to reach
:return: requested location in IMAS ids
out = ids
for p in path:
if isinstance(p, str):
out = getattr(out, p)
out = out[p]
return out
def reach_ds_location(path, imas_version):
Traverse ds structure until reaching location
:param path: path to reach
:param imas_version: IMAS version
:return: requested location in ds
ds = load_structure(path[0], imas_version=imas_version)[1]
out = ds
for kp, p in enumerate(path):
if not isinstance(p, str):
p = ':'
out = out[p]
return out
def keys_leading_to_a_filled_path(ids, location, imas_version):
What keys at a given IMAS location lead to a leaf that has data
:param ids: IMAS ids
:param location: location to query
:param imas_version: IMAS version
:return: list of keys
# if no location is passed, then we see if the IDSs are filled at all
if not len(location):
filled_keys = []
for ds in list_structures(imas_version=imas_version):
if not hasattr(ids, ds):
occ = ids.occurrence.get(ds, 0)
getattr(ids, ds).get(occ, ids.DBentry)
if getattr(ids, ds).ids_properties.homogeneous_time != -999999999:
return filled_keys
path = p2l(location)
ids = reach_ids_location(ids, path)
ds = reach_ds_location(path, imas_version)
# always list all arrays of structures
if list(ds.keys())[0] == ':':
return list(range(len(ids)))
# find which keys have at least one filled path underneath
filled_keys = []
for kid in ds.keys():
paths = filled_paths_in_ids(getattr(ids, kid), ds[kid], stop_on_first_fill=True)
if len(paths):
return filled_keys
[docs]def through_omas_imas(ods, method=['function', 'class_method'][1]):
Test save and load OMAS IMAS
:param ods: ods
:return: ods
user = os.environ.get('USER', 'default_user')
machine = 'ITER'
pulse = 1
run = 0
ods = copy.deepcopy(ods) # make a copy to make sure save does not alter entering ODS
if method == 'function':
paths = save_omas_imas(ods, user=user, machine=machine, pulse=pulse, run=run, new=True)
ods1 = load_omas_imas(user=user, machine=machine, pulse=pulse, run=run, paths=paths)
paths = ods.save('imas', user=user, machine=machine, pulse=pulse, run=run, new=True)
ods1 = ODS().load('imas', user=user, machine=machine, pulse=pulse, run=run, paths=paths)
return ods1
# List IDS fields that have to be present to add datasets in the ITER scenario database
# as defined here: from https://confluence.iter.org/x/kQqOE
iter_scenario_requirements = [