Source code for omas.omas_machine


import subprocess
import functools
import shutil
from omas.omas_utils import *
from omas.omas_core import ODS, dynamic_ODS, omas_environment, omas_info_node, imas_json_dir, omas_rcparams
from omas.omas_physics import cocos_signals
from omas.machine_mappings import d3d, nstx, nstxu, east
from omas.machine_mappings.d3d import __regression_arguments__
from omas.utilities.machine_mapping_decorator import machine_mapping_function
from omas.utilities.omas_mds import mdsvalue, check_for_pulse_id
    from MDSplus.connection import MdsIpException
    from MDSplus.mdsExceptions import TreeNODATA, TreeNNF

    from omas.machine_mappings import mast
except ImportError:

__all__ = [

machine_expression_types = ['VALUE', 'EVAL', 'ENVIRON', 'PYTHON', 'TDI', 'eval2TDI']

_url_dir = os.sep.join([omas_rcparams['tmp_omas_dir'], 'machine_mappings', '{branch}', 'omas_machine_mappings_url_{branch}'])

# ===================
# mapping engine
# ===================

def python_tdi_namespace(branch):
    Returns the namespace of the file

    :param branch: remote branch to load

    :return: namespace
    # return cached python tdi function namespace
    if branch in _python_tdi_namespace:
        return _python_tdi_namespace[branch]
    _python_tdi_namespace[branch] = {}

    # get local mapping functions
    if not branch:
        exec('from omas.machine_mappings.python_tdi import *', _python_tdi_namespace[branch])

    # get mapping functions from GitHub
        printd(f'omas python tdi mappings from branch: `{branch}`', topic='machine')

        # make sure remote branch is transfered
        machines(None, branch)

        # import from temporary directory
        dir = _url_dir.format(branch=branch)
        if dir + os.sep + '..' not in sys.path:
            sys.path.insert(0, dir + os.sep + '..')

        exec(f'from omas_machine_mappings_url_{branch}.python_tdi import *', _python_tdi_namespace[branch])

    return _python_tdi_namespace[branch]

def remove_nans(x):
    import numpy as np
    if np.isscalar(x):
        if np.isnan(x):
            raise ValueError("Behavior of Nan filter undefined for scalar nan values")
            return x
        return x[~np.isnan(x)]

def machine_to_omas(ods, machine, pulse, location, options={}, branch='', user_machine_mappings=None, cache=None):
    Routine to convert machine data to ODS

    :param ods: input ODS to populate

    :param machine: machine name

    :param pulse: pulse number

    :param location: ODS location to be populated

    :param options: dictionary with options to use when loading the data

    :param branch: load machine mappings and mapping functions from a specific GitHub branch

    :param user_mappings: allow specification of external mappings

    :param cache: if cache is a dictionary, this will be used to establish a cash

    :return: updated ODS and data before being assigned to the ODS

    pulse = int(pulse)

    if user_machine_mappings is None:
        user_machine_mappings = {}

    location = l2o(p2l(location))
    for branch in [branch, 'master']:
        mappings = machine_mappings(machine, branch, user_machine_mappings)
        options_with_defaults = copy.copy(mappings['__options__'])
        options_with_defaults.update({'machine': machine, 'pulse': pulse, 'location': location})
            if not location.endswith(".*"): # location = "core_profiles.*"
                mapped = mappings[location]
        except KeyError as e:
            if branch == 'master':
                raise e
                print(f"Failed to load {location} from head. Attempting to resolve using the master branch.")
                print(f"Error was:")
    idm = (machine, branch)
    failed_locations = {}
    if location.endswith(".*"):
        root = location.split(".*")[0]
        for key in mappings:
            if root in key and key not in ods:
                    resolve_mapped(ods, machine, pulse, mappings, key, idm, options_with_defaults, branch, cache=cache)
                except (TreeNODATA, MdsIpException) as e:
                    if hasattr(e, "eval2TDI"):
                        failed_locations[key] = e.eval2TDI
                        failed_locations[key] = e.TDI
                except TreeNNF as e:
                    failed_locations[key] = e.TDI
                    if key != 'equilibrium.time_slice.:.constraints.j_tor.:.measured':
                        raise e
        if len(failed_locations) > 0:
            import yaml
            print("Failed to load the following keys: ")
            with open("failed_locs", "w") as failed_locs_file:
                yaml.dump(failed_locations, failed_locs_file, yaml.CDumper)
            return ods
        return resolve_mapped(ods, machine, pulse,  mappings, location, idm, options_with_defaults, branch, cache=cache)

def resolve_mapped(ods, machine, pulse,  mappings, location, idm, options_with_defaults, branch, cache=None):
    Routine to resolve a mapping

    :param ods: input ODS to populate

    :param machine: machine name

    :param pulse: pulse number

    :param mappings: Dictionary of available mappings

    :param location: ODS location to be resolved

    :param idm: Tuple with machine and branch

    :param options_with_defaults: dictionary with options to use when loading the data including default settings

    :param branch: load machine mappings and mapping functions from a specific GitHub branch

    :param cache: if cache is a dictionary, this will be used to establish a cash

    :return: updated ODS and data before being assigned to the ODS
    mapped = mappings[location]
    # cocosio
    cocosio = None
    if 'COCOSIO' in mapped:
        if isinstance(mapped['COCOSIO'], int):
            cocosio = mapped['COCOSIO']
    elif 'COCOSIO_PYTHON' in mapped:
        call = mapped['COCOSIO_PYTHON'].format(**options_with_defaults)
        if cache and call in cache:
            cocosio = cache[call]
            namespace = {}
            namespace['__file__'] = machines(machine, branch)[:-5] + '.py'
            tmp = compile(call, machines(machine, branch)[:-5] + '.py', 'eval')
            cocosio = eval(tmp, namespace)
            if isinstance(cache, dict):
                cache[call] = cocosio
    elif 'COCOSIO_TDI' in mapped:
        TDI = mapped['COCOSIO_TDI'].format(**options_with_defaults)
        treename = mapped['treename'].format(**options_with_defaults) if 'treename' in mapped else None
        cocosio = int(mdsvalue(machine, treename, pulse, TDI).raw())

    if 'VALUE' in mapped:
        data0 = data = mapped['VALUE']

    # EVAL
    elif 'EVAL' in mapped:
        data0 = data = eval(mapped['EVAL'].format(**options_with_defaults), _namespace_mappings[idm])

    elif 'ENVIRON' in mapped:
        data0 = data = os.environ.get(mapped['ENVIRON'].format(**options_with_defaults))
        if data is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Environmental variable {mapped["ENVIRON"].format(**options_with_defaults)} is not defined'

    # PYTHON
    elif 'PYTHON' in mapped:
        call = mapped['PYTHON'].format(**options_with_defaults)
        # python functions tend to set multiple locations at once
        # it is thus very beneficial to cache that
        if cache and call in cache:
            ods = cache[call]
            namespace = {}
            namespace['ods'] = ODS()
            namespace['__file__'] = machines(machine, branch)[:-5] + '.py'
            printd(f"Calling `{call}` in {os.path.basename(namespace['__file__'])}", topic='machine')
            # Add the callback for mapping updates
            # By supplyinh the function to the decorator we avoid a ringinclusion
            call_w_update_mapping = call[:-1] + ", update_callback=update_mapping)"
            exec( machine + "." + call_w_update_mapping)
            if isinstance(cache, dict):
                cache[call] = ods
        if location.endswith(':'):
            return (
                int(len(ods[u2n(location[:-2], [0] * 100)])),
                {'raw_data': ods, 'processed_data': ods, 'cocosio': cocosio, 'branch': mappings['__branch__']},
            return ods, {'raw_data': ods, 'processed_data': ods, 'cocosio': cocosio, 'branch': mappings['__branch__']}

    # MDSplus
    elif 'TDI' in mapped:
            if 'treename' in  mapped:
                pulse_id = check_for_pulse_id(pulse, mapped['treename'], options_with_defaults)
                pulse_id = pulse
            TDI = mapped['TDI'].format(**options_with_defaults)
            treename = mapped['treename'].format(**options_with_defaults) if 'treename' in mapped else None
            data0 = data = mdsvalue(machine, treename, pulse_id, TDI).raw()
            if data is None:
                raise ValueError('data is None')
        except Exception as e:
            printe(mapped['TDI'].format(**options_with_defaults).replace('\\n', '\n'))
            if "eval2TDI" in mapped:
                e.eval2TDI = mapped['eval2TDI']
            e.TDI = mapped['TDI']
            raise e

        raise ValueError(f"Could not fetch data for {location}. Must define one of {machine_expression_types}")

    # handle size definition for array of structures
    if location.endswith(':'):
        return int(data), {'raw_data': data0, 'processed_data': data, 'cocosio': cocosio, 'branch': mappings['__branch__']}

    # transpose manipulation
    if mapped.get('TRANSPOSE', False):
        for k in range(len(mapped['TRANSPOSE']) - len(data.shape)):
            data = numpy.array([data])
        data = numpy.transpose(data, mapped['TRANSPOSE'])

    # transpose filter
    nanfilter = lambda x: x
    if mapped.get('NANFILTER', False):
        #lambda x: x[~numpy.isnan(x)]
        nanfilter = remove_nans

    # assign data to ODS
    if not hasattr(data, 'shape'):
        ods[location] = data
        with omas_environment(ods, cocosio=cocosio):
            dsize = len(data.shape)  # size of the data fetched from MDSplus
            csize = len(mapped.get('COORDINATES', []))  # number of coordinates
            osize = len([c for c in mapped.get('COORDINATES', []) if c != '1...N'])  # number of named coordinates
            asize = location.count(':') + csize  # data size required from MDSplus to make the assignement
            if asize != dsize:
                raise Exception(
                    f"Experiment data {data.shape} does not fit in `{location}` [{', '.join([':'] * location.count(':') + mapped.get('COORDINATES', []))}]"
            if dsize - osize == 0 or ':' not in location:
                if data.size == 1:
                    data = data.item()
                ods[location] = nanfilter(data)
                for k in itertools.product(*list(map(range, data.shape[: location.count(':')]))):
                    ods[u2n(location, k)] = nanfilter(data[k])

    return ods, {'raw_data': data0, 'processed_data': data, 'cocosio': cocosio, 'branch': mappings['__branch__']}

_machine_mappings = {}
_namespace_mappings = {}
_user_machine_mappings = {}
_python_tdi_namespace = {}

[docs]def machine_mappings(machine, branch, user_machine_mappings=None, return_raw_mappings=False, raise_errors=False): """ Function to load the json mapping files (local or remote) Allows for merging external mapping rules defined by users. This function sanity-checks and the mapping file and adds extra info required for mapping :param machine: machine for which to load the mapping files :param branch: GitHub branch from which to load the machine mapping information :param user_machine_mappings: Dictionary of mappings that users can pass to this function to temporarily use their mappings (useful for development and testinig purposes) :param return_raw_mappings: Return mappings without following __include__ statements nor resoliving `eval2TDI` directives :param raise_errors: raise errors or simply print warnings if something isn't right :return: dictionary with mapping transformations """ if user_machine_mappings is None: user_machine_mappings = {} idm = (machine, branch) if ( return_raw_mappings or idm not in _machine_mappings or list(_user_machine_mappings.keys()) + list(user_machine_mappings.keys()) != _machine_mappings[idm]['__user_machine_mappings__'] ): # figure out mapping file filename = machines(machine, branch) # load mappings from file following __include__ directives if not os.stat(filename).st_size: top = {} else: with open(filename, 'r') as f: try: top = json.load(f) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as _excp: raise ValueError(f'Error reading {filename}\n' + str(_excp)) go_deep = ['__cocos_rules__', '__options__'] mappings = {k: {} for k in go_deep} mappings.setdefault('__include__', ['_common']) if not return_raw_mappings: for item in top.get('__include__', ['_common']): include_filename = os.path.split(filename)[0] + os.sep + f'{item}.json' with open(include_filename, 'r') as f: try: sub = json.load(f) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as _excp: raise ValueError(f'Error reading {include_filename}\n' + str(_excp)) for k in go_deep: mappings[k].update(sub.setdefault(k, {})) del sub[k] for k in sub: sub[k]['__include__'] = item mappings.update(sub) for k in go_deep: mappings[k].update(top.setdefault(k, {})) del top[k] mappings.update(top) # merge mappings and user_machine_mappings mappings['__user_machine_mappings__'] = [] for umap in [_user_machine_mappings, user_machine_mappings]: umap = copy.copy(umap) mappings['__user_machine_mappings__'].extend(list(umap.keys())) for item in ['__cocos_rules__', '__options__']: mappings[item].update(umap.pop(item, {})) mappings.update(umap) # return raw json mappings if so requested if return_raw_mappings: mappings.pop('__user_machine_mappings__') return mappings # ============= below this line we process the raw mappings ============= mappings['__filename__'] = filename mappings['__branch__'] = branch # read the machine specific python mapping functions _namespace_mappings[idm] = {} if os.path.exists(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.py'): with open(os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.py', 'r') as f: try: exec(, _namespace_mappings[idm]) except Exception as _excp: raise _excp.__class__(f"Error in {os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.py'}\n" + str(_excp)) # generate TDI for cocos_rules for item in mappings['__cocos_rules__']: if 'eval2TDI' in mappings['__cocos_rules__'][item]: try: mappings['__cocos_rules__'][item]['TDI'] = eval( mappings['__cocos_rules__'][item]['eval2TDI'].replace('\\', '\\\\'), python_tdi_namespace(branch) ) except Exception as _excp: text = f"Error evaluating eval2TDI in ['__cocos_rules__'][{item!r}]: {mappings['__cocos_rules__'][item]['eval2TDI']}:\n{_excp!r}" if raise_errors: raise _excp.__class__(text) else: printe(text) # generate TDI and sanity check mappings for location in mappings: # sanity check format if l2o(p2l(location)) != location: raise ValueError(f'{location} mapping should be specified as {l2o(p2l(location))}') # generate DTI functions based on eval2DTI if 'eval2TDI' in mappings[location]: mappings[location]['TDI'] = eval(mappings[location]['eval2TDI'].replace('\\', '\\\\'), python_tdi_namespace(branch)) # make sure required coordinates info are present in the mapping # this COORDINATES info is also used later to assing data in the ODS info = omas_info_node(location) if 'coordinates' in info: mappings[location]['COORDINATES'] = list(map(i2o, info['coordinates'])) for coordinate in mappings[location]['COORDINATES']: if '1...' in coordinate: continue elif coordinate not in mappings: text = f'Missing coordinate {coordinate} for {location}' if raise_errors: raise ValueError(text) else: printe(text) # add cocos transformation info has_COCOS = o2u(location) in cocos_signals and cocos_signals[o2u(location)] is not None if 'COCOSIO' not in mappings[location] and has_COCOS: cocos_defined = False for cocos_rule in mappings['__cocos_rules__']: for exp in ['TDI', 'PYTHON']: if exp in mappings[location] and re.findall(cocos_rule, mappings[location][exp]): for cocos_exp in ['PYTHON', 'TDI']: if cocos_exp in mappings['__cocos_rules__'][cocos_rule]: mappings[location]['COCOSIO_' + cocos_exp] = mappings['__cocos_rules__'][cocos_rule][cocos_exp] cocos_defined = True if not cocos_defined: text = f'{location} must have COCOSIO specified' if raise_errors: raise ValueError(text) else: printe(text) if 'COCOSIO' in mappings[location] and not has_COCOS: text = f'{location} should not have COCOS specified, or COCOS definition should be added to omas_cocos file' if raise_errors: raise ValueError(text) else: printe(text) # cache _machine_mappings[idm] = mappings return _machine_mappings[idm]
def reload_machine_mappings(verbose=True): """ Flushes internal caches of machine mappings. This will force the mapping files to be re-read when they are first accessed. :param verbose: print to screen when mappings are reloaded """ # reset machine mapping caches for cache in [_machine_mappings, _namespace_mappings, _python_tdi_namespace, _machines_dict, _user_machine_mappings]: cache.clear() # in case users did a `from omas.machine_mappings import ...` for mod in list(sys.modules): if mod.startswith('omas.machine_mappings'): del sys.modules[mod] if verbose: print('Reloaded OMAS machine mapping info') # =================== # list machines and update machine files # =================== _machines_dict = {}
[docs]def machines(machine=None, branch=''): """ Function to get machines that have their mappings defined This function takes care of remote transfer the needed files (both .json and .py) if a remote branch is requested :param machine: string with machine name or None :param branch: GitHub branch from which to load the machine mapping information :return: if `machine==None` returns dictionary with list of machines and their json mapping files if `machine` is a string, then returns json mapping filename """ # return cached results if branch in _machines_dict: if machine is None: return _machines_dict[branch] elif machine in _machines_dict[branch]: return _machines_dict[branch][machine] # local mappings if not branch: dir = omas_dir + 'machine_mappings' # remote mappings from GitHub else: if branch == 'master': svn_branch = 'trunk' else: svn_branch = 'branches/' + branch dir = _url_dir.format(branch=branch) if os.path.exists(dir): shutil.rmtree(dir) subprocess.Popen( f''' svn export --force{svn_branch}/omas/machine_mappings/ {dir} ''', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ).communicate()[0] # go through machine files _machines_dict[branch] = {} for filename in glob.glob(f'{dir}/*.json'): m = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[1])[0] if not m.startswith('_'): _machines_dict[branch][m] = os.path.abspath(filename) # return list of supported machines if machine is None: return _machines_dict[branch] # return filename with mappings for this machine else: if machine not in _machines_dict[branch]: raise NotImplementedError(f'Machine mapping file `{machine}.json` does not exist') return _machines_dict[branch][machine]
def update_mapping(machine, location, value, cocosio=None, default_options=None, update_path=False): """ Utility function that updates the local mapping file of a given machine with the mapping info of a given location :param machine: machine name :param location: ODS location to be updated :param value: dictionary with mapping info :param cocosio: if integer and location has COCOS transform it adds it :param update_path: use the same value for the arrays of structures leading to this location :return: dictionary with updated raw mappings """ ulocation = l2u(p2l(location)) value = copy.copy(value) if 'COORDINATES' in value: del value['COORDINATES'] if cocosio and ulocation in cocos_signals and cocos_signals[ulocation] is not None: assert isinstance(cocosio, int) value['COCOSIO'] = cocosio # operate on the raw mappings new_raw_mappings = machine_mappings(machine, '', None, return_raw_mappings=True) # assign default options updated_defaults = False if default_options: for item in default_options: if item not in new_raw_mappings['__options__'] and item not in ['machine', 'pulse', 'location']: new_raw_mappings['__options__'][item] = default_options[item] updated_defaults = True # if the definition is the same do not do anythinig # use `sorted(repr(dict))` as a cheap recursive dictionary diff # sorted is needed because starting with Python3.7 dictionaries are sorted and we cannot guarantee that value and mappings have same sorting if not updated_defaults and ulocation in new_raw_mappings and sorted(repr(value)) == sorted(repr(new_raw_mappings[ulocation])): return new_raw_mappings # add definition for new/updated location and update the .json file new_raw_mappings[ulocation] = value filename = machines(machine, '') with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(new_raw_mappings, f, indent=1, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) print(f'Updated {machine} mapping for {ulocation}') # add the same call for arrays of structures going upstream if update_path: for uloc in [':'.join(ulocation.split(':')[: k + 1]) + ':' for k, l in enumerate(ulocation.split(':')[:-1])]: if uloc in new_raw_mappings: continue if 'COCOSIO' in value: value = copy.copy(value) del value['COCOSIO'] update_mapping(machine, uloc, value, None, None, update_path=False) return new_raw_mappings
[docs]def test_machine_mapping_functions(machine, __all__, global_namespace, local_namespace): """ Function used to test python mapping functions :param __all__: list of functionss to test :param namespace: testing namespace """ from pprint import pprint old_OMAS_DEBUG_TOPIC = os.environ.get('OMAS_DEBUG_TOPIC', None) os.environ['OMAS_DEBUG_TOPIC'] = 'machine' # call machine mapping to make sure the json file is properly formatted # machine = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(local_namespace['__file__'])[1])[0] print(f'Sanity check of `{machine}` mapping files: ... ', end='') machine_mappings(machine, '', raise_errors=True) print('OK') __regression_arguments__ = global_namespace['__regression_arguments__'] try: for func_name in __all__: regression_kw = {item: value for item, value in __regression_arguments__.get(func_name, {}).items() if item != '__all__'} print('=' * len(func_name)) print(func_name) pprint(regression_kw) print('=' * len(func_name)) ods = ODS() #consistency_check= not break_schema func = eval(func_name, global_namespace, local_namespace) try: try: regression_kw["update_callback"] = update_mapping func(ods, **regression_kw) except Exception: raise except TypeError as _excp: if re.match('.*missing [0-9]+ required positional argument.*', str(_excp)): raise _excp.__class__( str(_excp) + '\n' + 'For testing purposes, make sure to provide default arguments for your mapping functions via the decorator @machine_mapping_function(__regression_arguments__, ...)' ) else: raise tmp = numpy.unique(list(map(o2u, ods.flat().keys()))).tolist() if not len(tmp): print('No data assigned to ODS') return n = max(map(lambda x: len(x), tmp)) for item in tmp: try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('error') print(f'{item.ljust(n)} {numpy.array(ods[item]).shape}') except Exception: print(f'{item.ljust(n)} mixed') finally: if old_OMAS_DEBUG_TOPIC is None: del os.environ['OMAS_DEBUG_TOPIC'] else: os.environ['OMAS_DEBUG_TOPIC'] = old_OMAS_DEBUG_TOPIC
# =================== # Loading machine data in ODSs # =================== class dynamic_omas_machine(dynamic_ODS): """ Class that provides dynamic data loading from machine mappings This class is not to be used by itself, but via the method. """ def __init__(self, machine, pulse, options={}, branch='', user_machine_mappings=None, verbose=True): = {'machine': machine, 'pulse': int(pulse), 'options': options, 'branch': branch, 'user_machine_mappings': user_machine_mappings} = False self.cache = {} def open(self): printd('Dynamic open %s' %, topic='dynamic') = True return self def close(self): printd('Dynamic close %s' %, topic='dynamic') = False self.cache.clear() return self def __getitem__(self, key): if not raise RuntimeError('Dynamic link broken: %s' % if o2u(key) not in self.cache: printd('Dynamic read %s: %s' % (, key), topic='dynamic') ods, _ = machine_to_omas( ODS(),['machine'],['pulse'], o2u(key),['options'],['branch'],['user_machine_mappings'], self.cache, ) self.cache[o2u(key)] = ods if isinstance(self.cache[o2u(key)], int): return self.cache[o2u(key)] else: return self.cache[o2u(key)][key] def __contains__(self, location): if not raise RuntimeError('Dynamic link broken: %s' % ulocation = o2u(location) if ulocation.endswith(':'): return False return ulocation in machine_mappings(['machine'],['branch'],['user_machine_mappings']) def keys(self, location): ulocation = (o2u(location) + ".").lstrip('.') if ulocation + ':' in machine_mappings(['machine'],['branch'],['user_machine_mappings']): try: return list(range(self[ulocation + ':'])) except Exception as _excp: printe(f'{ulocation}: issue:' + repr(_excp)) return [] else: tmp = numpy.unique( [ convert_int(k[len(ulocation) :].lstrip('.').split('.')[0]) for k in machine_mappings(['machine'],['branch'],['user_machine_mappings']) if not k.startswith('_') and k.startswith(ulocation) and len(k[len(ulocation) :].lstrip('.').split('.')[0]) ] ) if ':' in tmp: raise ValueError(f"Please specify number of structures for `{o2u(location)}.:` in {['machine']}.json") return tmp
[docs]def load_omas_machine( machine, pulse, options={}, consistency_check=True, imas_version=omas_rcparams['default_imas_version'], cls=ODS, branch='', user_machine_mappings=None, ): printd('Loading from %s' % machine, topic='machine') ods = cls(imas_version=imas_version, consistency_check=consistency_check) for location in [location for location in machine_mappings(machine, branch, user_machine_mappings) if not location.startswith('__')]: if location.endswith(':'): continue print(location) machine_to_omas(ods, machine, pulse, location, options, branch) return ods