'''physics-based ODS methods and utilities
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from .omas_utils import *
from .omas_core import ODS
__all__ = []
__ods__ = []
def add_to__ODS__(f):
anything wrapped here will be available as a ODS method with name 'physics_'+f.__name__
return f
def add_to__ALL__(f):
return f
def preprocess_ods(*require, require_mode=['warn_through', 'warn_skip', 'raise'][0]):
Decorator function that:
* checks that required quantities are there
def _req(f):
from functools import wraps
def wrapper(*args1, **kw1):
args, kw = args_as_kw(f, args1, kw1)
# handle missing required quantities
missing = []
for k in require:
if k not in kw['ods']:
if len(missing):
txt = 'could not evaluate %s because of missing %s ODS' % (f.__name__, missing)
if require_mode == 'warn_through':
elif require_mode == 'warn_skip':
return kw['ods']
elif require_mode == 'raise':
raise RuntimeError(txt)
# run function
return f(*args, **kw)
return wrapper
return _req
# constants class that mimics scipy.constants
class constants(object):
e = 1.6021766208e-19
def consistent_times(ods, attempt_fix=True, raise_errors=True):
Assign .time and .ids_properties.homogeneous_time info for top-level structures since these are required for writing an IDS to IMAS
:param attempt_fix: fix dataset_description and wall IDS to have 0 times if none is set
:param raise_errors: raise errors if could not satisfy IMAS requirements
:return: `True` if all is good, `False` if requirements are not satisfied, `None` if fixes were applied
# if called at top level, loop over all data structures
if not len(ods.location):
out = {}
for ds in ods:
out[ds] = ods.getraw(ds).physics_consistent_times(attempt_fix=attempt_fix, raise_errors=raise_errors)
if any(k is False for k in out.values()):
return False
elif any(k is None for k in out.values()):
return None
return True
ds = p2l(ods.location)[0]
extra_info = {}
time = ods.time(extra_info=extra_info)
if extra_info['homogeneous_time'] is False:
ods['ids_properties']['homogeneous_time'] = extra_info['homogeneous_time']
elif time is not None and len(time):
ods['time'] = time
ods['ids_properties']['homogeneous_time'] = extra_info['homogeneous_time']
elif attempt_fix:
ods['time'] = [-1.0]
extra_info['homogeneous_time'] = True
ods['ids_properties']['homogeneous_time'] = extra_info['homogeneous_time']
return None
elif raise_errors:
raise ValueError(ods.location + '.time cannot be automatically filled! Missing time information in the data structure.')
return False
return True
def imas_info(ods):
add ids_properties.version_put... information
:return: updated ods
# if called at top level, loop over all data structures
if not len(ods.location):
for ds in ods:
ods['ids_properties.version_put.access_layer'] = 'N/A'
ods['ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language'] = 'OMAS'
ods['ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary'] = ods.imas_version
return ods
def equilibrium_stored_energy(ods, update=True):
Calculate MHD stored energy from equilibrium pressure and volume
:param ods: input ods
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
for time_index in ods['equilibrium']['time_slice']:
pressure_equil = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['pressure']
volume_equil = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['volume']
ods_n['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]['.global_quantities.energy_mhd'] = (
3.0 / 2.0 * numpy.trapz(pressure_equil, x=volume_equil)
) # [J]
return ods_n
def equilibrium_ggd_to_rectangular(ods, time_index=None, resolution=None, method='linear', update=True):
Convert GGD data to profiles 2D
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time slices to process
:param resolution: integer or tuple for rectangular grid resolution
:param method: one of 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'extrapolate'
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
points = ods['equilibrium.grids_ggd[0].grid[0].space[0].objects_per_dimension[0].object[:].geometry']
if resolution is None:
resolution = int(numpy.sqrt(len(points[:, 0])))
if isinstance(resolution, int):
resolution = [resolution, resolution]
if time_index is None:
time_index = range(len(ods['equilibrium.time_slice']))
elif isinstance(time_index, int):
time_index = [time_index]
cache = True
for itime in time_index:
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{itime}.profiles_2d.0.grid_type'].setdefault('index', 1)
for k in ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{itime}.profiles_2d']:
profiles_2d = ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{itime}.profiles_2d.{k}']
if 'grid_type.index' in profiles_2d and profiles_2d['grid_type.index'] == 1:
ggd = ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{itime}.ggd.0']
for what in ggd:
quantity = ggd[what + '.0.values']
r, z, interpolated, cache = scatter_to_rectangular(
points[:, 0], points[:, 1], quantity, resolution[0], resolution[1], method=method, return_cache=cache
profiles_2d[what] = interpolated.T
profiles_2d['grid.dim1'] = r
profiles_2d['grid.dim2'] = z
return ods_n
def add_rho_pol_norm_to_equilbrium_profiles_1d_ods(ods, time_index):
if (len(ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["profiles_1d"]["rho_pol-norm"]) ==
raise LookupError
except LookupError:
ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["profiles_1d"]["rho_pol_norm"] = (
ods.map_pol_flux_to_flux_coordinate(ods, time_index, "rho_pol_norm",
def mask_SOL(ods, time_index, psi_values):
Returns a numpy array of `dtype=bool`/
The array is true for all values inside and on the LCFS
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time slices to process
:param values: Psi values that need to masked
:return: mask that is True for values inside and on the LCFS
if (ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_axis"] <
return psi_values <= ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_boundary"]
return psi_values >= ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_boundary"]
def add_phi_to_equilbrium_profiles_1d_ods(ods, time_index):
Adds `profiles_1d.phi` to an ODS using q
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time slices to process
if (len(ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["profiles_1d"]["phi"]) ==
raise LookupError
except (LookupError, ValueError):
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
# - Any cocos needed here?
psi = ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["profiles_1d"]["psi"]
mask = mask_SOL(ods, time_index, psi)
q_spline = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
phi_spline = q_spline.antiderivative(1)
ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["profiles_1d"]["phi"] = numpy.zeros(psi.shape)
ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["profiles_1d"]["phi"][mask] = (
ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["profiles_1d"]["phi"][mask==False] = numpy.inf
def map_flux_coordinate_to_pol_flux(ods, time_index, origin, values):
import numpy as np
Maps from one magnetic coordinate system to psi
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time slices to process
:param origin: Specifier for original coordinate system
:param values: Values to transform to poloidal flux
:return: Transformed values
if origin == "psi_norm" or origin == "rho_pol_norm":
if origin == "rho_pol_norm":
values = values**2
return (values * (ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_boundary"]
- ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_axis"])
+ ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_axis"])
if origin == "rho_pol_norm":
return (values**2 * (ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_boundary"]
- ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_axis"])
+ ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_axis"])
elif origin == "rho_tor_norm":
phi = values**2
phi *= map_pol_flux_to_flux_coordinate(ods, time_index, "phi",
return map_flux_coordinate_to_pol_flux(ods, time_index, "phi", phi)
elif origin == "phi":
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
psi_grid = ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["profiles_1d"]["psi"]
psi_mask = mask_SOL(ods, time_index, psi_grid)
phi_grid = ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["profiles_1d"]["phi"][psi_mask]
if phi_grid[-1] < phi_grid[0]:
psi_spl = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(phi_grid[psi_mask][::-1], psi_grid[psi_mask][::-1])
psi_spl = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(phi_grid[psi_mask], psi_grid[psi_mask])
phi_min = np.min(phi_grid)
phi_max = np.max(phi_grid)
values_mask = np.logical_and(values >= phi_min, values <= phi_max)
psi = np.zeros(values.shape)
psi[:] = np.nan
psi[values_mask] = psi_spl(values[values_mask])
return psi
raise NotImplementedError(f"Conversion from {origin} not yet implemented.")
def map_pol_flux_to_flux_coordinate(ods, time_index, destination, values):
import numpy as np
Maps from one magnetic coordinate system to psi
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time slices to process
:param destination: Target coordinate system for output
:param values: Values to transform to poloidal flux
:return: Transformed values
if destination == "psi_norm" or destination == "rho_pol_norm":
psi_n = ((values - ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_axis"])
/ (ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_boundary"]
- ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_axis"]))
if destination == "rho_pol_norm":
return np.sqrt(psi_n)
return psi_n
elif destination == "rho_tor_norm":
mask = mask_SOL(ods, time_index, values)
phi = map_pol_flux_to_flux_coordinate(ods, time_index, "phi", values[mask])
rho_tor_norm = np.zeros(values.shape)
phi_boundary = map_pol_flux_to_flux_coordinate(ods, time_index, "phi",
rho_tor_norm[mask] = np.sqrt(phi / phi_boundary)
rho_tor_norm[mask==False] = np.inf
return rho_tor_norm
elif destination == "phi":
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
psi_grid = ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["profiles_1d"]["psi"]
psi_grid_mask = mask_SOL(ods, time_index, psi_grid)
phi_spl = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(psi_grid[psi_grid_mask],
except ValueError:
add_phi_to_equilbrium_profiles_1d_ods(ods, time_index)
phi_spl = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(psi_grid[psi_grid_mask],
mask = mask_SOL(ods, time_index, values)
phi = np.zeros(values.shape)
phi[mask] = phi_spl(values[mask])
phi_bound = phi_spl(ods["equilibrium"]["time_slice"][time_index]["global_quantities"]["psi_boundary"])
phi[mask==False] = np.inf * np.sign(phi_bound)
wrong_sign_mask = phi_bound * phi < 0
if np.any(wrong_sign_mask):
if np.any(np.abs(phi[wrong_sign_mask]/phi_bound) > 1.e-4):
raise ValueError("Unphysical phi encountered when mapping to phi")
phi[wrong_sign_mask] = 0.0
return phi
raise NotImplementedError(f"Conversion to {destination} not yet implemented.")
def remap_flux_coordinates(ods, time_index, origin, destination, values):
Maps from one magnetic coordinate system to another. At the moment only supports
psi <-> rho_pol
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time slices to process
:param origin: Specifier for original coordinate system
:param destination: Target coordinate system for output
:param values: Values to transform
:return: Transformed values
if origin != "psi":
psi = map_flux_coordinate_to_pol_flux(ods, time_index, origin, values)
psi = values
if destination != "psi":
return map_pol_flux_to_flux_coordinate(ods, time_index, destination, psi)
return psi
def resolve_equilibrium_profiles_2d_grid_index(ods, time_index, grid_identifier):
Convenience function to identify which of profiles_2d[:].grid_type.index
matches the specified grid_identifier
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time index to search
:param grid_identifier: grid type to be resolved
:return: Index of grid the requested grid, not to be confused with
grid_type = {'grid_type.index': grid_identifier}
grid_index = search_in_array_structure(
ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d'], grid_type, no_matches_raise_error=True
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Requested equilibrium.profiles_2d_grid_type not present")
return grid_index
def derive_equilibrium_profiles_2d_quantity(ods, time_index, grid_index, quantity):
This function derives values of empty fields in prpfiles_2d from other parameters in the equilibrium ods
Currently only the magnetic field components are supported
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time slice to process
:param grid_index: Index of grid to map
:param quantity: Member of profiles_2d to be derived
:return: updated ods
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
r, z = numpy.meshgrid(
psi_spl = RectBivariateSpline(
cocos = define_cocos(11)
if quantity == "b_field_r":
ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.{grid_index}.b_field_r'] = (
psi_spl(r, z, dy=1, grid=False) * cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * cocos['sigma_Bp'] / ((2.0 * numpy.pi) ** cocos['exp_Bp'] * r)
return ods
elif quantity == "b_field_z":
ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.{grid_index}.b_field_z'] = (
-psi_spl(r, z, dx=1, grid=False) * cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * cocos['sigma_Bp'] / ((2.0 * numpy.pi) ** cocos['exp_Bp'] * r)
return ods
elif quantity == "b_field_tor":
mask = numpy.logical_and(
< numpy.max(ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_1d.psi']),
> numpy.min(ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_1d.psi']),
f_spl = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_1d.psi'], ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_1d.f']
ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.{grid_index}.b_field_tor'] = numpy.zeros(r.shape)
ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.{grid_index}.b_field_tor'][mask] = (
f_spl(psi_spl(r[mask], z[mask], grid=False)) / r[mask]
ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.{grid_index}.b_field_tor'][mask == False] = (
ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_1d.f'][-1] / r[mask == False]
return ods
raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot add {quantity}. Not yet implemented.")
def cache_interpolator(cache, time_index, grid_index, quantity, interpolator):
Utility function for equilibrium_profiles_2d_map. Creates a tree dictionary structure to store interpolators.
:param cache: cache object to add tree entry to
:param time_index: time slices to process
:param grid_index: Index of grid to map
:param quantity: Member of profiles_2d[:]
:param interpolator: Interpolator to store
:return: updated cache
if cache is None:
cache = {}
if time_index not in cache:
cache[time_index] = {}
if grid_index not in cache[time_index]:
cache[time_index][grid_index] = {}
cache[time_index][grid_index][quantity] = interpolator
return cache
def equilibrium_profiles_2d_map(
ods, time_index, grid_index, quantity, dim1=None, dim2=None, cache=None, return_cache=False, out_of_bounds_value=numpy.nan
This routines creates interpolators for quantities and stores them in the cache for future use.
It can also be used to just return the current profile_2d quantity by omitting dim1 and dim2.
At the moment this routine always extrapolates for data outside the defined grid range.
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time slices to process
:param grid_index: Index of grid to map
:param quantity: Member of profiles_2d[:] to map
:param dim1: First coordinate of the points to map to
:param dim2: Second coordinate of the points to map to
:param cache: Cache to store interpolants in
:param return_cache: Toggles return of cache
:return: mapped positions (and cahce if return_cache)
if quantity not in ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.{grid_index}']:
ods.physics_derive_equilibrium_profiles_2d_quantity(time_index, grid_index, quantity)
if dim1 is None or dim2 is None:
return ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.0.{quantity}']
# Try to use an interpolator from the cache
if cache is not None:
if return_cache:
return cache[time_index][quantity](dim1, dim2, grid=False), cache
return cache[time_index][quantity](dim1, dim2, grid=False)
except KeyError:
if ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice[{time_index}].profiles_2d[{grid_index}].grid_type.index'] == 91:
interpolator = create_scatter_interpolator(
interpolator = RectBivariateSpline(
mapped_values = numpy.zeros(dim1.shape)
mapped_values[:] = numpy.nan
mask = numpy.logical_and(
dim1 > numpy.min(ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.{grid_index}.grid.dim1']),
dim1 < numpy.max(ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.{grid_index}.grid.dim1']),
dim2 > numpy.min(ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.{grid_index}.grid.dim2']),
dim2 < numpy.max(ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.profiles_2d.{grid_index}.grid.dim2']),
if return_cache:
cache = cache_interpolator(cache, time_index, grid_index, quantity, interpolator)
mapped_values[mask] = cache[time_index][grid_index][quantity](dim1[mask], dim2[mask], grid=False)
return mapped_values, cache
mapped_values[mask] = interpolator(dim1[mask], dim2[mask], grid=False)
return mapped_values
def remove_integrator_drift(time, data, time_after_shot):
# assume that the drift is zero at time[0]
ind = time > time_after_shot
return data - (time - time[0]) / (time[ind].mean() - time[0]) * data[ind].mean(0)
def equilibrium_form_constraints(
generate equilibrium constraints from experimental data in ODS
:param ods: input ODS
:param times: list of times at which to generate the constraints
:param default_average: default averaging time
:param constraints: list of constraints to be formed (if experimental data is available)
NOTE: only the constraints marked with `OK` are supported at this time::
OK b_field_tor_vacuum_r
OK bpol_probe
OK diamagnetic_flux
* faraday_angle
OK flux_loop
OK ip
* iron_core_segment
* mse_polarisation_angle
* n_e
* n_e_line
OK pf_current
* pf_passive_current
* pressure
* q
* strike_point
* x_point
:param averages: dictionary with average times for individual constraints
Smoothed using Gaussian, sigma=averages/4. and the convolution is integrated across +/-4.*sigma.
:param cutoff_hz: a list of two elements with low and high cutoff frequencies [lowFreq, highFreq]
:param rm_integr_drift_after: time in ms after which is assumed thet all currents are zero and signal should be equal to zero. Used for removing of the integrators drift
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
from omfit_classes.utils_math import smooth_by_convolution, firFilter
if averages is None:
averages = {}
# identify possible constraints
possible_constraints = omas_info('equilibrium')['equilibrium.time_slice.0.constraints'].keys()
if constraints is None:
constraints = possible_constraints
for constraint in constraints:
if constraint not in possible_constraints:
raise ValueError(f'Constraint `{constraint}` not recognized: possible options are {possible_constraints}')
# instantiate new ODS if not operating in place
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
if times is None:
if 'equilibrium.time' in ods:
times = ods['equilibrium.time']
raise ValueError('Must specify times at which to apply equilibrium constraint')
times = numpy.atleast_1d(times)
ods_n['equilibrium.time'] = times
nuconv_kw.setdefault('window_function', 'boxcar')
# pf_current
if 'pressure' in constraints and 'thompson' in ods:
raise Exception('Not implemented yet!!')
# pf_current
if 'pf_current' in constraints and 'pf_active.coil' in ods:
average = averages.get('pf_active', default_average)
for channel in ods['pf_active.coil']:
printd(f'Processing pf_active.coil.{channel}', topic='machine')
# get
label = ods[f'pf_active.coil.{channel}.name']
turns = ods[f'pf_active.coil.{channel}.element[0].turns_with_sign']
data = ods[f'pf_active.coil.{channel}.current.data']
time = ods[f'pf_active.coil.{channel}.current.time']
if f'pf_active.coil.{channel}.current.data_error_upper' in ods:
error = ods[f'pf_active.coil.{channel}.current.data_error_upper']
error = None
# process
if rm_integr_drift_after is not None:
data = remove_integrator_drift(time, data, rm_integr_drift_after)
if cutoff_hz is not None:
data = firFilter(time, data, cutoff_hz)
# Don't average for length=2 arrays or smaller
if len(data) >2:
const = smooth_by_convolution(data * turns, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
if error is not None:
const_error = smooth_by_convolution(error * turns, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
const = smooth_by_convolution(data * turns, time, times)
if error is not None:
const_error = smooth_by_convolution(error * turns, time, times)
# assign
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.pf_current.{channel}.measured'] = const[time_index]
if error is not None:
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.pf_current.{channel}.measured_error_upper'] = const_error[
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.pf_current.{channel}.source'] = label
except Exception as _excp:
raise _excp.__class__(f'Problem with pf_current channel {channel} :' + str(_excp))
# bpol_probe
if 'bpol_probe' in constraints and 'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe' in ods:
average = averages.get('bpol_probe', default_average)
for channel in ods[f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe']:
printd(f'Processing magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.{channel}', topic='machine')
# get
label = ods[f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.{channel}.identifier']
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.bpol_probe.{channel}.source'] = label
valid = ods.get(
1 - int(f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.{channel}.field.data' in ods),
if valid == 0: # 0 means that the data is good
data = ods[f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.{channel}.field.data']
time = ods[f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.{channel}.field.time']
if f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.{channel}.field.data_error_upper' in ods:
error = ods[f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.{channel}.field.data_error_upper']
error = None
# process
if rm_integr_drift_after is not None:
data = remove_integrator_drift(time, data, rm_integr_drift_after)
if cutoff_hz is not None:
data = firFilter(time, data, cutoff_hz)
const = smooth_by_convolution(data, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
if error is not None:
const_error = smooth_by_convolution(error, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
# assign
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.bpol_probe.{channel}.measured'] = const[time_index]
if error is not None:
] = const_error[time_index]
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.bpol_probe.{channel}.measured'] = numpy.nan
if error is not None:
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.bpol_probe.{channel}.measured_error_upper'] = numpy.nan
except Exception as _excp:
raise _excp.__class__(f'Problem with bpol_probe channel {channel}: ' + str(_excp))
# flux_loop
if 'flux_loop' in constraints and 'magnetics.flux_loop' in ods:
average = averages.get('flux_loop', default_average)
for channel in ods[f'magnetics.flux_loop']:
printd(f'Processing magnetics.flux_loop.{channel}', topic='machine')
# get
label = ods[f'magnetics.flux_loop.{channel}.identifier']
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.flux_loop.{channel}.source'] = label
valid = ods.get(f'magnetics.flux_loop.{channel}.flux.validity', 1 - int(f'magnetics.flux_loop.{channel}.flux.data' in ods))
if valid == 0: # 0 means that the data is good
data = ods[f'magnetics.flux_loop.{channel}.flux.data']
time = ods[f'magnetics.flux_loop.{channel}.flux.time']
if f'magnetics.flux_loop.{channel}.flux.data_error_upper' in ods:
error = ods[f'magnetics.flux_loop.{channel}.flux.data_error_upper']
error = None
# process
if rm_integr_drift_after is not None:
data = remove_integrator_drift(time, data, rm_integr_drift_after)
if cutoff_hz is not None:
data = firFilter(time, data, cutoff_hz)
const = smooth_by_convolution(data, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
if error is not None:
const_error = smooth_by_convolution(error, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
# assign
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.flux_loop.{channel}.measured'] = const[time_index]
if error is not None:
] = const_error[time_index]
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.flux_loop.{channel}.measured'] = numpy.nan
if error is not None:
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.flux_loop.{channel}.measured_error_upper'] = numpy.nan
except Exception as _excp:
raise _excp.__class__(f'Problem with flux_loop channel {channel}: {_excp}')
# ip
if 'ip' in constraints and 'magnetics.ip.0.data' in ods:
average = averages.get('ip', default_average)
printd(f'Processing magnetics.ip', topic='machine')
# get
data = ods['magnetics.ip.0.data']
time = ods['magnetics.ip.0.time']
if 'magnetics.ip.0.data_error_upper' in ods:
error = ods['magnetics.ip.0.data_error_upper']
error = None
# process
if rm_integr_drift_after is not None:
data = remove_integrator_drift(time, data, rm_integr_drift_after)
if cutoff_hz is not None:
data = firFilter(time, data, cutoff_hz)
const = smooth_by_convolution(data, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
if error is not None:
const_error = smooth_by_convolution(error, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
# assign
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.ip.measured'] = const[time_index]
if error is not None:
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.ip.measured_error_upper'] = const_error[time_index]
except Exception as _excp:
raise _excp.__class__(f'Problem with ip: {_excp}')
# diamagnetic_flux
if 'diamagnetic_flux' in constraints and 'magnetics.diamagnetic_flux.0.data' in ods:
average = averages.get('diamagnetic_flux', default_average)
printd(f'Processing magnetics.diamagnetic_flux', topic='machine')
# get
data = ods['magnetics.diamagnetic_flux.0.data']
time = ods['magnetics.diamagnetic_flux.0.time']
if 'magnetics.diamagnetic_flux.0.data_error_upper' in ods:
error = ods['magnetics.diamagnetic_flux.0.data_error_upper']
error = None
# process
# if rm_integr_drift_after is not None:
# drift is already removed?
# data = remove_integrator_drift(time, data, rm_integr_drift_after)
if cutoff_hz is not None:
data = firFilter(time, data, cutoff_hz)
const = smooth_by_convolution(data, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
if error is not None:
const_error = smooth_by_convolution(error, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
# assign
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.diamagnetic_flux.measured'] = const[time_index]
if error is not None:
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.diamagnetic_flux.measured_error_upper'] = const_error[
except Exception as _excp:
raise _excp.__class__(f'Problem with diamagnetic_flux: {_excp}')
# b_field_tor_vacuum_r
if 'b_field_tor_vacuum_r' in constraints and 'tf.b_field_tor_vacuum_r.data' in ods:
printd(f'Processing tf.b_field_tor_vacuum_r', topic='machine')
average = averages.get('b_field_tor_vacuum_r', default_average)
# get
data = ods['tf.b_field_tor_vacuum_r.data']
time = ods['tf.b_field_tor_vacuum_r.time']
if 'tf.b_field_tor_vacuum_r.data_error_upper' in ods:
error = ods['tf.b_field_tor_vacuum_r.data_error_upper']
error = None
# process
if rm_integr_drift_after is not None:
data = remove_integrator_drift(time, data, rm_integr_drift_after)
if cutoff_hz is not None:
data = firFilter(time, data, cutoff_hz)
const = smooth_by_convolution(data, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
if error is not None:
const_error = smooth_by_convolution(error, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
# assign
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.b_field_tor_vacuum_r.measured'] = const[time_index]
if error is not None:
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.b_field_tor_vacuum_r.measured_error_upper'] = const_error[
except Exception as _excp:
raise _excp.__class__(f'Problem with b_field_tor_vacuum_r: {_excp}')
# mse
if 'mse_polarisation_angle' in constraints and 'mse.channel.0.polarisation_angle.data' in ods:
average = averages.get('mse_polarisation_angle', default_average)
for channel in ods[f'mse.channel']:
printd(f'Processing mse.channel.{channel}', topic='machine')
# get
label = ods[f'mse.channel.{channel}.name']
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.mse_polarisation_angle.{channel}.source'] = label
valid = ods.get(
f'mse.channel.{channel}.polarisation_angle.validity', 1 - int(f'mse.channel.{channel}.polarisation_angle.data' in ods)
if valid == 0: # 0 means that the data is good
data = copy.deepcopy(ods[f'mse.channel.{channel}.polarisation_angle.data'])
time = ods[f'mse.channel.{channel}.polarisation_angle.time']
if f'mse.channel.{channel}.polarisation_angle.data_error_upper' in ods:
error = ods[f'mse.channel.{channel}.polarisation_angle.data_error_upper']
error = None
# process
if cutoff_hz is not None:
data = firFilter(time, data, cutoff_hz)
if f'mse.channel.{channel}.polarisation_angle.validity_timed' in ods:
data[ods[f'mse.channel.{channel}.polarisation_angle.validity_timed'] != 0] = numpy.nan
error[ods[f'mse.channel.{channel}.polarisation_angle.validity_timed'] != 0] = numpy.nan
const = smooth_by_convolution(data, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
if error is not None:
const_error = smooth_by_convolution(error, time, times, average, **nuconv_kw)
# assign
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.mse_polarisation_angle.{channel}.measured'] = const[
if error is not None:
] = const_error[time_index]
for time_index in range(len(times)):
ods_n[f'equilibrium.time_slice.{time_index}.constraints.mse_polarisation_angle.{channel}.measured'] = numpy.nan
if error is not None:
] = numpy.nan
except Exception as _excp:
raise _excp.__class__(f'Problem with mse channel {channel}: {_excp}')
return ods_n
@preprocess_ods('core_profiles', 'equilibrium')
def summary_greenwald(ods, update=True):
Calculates Greenwald Fraction for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods.
:param ods: input ods
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
a = (ods['equilibrium.time_slice.:.profiles_1d.r_outboard'][:, -1] - ods['equilibrium.time_slice.:.profiles_1d.r_inboard'][:, -1]) / 2
ip = ods['equilibrium.time_slice.:.global_quantities.ip']
nel = []
for time_index in ods['equilibrium.time_slice']:
with omas_environment(
% time_index: ods['equilibrium.time_slice.%s.profiles_1d.rho_tor_norm' % time_index]
ne = ods['core_profiles.profiles_1d.%d.electrons.density_thermal' % time_index]
volume = ods['equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.volume' % time_index]
ne_vol_avg = numpy.trapz(ne, x=volume) / volume[-1]
if 'interferometer' in ods:
"Warning: greenwald fraction calculation used volume average density instead of line average fill in ods['interferometer'] to use nel"
ods_n['summary.global_quantities.greenwald_fraction.value'] = abs(numpy.array(nel) / 1e20 / ip * 1e6 * numpy.pi * a**2)
ods_n['summary.time'] = ods['equilibrium.time']
return ods_n
@preprocess_ods('core_profiles', 'equilibrium', 'interferometer')
def summary_lineaverage_density(ods, line_grid=2000, time_index=None, update=True, doPlot=False):
Calculates line-average electron density for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods
:param ods: input ods
:param line_grid: number of points to calculate line average density over (includes point outside of boundary)
:param time_index: time slices to process
:param update: operate in place
:param doPlot: plots the interferometer lines on top of the equilibrium boundary shape
:return: updated ods
import scipy
if doPlot:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
if time_index is None:
ods_n['summary.line_average.n_e.value'] = numpy.zeros(len(ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d']))
for time_index in range(len(ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'])):
line_average_ne = summary_lineaverage_density(ods_n, line_grid=line_grid, time_index=time_index, update=update, doPlot=doPlot)[
ods_n['summary.line_average.n_e.value'][time_index] = line_average_ne
ods_n['summary.time'] = ods['equilibrium.time']
return ods_n
Rb = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['boundary']['outline']['r']
Zb = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['boundary']['outline']['z']
Rgrid = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_2d'][0]['grid']['dim1']
Zgrid = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_2d'][0]['grid']['dim2']
psi2d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_2d'][0]['psi']
psi_spl = RectBivariateSpline(Rgrid, Zgrid, psi2d)
psi_eq = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['psi']
rhon_eq = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['rho_tor_norm']
rhon_cp = ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]['grid']['rho_tor_norm']
ne = ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]['electrons']['density_thermal']
ne = numpy.interp(rhon_eq, rhon_cp, ne)
tck = scipy.interpolate.splrep(psi_eq, ne, k=3)
if 'time' not in ods['interferometer']:
ods_n['interferometer.ids_properties.homogeneous_time'] = 1
ods_n['interferometer']['time'] = copy.copy(ods['core_profiles']['time'])
ifpaths = [['first_point', 'second_point'], ['second_point', 'third_point']]
if doPlot:
ods['equilibrium.time_slice[0].boundary.outline.r'], ods['equilibrium.time_slice[0].boundary.outline.z'], label='Boundary shape'
plt.xlabel('r [m]')
plt.ylabel('z [m]')
for channel in ods['interferometer']['channel']:
ne_line_paths = []
dist_paths = []
for ifpath in ifpaths:
R1 = ods['interferometer']['channel'][channel]['line_of_sight'][ifpath[0]]['r']
Z1 = ods['interferometer']['channel'][channel]['line_of_sight'][ifpath[0]]['z']
phi1 = ods['interferometer']['channel'][channel]['line_of_sight'][ifpath[0]]['phi']
x1 = R1 * numpy.cos(phi1)
y1 = R1 * numpy.sin(phi1)
R2 = ods['interferometer']['channel'][channel]['line_of_sight'][ifpath[1]]['r']
Z2 = ods['interferometer']['channel'][channel]['line_of_sight'][ifpath[1]]['z']
phi2 = ods['interferometer']['channel'][channel]['line_of_sight'][ifpath[1]]['phi']
x2 = R2 * numpy.cos(phi2)
y2 = R2 * numpy.sin(phi2)
xline = numpy.linspace(x1, x2, line_grid)
yline = numpy.linspace(y1, y2, line_grid)
Rline = numpy.linspace(R1, R2, line_grid)
Zline = numpy.linspace(Z1, Z2, line_grid)
dist = numpy.zeros(line_grid)
if doPlot:
plt.plot(Rline, Zline, label=f'interferometer path : {"-".join(ifpath)} channel:{channel}')
for i, Rval in enumerate(Rline):
dist[i] = numpy.min((Rline[i] - Rb) ** 2 + (Zline[i] - Zb) ** 2)
zero_crossings = numpy.where(numpy.diff(numpy.sign(numpy.gradient(dist))))[0]
i1 = zero_crossings[0]
i2 = zero_crossings[-1]
psival = [psi_spl(Rline[i], Zline[i], grid=False).item() for i in range(i1, i2, numpy.sign(i2 - i1))]
ne_interp = scipy.interpolate.splev(psival, tck)
ne_line = numpy.trapz(ne_interp)
ne_line /= abs(i2 - i1)
dist_paths.append(numpy.sqrt((xline[i2] - xline[i1]) ** 2 + (yline[i2] - yline[i1]) ** 2 + (Zline[i2] - Zline[i1]) ** 2))
ne_line = numpy.average(ne_line_paths, weights=dist_paths)
if f'interferometer.channel.{channel}.n_e_line_average.data' not in ods_n:
ods_n['interferometer']['channel'][channel]['n_e_line_average']['data'] = numpy.zeros(len(ods['interferometer']['time']))
ods_n['interferometer']['channel'][channel]['n_e_line_average']['data'][time_index] = ne_line
return ods_n
@preprocess_ods('core_profiles', 'equilibrium')
def summary_currents(ods, time_index=None, update=True):
Calculatess plasma currents from core_profiles for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time slices to process
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
current_names = [
('j_bootstrap', 'current_bootstrap.value'),
('j_non_inductive', 'current_non_inductive.value'),
('j_ohmic', 'current_ohm.value'),
rho = ods['equilibrium.time_slice[0].profiles_1d.rho_tor_norm']
time_index = 0
coordsio = {'core_profiles.profiles_1d.%d.grid.rho_tor_norm' % time_index: rho}
with omas_environment(ods, coordsio=coordsio):
for (jname_cp, jname_sum) in current_names:
if f'core_profiles.profiles_1d.{time_index}.{jname_cp}' in ods:
Bt = ods['equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0']
JtoR = transform_current(
JparB=ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index][jname_cp] * Bt,
Ip = numpy.trapz(JtoR, ods['equilibrium.time_slice[0].profiles_1d.volume']) / 2 / numpy.pi
if f'summary.global_quantities.{jname_sum}' not in ods:
ods_n['summary.global_quantities'][jname_sum] = numpy.zeros(time_index + 1)
ods_n['summary.global_quantities'][jname_sum][time_index] = Ip
return ods_n
@preprocess_ods('core_profiles', 'equilibrium')
def summary_thermal_stored_energy(ods, update=True):
Calculates the stored energy based on the contents of core_profiles for all time-slices
:param ods: input ods
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
thermal_energy = []
for time_index in ods['core_profiles.profiles_1d']:
eq = ods[f'equilibrium.time_slice[{time_index}].profiles_1d']
volume = numpy.interp(x=ods[f'core_profiles.profiles_1d.{time_index}.grid.rho_tor_norm'], xp=eq['rho_tor_norm'], fp=eq['volume'])
thermal_energy.append(numpy.trapz(3 / 2 * ods['core_profiles.profiles_1d[0].pressure_thermal'], x=volume))
ods_n['summary.global_quantities.energy_thermal.value'] = numpy.array(thermal_energy)
ods_n['summary.time'] = ods['equilibrium.time']
return ods_n
@preprocess_ods('core_profiles', 'core_sources', 'equilibrium')
def summary_taue(ods, thermal=True, update=True):
Calculates Energy confinement time estimated from the IPB98(y,2) scaling for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods
:param ods: input ods
:thermal: calculates the thermal part of the energy confinement time from core_profiles if True, otherwise use the stored energy MHD from the equilibrium ods
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
tau_e_scaling = []
tau_e_MHD = []
for time_index in ods['equilibrium']['time_slice']:
equilibrium_ods = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]
a = (equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['r_outboard'][-1] - equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['r_inboard'][-1]) / 2
r_major = (equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['r_outboard'][-1] + equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['r_inboard'][-1]) / 2
bt = ods['equilibrium']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['b0'][time_index] * ods['equilibrium']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['r0'] / r_major
ip = equilibrium_ods['global_quantities']['ip']
aspect = r_major / a
psi = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['psi']
rho_tor_norm_equi = equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['rho_tor_norm']
rho_tor_norm_core = ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]['grid']['rho_tor_norm']
psi = numpy.interp(rho_tor_norm_core, rho_tor_norm_equi, psi)
# Making Equilibrium grid same grid as core_sources and core_profiles
with omas_environment(ods, coordsio={'equilibrium.time_slice.0.profiles_1d.psi': psi}):
volume = equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['volume']
kappa = volume[-1] / 2 / numpy.pi / numpy.pi / a / a / r_major
ne = ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]['electrons']['density_thermal']
ne_vol_avg = numpy.trapz(ne, x=volume) / volume[-1]
if 'interferometer' in ods:
nel = ods['interferometer.channel.0.n_e_line_average.data'][time_index]
"Warning: taue calculation used volume average density instead of line average fill in ods['interferometer'] to use nel"
nel = ne_vol_avg
# Naive weighted isotope average:
n_deuterium_avg = 0.0
n_tritium_avg = 0.0
ions = ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]['ion']
for ion in ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]['ion']:
if ions[ion]['label'] == 'D' or 'd':
n_deuterium_avg = numpy.trapz(ions[ion]['density_thermal'], x=volume)
elif ions[ion]['label'] == 'T' or 't':
n_tritium_avg = numpy.trapz(ions[ion]['density_thermal'], x=volume)
isotope_factor = (2.014102 * n_deuterium_avg + 3.016049 * n_tritium_avg) / (n_deuterium_avg + n_tritium_avg)
info_string = ''
# Get total power from ods function:
if 'power_loss' in ods['summary.global_quantities']:
power_loss = ods['summary.global_quantities.power_loss.value'][time_index]
info_string += "Power from: summary.global_quantities.power_loss.value, "
elif 'power_steady' in ods['summary.global_quantities']:
print("Warning: taue calculation used power steady instead of power_loss")
power_loss = ods['summary.global_quantities.power_steady.value'][time_index]
info_string += "INACCURATE Power from: summary.global_quantities.power_steady.value, "
return ods_n
# Stored energy from profiles or equilibrium
if 'summary.global_quantities.energy_thermal' in ods and thermal:
stored_energy = ods['summary.global_quantities.energy_thermal.value'][time_index]
info_string += "Stored energy from: summary.global_quantities.energy_thermal.value"
elif 'global_quantities.energy_mhd' in equilibrium_ods:
if thermal:
print("Warning, tau_e calculated with stored energy MHD")
stored_energy = equilibrium_ods['global_quantities']['energy_mhd']
info_string += "Stored energy from: 'global_quantities']['energy_mhd"
return ods_n
# Calculate tau_e
tau_e = abs(
* (abs(ip) / 1e6) ** 0.93
* abs(bt) ** 0.15
* (nel / 1e19) ** 0.41
* (power_loss / 1e6) ** -0.69
* r_major**1.97
* kappa**0.78
* aspect**-0.58
* isotope_factor**0.19
) # [s]
for k in ['kappa', 'bt', 'ip', 'nel', 'power_loss', 'aspect', 'isotope_factor', 'tau_e']:
printd(f'{k}: {eval(k)}', topic='summary_taue')
tau_e_MHD.append(stored_energy / power_loss)
# assign quantities in the ODS
ods_n['summary']['global_quantities']['tau_energy_98']['value'] = numpy.array(tau_e_scaling)
ods_n['summary']['global_quantities']['tau_energy']['value'] = numpy.array(tau_e_MHD)
ods_n['summary.global_quantities.tau_energy.source'] = info_string
ods_n['summary.global_quantities.tau_energy_98.source'] = "h98y2 scaling law"
ods_n['summary.time'] = ods['equilibrium.time']
return ods_n
def summary_heating_power(ods, update=True):
Integrate power densities to the total and heating and current drive systems and fills summary.global_quantities
:param ods: input ods
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
if 'core_sources' not in ods:
return ods_n
sources = ods_n['core_sources']['source']
index_dict = {2: 'nbi', 3: 'ec', 4: 'lh', 5: 'ic', 6: 'fusion', 7: 'ohmic'}
power_dict = {'total_heating': [], 'nbi': [], 'ec': [], 'lh': [], 'ic': [], 'fusion': []}
if 'core_sources.source.0' not in ods_n:
return ods_n
q_init = numpy.zeros([len(ods['core_sources']['time']),
q_dict = {
'total_heating': copy.deepcopy(q_init),
'nbi': copy.deepcopy(q_init),
'ec': copy.deepcopy(q_init),
'lh': copy.deepcopy(q_init),
'ic': copy.deepcopy(q_init),
'fusion': copy.deepcopy(q_init),
for time_index in sources[0]['profiles_1d']:
vol = sources[0]['profiles_1d'][time_index]['grid']['volume']
for source in sources:
source_1d = sources[source]['profiles_1d'][time_index]
if sources[source]['identifier.index'] in index_dict:
if 'electrons' in source_1d and 'energy' in source_1d['electrons']:
q_dict['total_heating'][time_index,:] += source_1d['electrons']['energy']
if sources[source]['identifier.index'] in index_dict and index_dict[sources[source]['identifier.index']] in q_dict:
q_dict[index_dict[sources[source]['identifier.index']]][time_index,:] += source_1d['electrons']['energy']
if 'total_ion_energy' in source_1d:
q_dict['total_heating'][time_index,:] += source_1d['total_ion_energy']
if sources[source]['identifier.index'] in index_dict and index_dict[sources[source]['identifier.index']] in q_dict:
q_dict[index_dict[sources[source]['identifier.index']]][time_index,:] += source_1d['total_ion_energy']
for key, value in power_dict.items():
power_dict[key] = numpy.trapz(q_dict[key], x=vol,axis=1)
if numpy.sum(power_dict[key]) > 0:
if key == 'total_heating':
ods_n['summary.global_quantities.power_steady.value'] = numpy.array(power_dict[key])
elif key == 'fusion':
ods_n['summary.fusion.power.value'] = numpy.array(power_dict[key])
ods_n['summary.fusion.neutron_power_total.value'] = (14.1 / 3.5) * numpy.array(power_dict[key])
ods_n[f'summary.heating_current_drive.{key}[0].power.value'] = numpy.array(power_dict[key])
ods_n['summary.time'] = ods['equilibrium.time']
return ods_n
def summary_global_quantities(ods, update=True):
Calculates global quantities for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods:
- Greenwald Fraction
- Energy confinement time estimated from the IPB98(y,2) scaling
- Integrate power densities to the totals
- Generate summary.global_quantities from global_quantities of other IDSs
:param ods: input ods
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
return ods_n
def summary_consistent_global_quantities(ods, ds=None, update=True):
Generate summary.global_quantities from global_quantities of other IDSs
:param ods: input ods
:param ds: IDS from which to update summary.global_quantities. All IDSs if `None`.
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
global_quantities = copy.copy(omas_global_quantities(ods.imas_version))
if ds is None:
ds = set(map(lambda x: x.split('.')[0], global_quantities))
ds = set(ds)
if 'summary' in ds:
# global_quantities destinations
dst = []
for item in global_quantities:
path = item.split('.')
if path[0] == 'summary':
# global_quantities sources
src = []
for item in global_quantities:
path = item.split('.')
if path[0] in ds and path[0] in ods and path[-1] in dst:
# copy global_quantities from other IDSs to summary
for item in src:
if item.replace(':', '0') in ods:
path = item.split('.')
ods_n[f'summary.global_quantities.{path[-1]}.value'] = ods[item]
ods_n[f'summary.global_quantities.{path[-1]}.source'] = 'Consistency with ' + path[0]
return ods_n
def core_profiles_consistent(ods, update=True, use_electrons_density=False, enforce_quasineutrality=False):
Calls all core_profiles consistency functions including
- core_profiles_densities
- core_profiles_pressures
- core_profiles_zeff
:param ods: input ods
:param update: operate in place
:param use_electrons_density:
denominator is core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.electrons.density
instead of sum Z*n_i in Z_eff calculation
:param enforce_quasineutrality: update electron density to be quasineutral with ions
:return: updated ods
ods = core_profiles_densities(ods, update=update, enforce_quasineutrality=enforce_quasineutrality)
core_profiles_zeff(ods, use_electrons_density=use_electrons_density, enforce_quasineutrality=enforce_quasineutrality)
return ods
def core_profiles_pressures(ods, update=True):
Calculates individual ions pressures
`core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.ion.:.pressure_thermal` #Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2)
`core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.ion.:.pressure` #Pressure (thermal+non-thermal)
as well as total pressures
`core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.pressure_thermal` #Thermal pressure (electrons+ions)
`core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.pressure_ion_total` #Total (sum over ion species) thermal ion pressure
`core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.pressure_perpendicular` #Total perpendicular pressure (electrons+ions, thermal+non-thermal)
`core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.pressure_parallel` #Total parallel pressure (electrons+ions, thermal+non-thermal)
NOTE: the fast particles ion pressures are read, not set by this function:
`core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.ion.:.pressure_fast_parallel` #Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2)
`core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.ion.:.pressure_fast_perpendicular` #Pressure (thermal+non-thermal)
:param ods: input ods
:param update: operate in place
:return: updated ods
ods_p = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_p = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
for time_index in ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d']:
prof1d = ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]
prof1d_p = ods_p['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]
if not update:
prof1d_p['grid']['rho_tor_norm'] = prof1d['grid']['rho_tor_norm']
__zeros__ = 0.0 * prof1d['grid']['rho_tor_norm']
prof1d_p['pressure_thermal'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
prof1d_p['pressure_ion_total'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
prof1d_p['pressure_perpendicular'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
prof1d_p['pressure_parallel'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
# electrons
prof1d_p['electrons']['pressure'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
__p__ = None
if 'density_thermal' in prof1d['electrons'] and 'temperature' in prof1d['electrons']:
__p__ = nominal_values(prof1d['electrons']['density_thermal'] * prof1d['electrons']['temperature'] * constants.e)
elif 'pressure_thermal' in prof1d['electrons']:
__p__ = nominal_values(prof1d['electrons']['pressure_thermal'])
if __p__ is not None:
prof1d_p['electrons']['pressure_thermal'] = __p__
prof1d_p['electrons']['pressure'] += __p__
prof1d_p['pressure_thermal'] += __p__
prof1d_p['pressure_perpendicular'] += __p__ / 3.0
prof1d_p['pressure_parallel'] += __p__ / 3.0
if 'pressure_fast_perpendicular' in prof1d['electrons']:
__p__ = nominal_values(prof1d['electrons']['pressure_fast_perpendicular'])
if not update:
prof1d_p['electrons']['pressure_fast_perpendicular'] = __p__
prof1d_p['electrons']['pressure'] += 2.0 * __p__
prof1d_p['pressure_perpendicular'] += __p__
if 'pressure_fast_parallel' in prof1d['electrons']:
__p__ = nominal_values(prof1d['electrons']['pressure_fast_parallel'])
if not update:
prof1d_p['electrons']['pressure_fast_parallel'] = __p__
prof1d_p['electrons']['pressure'] += __p__
prof1d_p['pressure_parallel'] += __p__
# ions
for k in range(len(prof1d['ion'])):
prof1d_p['ion'][k]['pressure'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
__p__ = None
if 'density_thermal' in prof1d['ion'][k] and 'temperature' in prof1d['ion'][k]:
__p__ = nominal_values(prof1d['ion'][k]['density_thermal'] * prof1d['ion'][k]['temperature'] * constants.e)
elif 'pressure_thermal' in prof1d['ion'][k]:
__p__ = nominal_values(prof1d['ion'][k]['pressure_thermal'])
if __p__ is not None:
prof1d_p['ion'][k]['pressure_thermal'] = __p__
prof1d_p['ion'][k]['pressure'] += __p__
prof1d_p['pressure_thermal'] += __p__
prof1d_p['pressure_perpendicular'] += __p__ / 3.0
prof1d_p['pressure_parallel'] += __p__ / 3.0
prof1d_p['pressure_ion_total'] += __p__
if 'pressure_fast_perpendicular' in prof1d['ion'][k]:
__p__ = nominal_values(prof1d['ion'][k]['pressure_fast_perpendicular'])
if not update:
prof1d_p['ion'][k]['pressure_fast_perpendicular'] = __p__
prof1d_p['ion'][k]['pressure'] += 2.0 * __p__
prof1d_p['pressure_perpendicular'] += __p__
if 'pressure_fast_parallel' in prof1d['ion'][k]:
__p__ = nominal_values(prof1d['ion'][k]['pressure_fast_parallel'])
if not update:
prof1d_p['ion'][k]['pressure_fast_parallel'] = __p__
prof1d_p['ion'][k]['pressure'] += __p__
prof1d_p['pressure_parallel'] += __p__
# extra pressure information that is not within IMAS structure is set only if consistency_check is False
if ods_p.consistency_check is False:
prof1d_p['pressure'] = prof1d_p['pressure_perpendicular'] * 2 + prof1d_p['pressure_parallel']
prof1d_p['pressure_electron_total'] = prof1d_p['pressure_thermal'] - prof1d_p['pressure_ion_total']
prof1d_p['pressure_fast'] = prof1d_p['pressure'] - prof1d_p['pressure_thermal']
return ods_p
def core_profiles_densities(ods, update=True, enforce_quasineutrality=False):
Density, density_thermal, and density_fast for electrons and ions are filled and are self-consistent
:param ods: input ods
:param update: operate in place
:param enforce_quasineutrality: update electron density to be quasineutral with ions
:return: updated ods
ods_n = ods
if not update:
from omas import ODS
ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)
def consistent_density(loc):
if 'density' in loc:
# if there is no thermal nor fast, assume it is thermal
if 'density_thermal' not in loc and 'density_fast' not in loc:
loc['density_thermal'] = loc['density']
# if there is no thermal calculate it
elif 'density_thermal' not in loc and 'density_fast' in loc:
loc['density_thermal'] = loc['density'] - loc['density_fast']
# if there is no fast calculate it
elif 'density_thermal' in loc and 'density_fast' not in loc:
loc['density_fast'] = loc['density'] - loc['density_thermal']
# enforce self-consistency
loc['density'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
for density in ['density_thermal', 'density_fast']:
if density in loc:
loc['density'] += loc[density]
loc[density] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
for time_index in ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d']:
prof1d = ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]
prof1d_n = ods_n['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]
if not update:
prof1d_n['grid']['rho_tor_norm'] = prof1d['grid']['rho_tor_norm']
__zeros__ = 0.0 * prof1d['grid']['rho_tor_norm']
# electrons
# ions
for k in range(len(prof1d['ion'])):
if enforce_quasineutrality:
ne_q = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
for k in range(len(prof1d_n['ion'])):
ne_q += prof1d_n[f'ion[{k}].element[0].z_n'] * prof1d_n[f'ion[{k}].density']
qnfac = ne_q / (prof1d_n[f'electrons.density'] + numpy.finfo(numpy.float64).tiny)
for den in ['density', 'density_fast', 'density_thermal']:
prof1d_n['electrons'][den] *= qnfac
return ods_n
def core_profiles_zeff(ods, update=True, use_electrons_density=False, enforce_quasineutrality=False):
calculates effective charge
:param ods: input ods
:param update: operate in place
:param use_electrons_density:
denominator core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.electrons.density
instead of sum Z*n_i
:param enforce_quasineutrality: update electron density to be quasineutral with ions
:return: updated ods
ods_z = core_profiles_densities(ods, update=update, enforce_quasineutrality=enforce_quasineutrality)
for time_index in ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d']:
prof1d = ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]
prof1d_z = ods_z['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]
Z2n = 0.0 * prof1d_z['grid']['rho_tor_norm']
Zn = 0.0 * prof1d_z['grid']['rho_tor_norm']
for k in range(len(prof1d['ion'])):
Z = prof1d['ion'][k]['element'][0]['z_n'] # from old ODS
n = prof1d_z['ion'][k]['density'] # from new ODS
Z2n += n * Z**2
Zn += n * Z
if use_electrons_density:
prof1d_z['zeff'] = Z2n / prof1d_z['electrons']['density']
prof1d_z['zeff'] = Z2n / Zn
return ods_z
@preprocess_ods('equilibrium', 'core_profiles')
def current_from_eq(ods, time_index):
This function sets the currents in ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]
using ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['j_tor']
:param ods: ODS to update in-place
:param time_index: ODS time index to updated
if None, all times are updated
# run an all time slices if time_index is None
if time_index is None:
for itime in ods['equilibrium.time_slice']:
current_from_eq(ods, time_index=itime)
rho = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d.rho_tor_norm']
with omas_environment(ods, coordsio={'core_profiles.profiles_1d.%d.grid.rho_tor_norm' % time_index: rho}):
# call all current ohmic to start
fsa_invR = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['gm9']
JtoR_tot = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['j_tor'] * fsa_invR
if 'core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0' in ods:
B0 = ods['core_profiles']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['b0'][time_index]
elif 'equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0' in ods:
R0 = ods['equilibrium']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['r0']
B0 = ods['equilibrium']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['b0'][time_index]
ods['core_profiles']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['r0'] = R0
ods.set_time_array('core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0', time_index, B0)
JparB_tot = transform_current(rho, JtoR=JtoR_tot, equilibrium=ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index], includes_bootstrap=True)
core_profiles_currents(ods, time_index, rho, j_total=JparB_tot / B0)
except AssertionError:
# redo but wipe out old current components since we can't make it consistent
ods, time_index, rho, j_actuator=None, j_bootstrap=None, j_ohmic=None, j_non_inductive=None, j_total=JparB_tot / B0
@preprocess_ods('equilibrium', 'core_profiles')
def core_profiles_currents(
This function sets currents in ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]
If provided currents are inconsistent with each other or ods, ods is not updated and an error is thrown.
Updates integrated currents in ods['core_profiles']['global_quantities']
(N.B.: `equilibrium` IDS is required for evaluating j_tor and integrated currents)
:param ods: ODS to update in-place
:param time_index: ODS time index to updated
if None, all times are updated
:param rho_tor_norm: normalized rho grid upon which each j is given
For each j:
- ndarray: set in ods if consistent
- 'default': use value in ods if present, else set to None
- None: try to calculate from currents; delete from ods if you can't
:param j_actuator: Non-inductive, non-bootstrap current <J.B>/B0
N.B.: used for calculating other currents and consistency, but not set in ods
:param j_bootstrap: Bootstrap component of <J.B>/B0
:param j_ohmic: Ohmic component of <J.B>/B0
:param j_non_inductive: Non-inductive component of <J.B>/B0
Consistency requires j_non_inductive = j_actuator + j_bootstrap, either
as explicitly provided or as computed from other components.
:param j_total: Total <J.B>/B0
Consistency requires j_total = j_ohmic + j_non_inductive either as
explicitly provided or as computed from other components.
# run an all time slices if time_index is None
if time_index is None:
for itime in ods['core_profiles.profiles_1d']:
from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid as cumtrapz
except ImportError:
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
prof1d = ods['core_profiles.profiles_1d'][time_index]
if rho_tor_norm is None:
rho_tor_norm = prof1d['grid.rho_tor_norm']
data = {}
with omas_environment(ods, coordsio={'core_profiles.profiles_1d.%d.grid.rho_tor_norm' % time_index: rho_tor_norm}):
for j in ['j_actuator', 'j_bootstrap', 'j_non_inductive', 'j_ohmic', 'j_total']:
if isinstance(eval(j), str) and eval(j) == 'default':
if j in prof1d:
data[j] = copy.deepcopy(prof1d[j])
elif (j == 'j_actuator') and 'core_sources' in ods:
data[j] = core_sources_j_parallel_sum(ods)
elif (j == 'j_actuator') and (('j_bootstrap' in prof1d) and ('j_non_inductive' in prof1d)):
data['j_actuator'] = prof1d['j_non_inductive'] - prof1d['j_bootstrap']
data[j] = None
data[j] = eval(j)
j_actuator = data['j_actuator']
j_bootstrap = data['j_bootstrap']
j_ohmic = data['j_ohmic']
j_non_inductive = data['j_non_inductive']
j_total = data['j_total']
# =================
# =================
# j_non_inductive
if (j_actuator is not None) and (j_bootstrap is not None):
if j_non_inductive is None:
j_non_inductive = j_actuator + j_bootstrap
# j_total
if (j_ohmic is not None) and (j_non_inductive is not None):
if j_total is None:
j_total = j_ohmic + j_non_inductive
# get some quantities we'll use below
if 'equilibrium.time_slice.%d' % time_index in ods:
eq = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]
if 'core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0' in ods:
B0 = ods['core_profiles']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['b0'][time_index]
elif 'equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0' in ods:
R0 = ods['equilibrium']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['r0']
B0 = ods['equilibrium']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['b0'][time_index]
ods['core_profiles']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['r0'] = R0
ods.set_time_array('core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0', time_index, B0)
fsa_invR = omas_interp1d(rho_tor_norm, eq['profiles_1d']['rho_tor_norm'], eq['profiles_1d']['gm9'])
# can't do any computations with the equilibrium
if warn:
printe("Warning: ods['equilibrium'] does not exist: Can't convert between j_total and j_tor or calculate integrated currents")
eq = None
# j_tor
if (j_total is not None) and (eq is not None):
JparB_tot = j_total * B0
JtoR_tot = transform_current(rho_tor_norm, JparB=JparB_tot, equilibrium=eq, includes_bootstrap=True)
j_tor = JtoR_tot / fsa_invR
j_tor = None
# =================
# =================
if j_total is not None:
# j_non_inductive
if (j_non_inductive is None) and (j_ohmic is not None):
j_non_inductive = j_total - j_ohmic
# j_ohmic
elif (j_ohmic is None) and (j_non_inductive is not None):
j_ohmic = j_total - j_non_inductive
if j_non_inductive is not None:
# j_actuator
if (j_actuator is None) and (j_bootstrap is not None):
j_actuator = j_non_inductive - j_bootstrap
# j_bootstrap
if (j_bootstrap is None) and (j_actuator is not None):
j_bootstrap = j_non_inductive - j_actuator
# ===============
# ===============
err = "Cannot set j_actuator without j_bootstrap provided or calculable"
if j_actuator is not None:
assert j_bootstrap is not None, err
# j_non_inductive
err = 'j_non_inductive inconsistent with j_actuator and j_bootstrap'
if (j_non_inductive is not None) and ((j_actuator is not None) or (j_bootstrap is not None)):
assert numpy.allclose(j_non_inductive, j_actuator + j_bootstrap), err
# j_total
err = 'j_total inconsistent with j_ohmic and j_non_inductive'
if (j_total is not None) and ((j_ohmic is not None) or (j_non_inductive is not None)):
assert numpy.allclose(j_total, j_ohmic + j_non_inductive), err
# j_tor
err = 'j_tor inconsistent with j_total'
if (j_total is not None) and (j_tor is not None):
if eq is not None:
JparB_tot = j_total * B0
JtoR_tot = transform_current(rho_tor_norm, JparB=JparB_tot, equilibrium=eq, includes_bootstrap=True)
assert numpy.allclose(j_tor, JtoR_tot / fsa_invR), err
if warn:
printe("Warning: ods['equilibrium'] does not exist")
printe(" can't determine if " + err)
# =============
# =============
with omas_environment(ods, coordsio={'core_profiles.profiles_1d.%d.grid.rho_tor_norm' % time_index: rho_tor_norm}):
for j in ['j_bootstrap', 'j_non_inductive', 'j_ohmic', 'j_total', 'j_tor']:
if eval(j) is not None:
prof1d[j] = eval(j)
elif j in prof1d:
del prof1d[j]
# ======================
# ======================
if eq is None:
# can't integrate currents without the equilibrium
# Calculate integrated currents
rho_eq = eq['profiles_1d']['rho_tor_norm']
vp = eq['profiles_1d']['dvolume_dpsi']
psi = eq['profiles_1d']['psi']
fsa_invR = eq['profiles_1d']['gm9']
with omas_environment(ods, coordsio={'core_profiles.profiles_1d.%d.grid.rho_tor_norm' % time_index: rho_eq}):
currents = [('j_bootstrap', 'current_bootstrap', True), ('j_non_inductive', 'current_non_inductive', True), ('j_tor', 'ip', False)]
for Jname, Iname, transform in currents:
if Jname in prof1d:
J = prof1d[Jname]
if transform:
# transform <J.B>/B0 to <Jt/R>
J = transform_current(rho_eq, JparB=J * B0, equilibrium=eq, includes_bootstrap=True)
# already <Jt/R>/<1/R>
J *= fsa_invR
ods.set_time_array('core_profiles.global_quantities.%s' % Iname, time_index, cumtrapz(vp * J, psi)[-1] / (2.0 * numpy.pi))
elif 'core_profiles.global_quantities.%s' % Iname in ods:
# set current to zero if this time_index exists already
if time_index < len(ods['core_profiles.global_quantities.%s' % Iname]):
ods['core_profiles.global_quantities.%s' % Iname][time_index] = 0.0
def wall_add(ods, machine=None):
Add wall information to the ODS
:param ods: ODS to update in-place
:param machine: machine of which to load the wall (if None it is taken from ods['dataset_description.data_entry.machine'])
if machine is None:
if 'machine' in ods['dataset_description.data_entry']:
machine = ods['dataset_description.data_entry.machine']
raise LookupError('Could not figure out what machine wall to use: dataset_description.data_entry.machine is not set')
# fmt: off
walls = {}
walls['iter'] = {'RLIM': [6.267, 7.283, 7.899, 8.306, 8.395, 8.27, 7.904, 7.4,
6.587, 5.753, 4.904, 4.311, 4.126, 4.076, 4.046, 4.046,
4.067, 4.097, 4.178, 3.9579, 4.0034, 4.1742, 4.3257, 4.4408,
4.5066, 4.5157, 4.467, 4.4064, 4.4062, 4.3773, 4.3115, 4.2457,
4.1799, 4.4918, 4.5687, 4.6456, 4.8215, 4.9982, 5.1496, 5.2529,
5.2628, 5.2727, 5.565, 5.565, 5.565, 5.565, 5.572, 5.572,
5.572, 5.572, 5.6008, 5.6842, 5.815, 5.9821, 6.171, 6.3655,
'ZLIM': [-3.036, -2.247, -1.332, -0.411, 0.643, 1.691, 2.474,
3.189, 3.904, 4.542, 4.722, 4.334, 3.592, 2.576,
1.559, 0.543, -0.474, -1.49, -2.496, -2.5284, -2.5284,
-2.5574, -2.6414, -2.7708, -2.931, -3.1039, -3.2701, -3.3943,
-3.3948, -3.4699, -3.6048, -3.7397, -3.8747, -3.8992, -3.8176,
-3.736, -3.699, -3.7314, -3.8282, -3.9752, -4.1144, -4.2536,
-4.5459, -4.3926, -4.2394, -4.0862, -3.9861, -3.9856, -3.886,
-3.885, -3.6924, -3.5165, -3.3723, -3.2722, -3.225, -3.2346,
walls['west'] = {'RLIM': [2.86135614, 2.87861924, 2.90016384, 2.91997554, 2.93800414,
2.95420434, 2.96853494, 2.98095994, 2.99144794, 2.99997234,
3.00651164, 3.01104944, 3.01357414, 3.01407934, 3.01256394,
3.00903154, 3.00349134, 2.99595704, 2.98644784, 2.97498774,
2.96160574, 2.94633544, 2.92921564, 2.91028954, 2.88960484,
2.86721394, 3.1298712, 3.1117572, 3.0928301, 3.0731123,
3.0526269, 3.031398, 3.0094508, 2.9868111, 2.9635054,
2.9395614, 2.9150072, 2.8898718, 2.8641847, 2.8379762,
2.8112773, 2.766, 2.735, 2.704, 2.673,
2.642, 2.611, 2.58, 2.549, 2.518,
2.487, 2.456, 2.4446, 2.4199, 2.3952,
2.3705, 2.3458, 2.3211, 2.2965, 2.2718,
2.2471, 2.2224, 2.1977, 2.173, 2.1483,
2.1236, 2.0989, 2.0742, 2.0495, 2.0249,
2.0002, 1.9755, 1.9508, 1.9261, 1.9014,
1.8966603, 1.8901254, 1.8839482, 1.8781297, 1.8726708,
1.8675721, 1.8628345, 1.8584587, 1.8544453, 1.8507948,
1.8475079, 1.844585, 1.8420265, 1.8398328, 1.8380042,
1.836541, 1.8354435, 1.8347117, 1.8343457, 1.8343457,
1.8347117, 1.8354435, 1.836541, 1.8380042, 1.8398328,
1.8420265, 1.844585, 1.8475079, 1.8507948, 1.8544453,
1.8584587, 1.8628345, 1.8675721, 1.8726708, 1.8781297,
1.8839482, 1.8901254, 1.8966603, 1.9091, 1.928,
1.9468, 1.9657, 1.9845, 2.0034, 2.0222,
2.0411, 2.0599, 2.0788, 2.0977, 2.1165,
2.1354, 2.1542, 2.1731, 2.1919, 2.2108,
2.2297, 2.2485, 2.2674, 2.2862, 2.3051,
2.3239, 2.3428, 2.3616, 2.3805, 2.3895,
2.43351111, 2.47752222, 2.52153333, 2.56554444, 2.60955556,
2.65356667, 2.69757778, 2.74158889, 2.7856, 2.802274,
2.8291295, 2.855505, 2.8813692, 2.9066919, 2.9314431,
2.9555937, 2.9791152, 3.0019799, 3.0241609, 3.045632,
3.0663679, 3.0863443, 3.1055375, 3.1239249, 2.86135614],
'ZLIM': [-0.4702282, -0.44550049, -0.41155163, -0.37656315, -0.34062343,
-0.30382328, -0.26625564, -0.22801541, -0.1891992, -0.14990505,
-0.11023223, -0.07028096, -0.03015215, 0.01005283, 0.05023242,
0.09028511, 0.13010973, 0.16960569, 0.20867321, 0.2472136,
0.2851295, 0.32232515, 0.35870657, 0.39418187, 0.42866144,
0.46205816, 0.51562535, 0.53962674, 0.56299231, 0.58569451,
0.60770659, 0.62900263, 0.64955753, 0.66934707, 0.68834792,
0.70653771, 0.723895, 0.74039934, 0.75603128, 0.77077241,
0.78460535, 0.7492, 0.7492, 0.7492, 0.7492,
0.7492, 0.7492, 0.7492, 0.7492, 0.7492,
0.7492, 0.7492, 0.7986, 0.7886, 0.7787,
0.7687, 0.7587, 0.7487, 0.7388, 0.7288,
0.7188, 0.7088, 0.6989, 0.6889, 0.6789,
0.6689, 0.659, 0.649, 0.639, 0.6291,
0.6191, 0.6091, 0.5991, 0.5892, 0.5792,
0.555, 0.52546258, 0.49584828, 0.46616143, 0.43640637,
0.40658745, 0.37670903, 0.3467755, 0.31679123, 0.28676061,
0.25668802, 0.22657788, 0.19643458, 0.16626254, 0.13606618,
0.1058499, 0.07561814, 0.04537531, 0.01512584, -0.01512584,
-0.04537531, -0.07561814, -0.1058499, -0.13606618, -0.16626254,
-0.19643458, -0.22657788, -0.25668802, -0.28676061, -0.31679123,
-0.3467755, -0.37670903, -0.40658745, -0.43640637, -0.46616143,
-0.49584828, -0.52546258, -0.555, -0.5798, -0.5874,
-0.595, -0.6026, -0.6102, -0.6178, -0.6254,
-0.633, -0.6406, -0.6482, -0.6558, -0.6634,
-0.671, -0.6786, -0.6862, -0.6938, -0.7014,
-0.709, -0.7166, -0.7242, -0.7318, -0.7394,
-0.747, -0.7546, -0.7622, -0.7698, -0.6754,
-0.6754, -0.6754, -0.6754, -0.6754, -0.6754,
-0.6754, -0.6754, -0.6754, -0.6754, -0.78901166,
-0.77548512, -0.76104485, -0.74570785, -0.7294922, -0.71241701,
-0.69450238, -0.67576944, -0.65624025, -0.63593783, -0.61488609,
-0.59310985, -0.57063475, -0.54748729, -0.52369473, -0.4702282]}
# fmt: on
if machine.lower() not in walls:
raise LookupError('OMAS wall information only available for: %s' % walls.keys())
ods['wall.description_2d.+.limiter.type.name'] = 'first_wall'
ods['wall.description_2d.-1.limiter.type.index'] = 0
ods['wall.description_2d.-1.limiter.type.description'] = 'first wall'
ods['wall.description_2d.-1.limiter.unit.0.outline.r'] = walls[machine.lower()]['RLIM']
ods['wall.description_2d.-1.limiter.unit.0.outline.z'] = walls[machine.lower()]['ZLIM']
def equilibrium_consistent(ods):
Calculate missing derived quantities for equilibrium IDS
:param ods: ODS to update in-place
:return: updated ods
for time_index in ods['equilibrium.time_slice']:
eq = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]
eq1d = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']
psi = eq1d['psi']
psi_norm = abs(psi - psi[0]) / abs(psi[-1] - psi[0])
psirz = eq['profiles_2d.0.psi']
psirz_norm = abs(psirz - psi[0]) / abs(psi[-1] - psi[0])
fpol = eq1d['f']
# extend functions in PSI to be clamped at edge value when outside of PSI range (i.e. outside of LCFS)
ext_psi_norm_mesh = numpy.hstack((psi_norm[0] - 1e6, psi_norm, psi_norm[-1] + 1e6))
def ext_arr(inv):
return numpy.hstack((inv[0], inv, inv[-1]))
fpol = omas_interp1d(psirz_norm, ext_psi_norm_mesh, ext_arr(fpol))
Z, R = numpy.meshgrid(eq['profiles_2d.0.grid.dim2'], eq['profiles_2d.0.grid.dim1'])
eq['profiles_2d.0.r'] = R
eq['profiles_2d.0.z'] = Z
eq['profiles_2d.0.b_field_tor'] = fpol / R
equilibrium_stored_energy(ods, update=True)
return ods
def equilibrium_transpose_RZ(ods, flip_dims=False):
Transpose 2D grid values for RZ grids under equilibrium.time_slice.:.profiles_2d.:.
:param ods: ODS to update in-place
:param flip_dims: whether to switch the equilibrium.time_slice.:.profiles_2d.:.grid.dim1 and dim1
:return: updated ods
for time_index in ods['equilibrium.time_slice']:
for grid in ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_2d']:
if ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_2d'][grid]['grid_type.index'] == 1:
eq2D = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_2d'][grid]
for item in eq2D:
if isinstance(eq2D[item], numpy.ndarray) and len(eq2D[item].shape) == 2:
eq2D[item] = eq2D[item].T
if flip_dims:
tmp = eq2D['grid.dim1']
eq2D['grid.dim1'] = ed2D['grid.dim2']
eq2D['grid.dim1'] = tmp
return ods
def magnetics_sanitize(ods, remove_bpol_probe=True):
Take data in legacy magnetics.bpol_probe and store it in current magnetics.b_field_pol_probe and magnetics.b_field_tor_probe
:param ods: ODS to update in-place
:return: updated ods
if 'magnetics.bpol_probe' not in ods:
return ods
if 'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe' in ods:
if 'magnetics.b_field_tor_probe' in ods:
tor_angle = ods['magnetics.bpol_probe[:].toroidal_angle']
for k in ods['magnetics.bpol_probe']:
if abs(numpy.sin(ods.get(f'magnetics.bpol_probe.{k}.toroidal_angle', 0.0))) < numpy.sin(numpy.pi / 4):
ods[f'magnetics.b_field_pol_probe.+'] = ods['magnetics.bpol_probe'][k]
ods[f'magnetics.b_field_tor_probe.+'] = ods['magnetics.bpol_probe'][k]
if remove_bpol_probe:
del ods['magnetics.bpol_probe']
return ods
def delete_ggd(ods, ds=None):
delete all .ggd and .grids_ggd entries
:param ods: input ods
:param ds: string or list of strings where to limit the deletion process
:return: list of strings with deleted entries
if ds is None:
ds = ods.keys()
elif isinstance(ds, str):
ds = [ds]
from .omas_structure import extract_ggd
ggds = extract_ggd()
deleted = []
for ggd in ggds:
if not any(ggd.startswith(structure + '.') for structure in ds):
if ':' not in ggd:
if ggd in ods:
del ods[ggd]
dir, base = ggd.split('[:]')
if dir in ods:
for k in ods[dir].keys():
if 'ggd' in ods[dir + '[%d]' % k]:
del ods[dir][k][base]
return deleted
def grids_ggd_points_triangles(grid):
Return points and triangles in grids_ggd structure
:param grid: a ggd grid such as 'equilibrium.grids_ggd[0].grid[0]'
:return: tuple with points and triangles
# objects_per_dimension: 0 = nodes, 1 = edges, 2 = faces, 3 = cells / volumes
points = grid['space[0].objects_per_dimension[0].object[:].geometry']
triangles = grid['space[0].objects_per_dimension[2].object[:].nodes']
return points, triangles
class ScatterInterpolator(object):
Interface class for a unified call function for the scipy interpolators:
- NearestNDInterpolator
- LinearNDInterpolator
- CloughTocher2DInterpolator
- Rbf
Created by factory create_scatter_interpolator
def __init__(self, interpolant, method):
:param interpolant: Instance of the scipy interpolator
:param method: Interpolation method
self.interpolant = interpolant
self.method = method
def __call__(self, R, Z, **kwargs):
Call the interpolator
:param interpolant: Instance of the scipy interpolator
:param method: Interpolation method
:param kwargs: Catch extra arguments (needed for polymorphism in equilibrium_profiles_2d_map)
if self.method == 'extrapolate':
return numpy.reshape(self.interpolant(R.flat, Z.flat), R.shape)
return numpy.reshape(self.interpolant(numpy.vstack((R.flat, Z.flat)).T), R.shape)
def create_scatter_interpolator(r, z, data, method=['nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'extrapolate'][1], return_cache=False):
Create an interpolator for scattered data points. Utility function for scatter_to_rectangular and equilibrium_profiles_2d_map
:param r: r coordinate of data points
:param z: z coordinate of data points
:param data: data
:param method: one of 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'extrapolate'
:param sanitize: avoid NaNs in regions where data is missing
:return: interpolator(R,Z) -> interpolated data (and cache if return_cache)
import scipy
from scipy import interpolate
cache = None
if method == 'nearest':
interpolant = scipy.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator((r, z), data)
elif method == 'linear':
if cache is None:
cache = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(numpy.vstack((r, z)).T)
interpolant = scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(cache, data)
elif method == 'cubic':
if cache is None:
cache = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(numpy.vstack((r, z)).T)
interpolant = scipy.interpolate.CloughTocher2DInterpolator(cache, data)
elif method == 'extrapolate':
if cache is None:
cache = True
interpolant = scipy.interpolate.Rbf(r, z, data)
raise ValueError('Interpolation method %s is not recognized' % method)
if return_cache:
return ScatterInterpolator(interpolant, method), cache
return ScatterInterpolator(interpolant, method)
def scatter_to_rectangular(r, z, data, R, Z, method=['nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'extrapolate'][1], sanitize=True, return_cache=False):
Interpolate scattered data points to rectangular grid
:param r: r coordinate of data points
:param z: z coordinate of data points
:param data: data
:param R: scalars, 1D arrays, or 2D arrays
:param Z: scalars, 1D arrays, or 2D arrays
:param method: one of 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'extrapolate'
:param sanitize: avoid NaNs in regions where data is missing
:param return_cache: cache object or boolean to return cache object for faster interpolaton
:return: R, Z, interpolated_data (and cache if return_cache)
import scipy
if isinstance(R, int) and isinstance(Z, int):
R, Z = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.linspace(numpy.min(r), numpy.max(r), R), numpy.linspace(numpy.min(z), numpy.max(z), Z))
elif len(numpy.atleast_1d(R).shape) == 1 and len(numpy.atleast_1d(Z).shape) == 1:
R, Z = numpy.meshgrid(R, Z)
elif len(numpy.atleast_1d(R).shape) == 2 and len(numpy.atleast_1d(Z).shape) == 2:
raise ValueError('R and Z must both be either scalars, 1D arrays, or 2D arrays')
cache = None
if return_cache:
scatter_interpolator, cache = create_scatter_interpolator(r, z, data, method=method, return_cache=return_cache)
scatter_interpolator = create_scatter_interpolator(r, z, data, method=method, return_cache=return_cache)
intepolated_data = scatter_interpolator(R, Z)
# remove any NaNs using a rough nearest interpolation
index = ~numpy.isnan(intepolated_data.flat)
if sanitize and sum(1 - index):
intepolated_data.flat[~index] = scipy.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator(
(R.flatten()[index], Z.flatten()[index]), intepolated_data.flatten()[index]
)((R.flatten()[~index], Z.flatten()[~index]))
if return_cache:
return R[0, :], Z[:, 0], intepolated_data, cache
return R[0, :], Z[:, 0], intepolated_data
def check_iter_scenario_requirements(ods):
Check that the current ODS satisfies the ITER scenario database requirements as defined in https://confluence.iter.org/x/kQqOE
:return: list of elements that are missing to satisfy the ITER scenario requirements
from .omas_imas import iter_scenario_requirements
fail = []
for item in iter_scenario_requirements:
ods[item] # acccessing a leaf that has no data will raise an error
except Exception:
return fail
def probe_endpoints(r0, z0, a0, l0, cocos):
Transform r,z,a,l arrays commonly used to describe poloidal magnetic
probes geometry to actual r,z coordinates of the end-points of the probes.
This is useful for plotting purposes.
:param r0: r coordinates [m]
:param z0: Z coordinates [m]
:param a0: poloidal angles [radiants]
:param l0: lenght [m]
:param cocos: cocos convention
:return: list of 2-points r and z coordinates of individual probes
theta_convention = 1
if cocos in [1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 17]:
theta_convention = -1
boo = (1 - numpy.sign(l0)) / 2.0
cor = boo * numpy.pi / 2.0
# then, compute the two-point arrays to build the partial rogowskis
# as segments rather than single points, applying the correction
px = r0 - l0 / 2.0 * numpy.cos(theta_convention * (a0 + cor))
py = z0 - l0 / 2.0 * numpy.sin(theta_convention * (a0 + cor))
qx = r0 + l0 / 2.0 * numpy.cos(theta_convention * (a0 + cor))
qy = z0 + l0 / 2.0 * numpy.sin(theta_convention * (a0 + cor))
segx = []
segy = []
for k in range(len(r0)):
segx.append([px[k], qx[k]])
segy.append([py[k], qy[k]])
return segx, segy
def core_sources_j_parallel_sum(ods, time_index=0):
ods function used to sum all j_parallel contributions from core_sources (j_actuator)
:param ods: input ods
:param time_index: time slice to process
:return: sum of j_parallel in [A/m^2]
rho = ods[f'core_profiles.profiles_1d.{time_index}.grid.rho_tor_norm']
j_act = numpy.zeros(len(rho))
for source in ods['core_sources.source']:
if 'j_parallel' in ods[f'core_sources.source[{source}].profiles_1d.{time_index}']:
with omas_environment(ods, coordsio={f'core_sources.source.{source}.profiles_1d.{time_index}.grid.rho_tor_norm': rho}):
j_act += ods[f'core_sources.source[{source}].profiles_1d[{time_index}].j_parallel']
return j_act
def search_ion(ion_ods, label=None, Z=None, A=None, no_matches_raise_error=True, multiple_matches_raise_error=True):
utility function used to identify the ion number and element numbers given the ion label and or their Z and/or A
:param ion_ods: ODS location that ends with .ion
:param label: ion label
:param Z: ion element charge
:param A: ion element mass
:parame no_matches_raise_error: whether to raise a IndexError when no ion matches are found
:parame multiple_matches_raise_error: whether to raise a IndexError when multiple ion matches are found
:return: dictionary with matching ions labels, each with list of matching ion elements
if not ion_ods.location.endswith('.ion'):
raise ValueError('ods location must end with `.ion`')
match = {}
for ki in ion_ods:
if label is None or (label is not None and 'label' in ion_ods[ki] and ion_ods[ki]['label'] == label):
if A is not None or Z is not None and 'element' in ion_ods[ki]:
for ke in ion_ods[ki]['element']:
if A is not None and A == ion_ods[ki]['element'][ke]['a'] and Z is not None and Z == ion_ods[ki]['element'][ke]['z_n']:
match.setdefault(ki, []).append(ke)
elif A is not None and A == ion_ods[ki]['element'][ke]['a']:
match.setdefault(ki, []).append(ke)
elif Z is not None and Z == ion_ods[ki]['element'][ke]['z_n']:
match.setdefault(ki, []).append(ke)
elif 'element' in ion_ods[ki] and len(ion_ods[ki]['element']):
match.setdefault(ki, []).extend(range(len(ion_ods[ki]['element'])))
match[ki] = []
if multiple_matches_raise_error and (len(match) > 1 or len(match) == 1 and len(list(match.values())[0]) > 1):
raise IndexError('Multiple ion match query: label=%s Z=%s A=%s' % (label, Z, A))
if no_matches_raise_error and len(match) == 0:
raise IndexError('No ion match query: label=%s Z=%s A=%s' % (label, Z, A))
return match
def search_in_array_structure(ods, conditions, no_matches_return=0, no_matches_raise_error=False, multiple_matches_raise_error=True):
search for the index in an array structure that matches some conditions
:param ods: ODS location that is an array of structures
:param conditions: dictionary (or ODS) whith entries that must match and their values
* condition['name']=value : check value
* condition['name']=True : check existance
* condition['name']=False : check not existance
NOTE: True/False as flags for (not)existance is not an issue since IMAS does not support booleans
:param no_matches_return: what index to return if no matches are found
:param no_matches_raise_error: wheter to raise an error in no matches are found
:param multiple_matches_raise_error: whater to raise an error if multiple matches are found
:return: list with indeces matching conditions
if ods.omas_data is not None and not isinstance(ods.omas_data, list):
raise Exception('ods location must be an array of structures')
if isinstance(conditions, ODS):
conditions = conditions.flat()
match = []
for k in ods:
k_match = True
for key in conditions:
if conditions[key] is False:
if key in ods[k]:
k_match = False
elif conditions[key] is True:
if key not in ods[k]:
k_match = False
elif key not in ods[k] or ods[k][key] != conditions[key]:
k_match = False
if k_match:
if not len(match):
if no_matches_raise_error:
raise IndexError('no matches for conditions: %s' % conditions)
match = [no_matches_return]
if multiple_matches_raise_error and len(match) > 1:
raise IndexError('multiple matches for conditions: %s' % conditions)
return match
def get_plot_scale_and_unit(phys_quant, species=None):
Returns normalizing scale for a physical quantity.
E.g. "temprerature" returns 1.e-3 and keV
:param phys_qaunt: str with a physical quantity. Uses IMAS scheme names where possible
:return: scale, unit
if "temperature" in phys_quant:
return 1.e-3, r"\mathrm{keV}"
elif "density" in phys_quant :
if species is not None and species not in ["H", "D", "He"]:
return 1.e-18, r"\times 10^{18}\,\mathrm{m}^{-3}"
return 1.e-19, r"\times 10^{19}\,\mathrm{m}^{-3}"
elif "velocity" in phys_quant:
return 1.e-6, r"\mathrm{Mm}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}"
elif "e_field" in phys_quant:
return 1.e-3, r"\mathrm{kV}\,\mathrm{m}^{-1}"
def define_cocos(cocos_ind):
Returns dictionary with COCOS coefficients given a COCOS index
:param cocos_ind: COCOS index
:return: dictionary with COCOS coefficients
cocos = dict.fromkeys(['sigma_Bp', 'sigma_RpZ', 'sigma_rhotp', 'sign_q_pos', 'sign_pprime_pos', 'exp_Bp'])
# all multipliers shouldn't change input values if cocos_ind is None
if cocos_ind is None:
cocos['exp_Bp'] = 0
cocos['sigma_Bp'] = +1
cocos['sigma_RpZ'] = +1
cocos['sigma_rhotp'] = +1
cocos['sign_q_pos'] = 0
cocos['sign_pprime_pos'] = 0
return cocos
# if COCOS>=10, this should be 1
cocos['exp_Bp'] = 0
if cocos_ind >= 10:
cocos['exp_Bp'] = +1
if cocos_ind in [1, 11]:
# These cocos are for
# (1) psitbx(various options), Toray-GA
# (11) ITER, Boozer
cocos['sigma_Bp'] = +1
cocos['sigma_RpZ'] = +1
cocos['sigma_rhotp'] = +1
cocos['sign_q_pos'] = +1
cocos['sign_pprime_pos'] = -1
elif cocos_ind in [2, 12, -12]:
# These cocos are for
# (12) GENE
# (-12) ASTRA
cocos['sigma_Bp'] = +1
cocos['sigma_RpZ'] = -1
cocos['sigma_rhotp'] = +1
cocos['sign_q_pos'] = +1
cocos['sign_pprime_pos'] = -1
elif cocos_ind in [3, 13]:
# These cocos are for
# (3) Freidberg*, CAXE and KINX*, GRAY, CQL3D^, CarMa, EFIT* with : ORB5, GBSwith : GT5D
# (13) CLISTE, EQUAL, GEC, HELENA, EU ITM-TF up to end of 2011
cocos['sigma_Bp'] = -1
cocos['sigma_RpZ'] = +1
cocos['sigma_rhotp'] = -1
cocos['sign_q_pos'] = -1
cocos['sign_pprime_pos'] = +1
elif cocos_ind in [4, 14]:
# These cocos are for
cocos['sigma_Bp'] = -1
cocos['sigma_RpZ'] = -1
cocos['sigma_rhotp'] = -1
cocos['sign_q_pos'] = -1
cocos['sign_pprime_pos'] = +1
elif cocos_ind in [5, 15]:
# These cocos are for
cocos['sigma_Bp'] = +1
cocos['sigma_RpZ'] = +1
cocos['sigma_rhotp'] = -1
cocos['sign_q_pos'] = -1
cocos['sign_pprime_pos'] = -1
elif cocos_ind in [6, 16]:
# These cocos are for
cocos['sigma_Bp'] = +1
cocos['sigma_RpZ'] = -1
cocos['sigma_rhotp'] = -1
cocos['sign_q_pos'] = -1
cocos['sign_pprime_pos'] = -1
elif cocos_ind in [7, 17]:
# These cocos are for
# (17) LIUQE*, psitbx(TCV standard output)
cocos['sigma_Bp'] = -1
cocos['sigma_RpZ'] = +1
cocos['sigma_rhotp'] = +1
cocos['sign_q_pos'] = +1
cocos['sign_pprime_pos'] = +1
elif cocos_ind in [8, 18]:
# These cocos are for
cocos['sigma_Bp'] = -1
cocos['sigma_RpZ'] = -1
cocos['sigma_rhotp'] = +1
cocos['sign_q_pos'] = +1
cocos['sign_pprime_pos'] = +1
return cocos
def identify_cocos(B0, Ip, q, psi, clockwise_phi=None, a=None):
Utility function to identify COCOS coordinate system
If multiple COCOS are possible, then all are returned.
:param B0: toroidal magnetic field (with sign)
:param Ip: plasma current (with sign)
:param q: safety factor profile (with sign) as function of psi
:param psi: poloidal flux as function of psi(with sign)
:param clockwise_phi: (optional) [True, False] if phi angle is defined clockwise or not
This is required to identify odd Vs even COCOS
Note that this cannot be determined from the output of a code.
An easy way to determine this is to answer the question: is positive B0 clockwise?
:param a: (optional) flux surfaces minor radius as function of psi
This is required to identify 2*pi term in psi definition
:return: list with possible COCOS
if clockwise_phi is None:
sigma_rpz = clockwise_phi
elif clockwise_phi:
sigma_rpz = -1
sigma_rpz = +1
# return both even and odd COCOS if clockwise_phi is not provided
if sigma_rpz is None:
tmp = identify_cocos(B0, Ip, q, psi, True, a)
tmp.extend(identify_cocos(B0, Ip, q, psi, False, a))
return tmp
sigma_Ip = numpy.sign(Ip)
sigma_B0 = numpy.sign(B0)
sign_dpsi_pos = numpy.sign(numpy.gradient(psi))[0]
sign_q_pos = numpy.sign(q)[0]
sigma_Bp = sign_dpsi_pos / sigma_Ip
sigma_rhotp = sign_q_pos / (sigma_Ip * sigma_B0)
sigma2cocos = {
(+1, +1, +1): 1, # +Bp, +rpz, +rtp
(+1, -1, +1): 2, # +Bp, -rpz, +rtp
(-1, +1, -1): 3, # -Bp, +rpz, -rtp
(-1, -1, -1): 4, # -Bp, -rpz, -rtp
(+1, +1, -1): 5, # +Bp, +rpz, -rtp
(+1, -1, -1): 6, # +Bp, -rpz, -rtp
(-1, +1, +1): 7, # -Bp, +rpz, +rtp
(-1, -1, +1): 8, # -Bp, -rpz, +rtp
# identify 2*pi term in psi definition based on q estimate
if a is not None:
index = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(q))
if index == 0:
index += 1
q_estimate = abs((numpy.pi * B0 * (a[index] - a[0]) ** 2) / (psi[index] - psi[0]))
q_actual = abs(q[index])
if abs(q_estimate - q_actual) < abs(q_estimate / (2 * numpy.pi) - q_actual):
eBp = 1
eBp = 0
return [sigma2cocos[(sigma_Bp, sigma_rpz, sigma_rhotp)] + 10 * eBp]
# return COCOS<10 as well as COCOS>10 if a is not provided
return [sigma2cocos[(sigma_Bp, sigma_rpz, sigma_rhotp)], sigma2cocos[(sigma_Bp, sigma_rpz, sigma_rhotp)] + 10]
def omas_environment(
Provides environment for data input/output to/from OMAS
:param ods: ODS on which to operate
:param cocosio: COCOS convention
:param coordsio: dictionary/ODS with coordinates for data interpolation
:param unitsio: True/False whether data read from OMAS should have units
:param uncertainio: True/False whether data read from OMAS should have uncertainties
:param input_data_process_functions: list of functions that are used to process data that is passed to the ODS
:param xmlcodeparams: view code.parameters as an XML string while in this environment
:param dynamic_path_creation: whether to dynamically create the path when setting an item
* False: raise an error when trying to access a structure element that does not exists
* True (default): arrays of structures can be incrementally extended by accessing at the next element in the array
* 'dynamic_array_structures': arrays of structures can be dynamically extended
:param kw: extra keywords set attributes of the ods (eg. 'consistency_check', 'dynamic_path_creation', 'imas_version')
:return: ODS with environment set
# turn simple coordsio dictionary into an ODS
if isinstance(coordsio, dict):
from omas import ODS
tmp = ODS(cocos=ods.cocos)
with omas_environment(tmp, cocosio=cocosio, dynamic_path_creation='dynamic_array_structures'):
coordsio = tmp
if cocosio is not None and not isinstance(cocosio, int):
raise ValueError('cocosio can only be an integer')
# backup attributes
bkp_dynamic_path_creation = omas_rcparams['dynamic_path_creation']
bkp_cocosio = ods.cocosio
bkp_coordsio = ods.coordsio
bkp_unitsio = ods.unitsio
bkp_uncertainio = ods.uncertainio
bkp_args = {}
for item in kw:
bkp_args[item] = getattr(ods, item)
# set attributes
for item in kw:
setattr(ods, item, kw[item])
if cocosio is not None:
ods.cocosio = cocosio
if coordsio is not None:
ods.coordsio = coordsio
if unitsio is not None:
ods.unitsio = unitsio
if uncertainio is not None:
ods.uncertainio = uncertainio
if dynamic_path_creation is not None:
omas_rcparams['dynamic_path_creation'] = dynamic_path_creation
# set input_data_process_functions
if input_data_process_functions is not None:
from . import omas_core
bkp_input_data_process_functions = copy.copy(omas_core.input_data_process_functions)
omas_core.input_data_process_functions[:] = input_data_process_functions
# set code.parameters as XML string
if xmlcodeparams:
if coordsio is not None:
with omas_environment(coordsio, cocosio=cocosio):
yield ods
yield ods
# restore code.parameters as dictionary
if xmlcodeparams:
# restore attributes
omas_rcparams['dynamic_path_creation'] = bkp_dynamic_path_creation
ods.cocosio = bkp_cocosio
ods.coordsio = bkp_coordsio
ods.unitsio = bkp_unitsio
ods.uncertainio = bkp_uncertainio
for item in kw:
setattr(ods, item, bkp_args[item])
except Exception as _excp:
# Add more user feedback, since use of consistency_check in an omas_environment can be confusing
if item == 'consistency_check':
raise _excp.__class__(str(_excp) + '\nThe IMAS consistency was violated getting out of the omas_environment')
# restore input_data_process_functions
if input_data_process_functions is not None:
omas_core.input_data_process_functions[:] = bkp_input_data_process_functions
def generate_cocos_signals(structures=[], threshold=0, write=True, verbose=False):
This is a utility function for generating the omas_cocos.py Python file
:param structures: list of structures for which to generate COCOS signals
:param threshold: score threshold below which singals entries will not be written in omas_cocos.py
* 0 is a reasonable threshold for catching signals that should have an associated COCOS transform
* 10000 (or any high number) is a way to hide signals in omas_cocos.py that are unassigned
:param write: update omas_cocos.py file
:param verbose: print cocos signals to screen
:return: dictionary structure with tally of score and reason for scoring for every entry
# cocos_signals contains the IMAS locations and the corresponding `cocos_transform` function
from .omas_cocos import _cocos_signals
# update OMAS cocos information with the one stored in IMAS
from .omas_structure import extract_cocos
# units of entries currently in cocos_singals
cocos_units = []
for item in _cocos_signals:
if _cocos_signals[item] == '?':
info = omas_info_node(item)
if len(info) and 'units' in info: # info may have no length if nodes are deleted between IMAS versions
units = info['units']
if units not in cocos_units:
cocos_units = set(cocos_units).difference(set(['?']))
# make sure to keep around structures that are already in omas_cocos.py
cocos_structures = []
for item in _cocos_signals:
structure_name = item.split('.')[0]
if structure_name not in cocos_structures:
if isinstance(structures, str):
structures = [structures]
structures += cocos_structures
structures = numpy.unique(structures)
from .omas_utils import _structures, _extra_structures
from .omas_utils import i2o
from .omas_core import ODS
# if generate_cocos_signals is run after omas has been used for something else
# (eg. when running test_examples) it may be that _extra_structures is not empty
# Thus, we clear _structures and _extra_structures to make sure that
# structures_filenames() is not polluted by _extra_structures
_structures_bkp = copy.deepcopy(_structures)
_extra_structures_bkp = copy.deepcopy(_extra_structures)
ods = ODS()
out = {}
text = []
csig = [
'''List of automatic COCOS transformations
# COCOS signals candidates are generated by running utilities/generate_cocos_signals.py
# Running this script is useful to keep track of new signals that IMAS adds in new data structure releases
# In this file you are only allowed to edit/add entries to the `_cocos_signals` dictionary
# Proceed as follows:
# 1. Edit transformations in this file (if a signal is missing, it can be added here)
# 2. Run `utilities/generate_cocos_signals.py` (which will update this same file)
# 3. Commit changes
# Valid transformations are defined in the `cocos_transform()` function and they are:
# transforms = {}
# transforms['1/PSI'] = sigma_Ip_eff * sigma_Bp_eff / (2 * numpy.pi) ** exp_Bp_eff
# transforms['invPSI'] = transforms['1/PSI']
# transforms['dPSI'] = transforms['1/PSI']
# transforms['F_FPRIME'] = transforms['dPSI']
# transforms['PPRIME'] = transforms['dPSI']
# transforms['PSI'] = sigma_Ip_eff * sigma_Bp_eff * (2 * numpy.pi) ** exp_Bp_eff
# transforms['Q'] = sigma_Ip_eff * sigma_B0_eff * sigma_rhotp_eff
# transforms['TOR'] = sigma_B0_eff
# transforms['BT'] = transforms['TOR']
# transforms['IP'] = transforms['TOR']
# transforms['F'] = transforms['TOR']
# transforms['POL'] = sigma_B0_eff * sigma_rhotp_eff
# transforms['BP'] = transforms['POL']
# transforms[None] = 1
_cocos_signals = {}
skip_signals = [
# loop over structures
for structure in structures:
print('Updating COCOS info for: ' + structure)
text.extend(['', '# ' + structure.upper()])
csig.extend(['', '# ' + structure.upper()])
out[structure] = {}
m = 0
# generate score and add reason for scoring
for item in sorted(list(load_structure(structure, omas_rcparams['default_imas_version'])[0].keys())):
item = i2o(item)
item_ = item
if any(item.endswith(k) for k in [':.values', ':.value', ':.data']):
item_ = l2o(p2l(item)[:-2])
elif any(item.endswith(k) for k in ['.values', '.value', '.data']):
item_ = l2o(p2l(item)[:-1])
m = max(m, len(item))
score = 0
rationale = []
if item.startswith(structure) and '_error_' not in item:
entry = "_cocos_signals['%s']=" % i2o(item)
info = omas_info_node(item)
units = info.get('units', None)
data_type = info.get('data_type', None)
documentation = info.get('documentation', '')
if data_type in ['STRUCTURE', 'STR_0D', 'STRUCT_ARRAY']:
elif units in [None, 's']:
out[structure].setdefault(-1, []).append((item, '[%s]' % units))
elif re.match('.*\.[rz]$', item):
elif any((item_.endswith('.' + k) or item_.endswith('_' + k) or '.' + k + '.' in item) for k in skip_signals):
out[structure].setdefault(-1, []).append((item, p2l(item_)[-1]))
elif any(k in documentation for k in ['always positive']):
out[structure].setdefault(-1, []).append((item, documentation))
n = item.count('.')
for pnt, key in enumerate(p2l(item)):
pnt = pnt / n
for case in ['q', 'ip', 'b0', 'phi', 'psi', 'f', 'f_df']:
if key == case:
rationale += [case]
score += pnt
for case in ['q', 'j', 'phi', 'psi', 'ip', 'b', 'f', 'v', 'f_df']:
if key.startswith('%s_' % case) and not any(key.startswith(k) for k in ['psi_norm']):
rationale += [case]
score += pnt
for case in ['velocity', 'current', 'b_field', 'e_field', 'torque', 'momentum']:
if case in key and key not in ['heating_current_drive']:
rationale += [case]
score += pnt
for case in ['_dpsi']:
if case in key and case + '_norm' not in key:
rationale += [case]
score += pnt
for case in ['poloidal', 'toroidal', 'parallel', '_tor', '_pol', '_par', 'tor_', 'pol_', 'par_']:
if (key.endswith(case) or key.startswith(case)) and not any(
[key.startswith(k) for k in ['conductivity_', 'pressure_', 'rho_', 'length_']]
rationale += [case]
score += pnt
if units in cocos_units:
if len(rationale):
rationale += ['[%s]' % units]
score += 1
out[structure].setdefault(score, []).append((item, ' '.join(rationale)))
# generate output
for score in reversed(sorted(out[structure])):
for item, rationale in out[structure][score]:
message = ' '
if _cocos_signals.get(item, '?') == '?':
if score > 0:
message = '#[ADD?]'
message = '#[DEL?]'
elif score < 0:
message = '#[DEL?]'
transform = _cocos_signals.get(item, '?')
if isinstance(transform, str):
transform = repr(transform)
txt = ("_cocos_signals['%s']=%s" % (item, transform)).ljust(m + 20) + message + '# %f # %s' % (score, rationale)
if score > threshold or (item in _cocos_signals and _cocos_signals[item] != '?'):
# print to screen (note that this prints ALL the entries, whereas omas_cocos.py only contains entries that score above a give threshold)
if verbose:
print('\n'.join(text) + '\n\n' + '-' * 20)
filename = os.path.abspath(str(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + '/omas_cocos.py')
if write:
# update omas_cocos.py
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
# check that omas_cocos.py file is up-to-date
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
original = str(f.read())
new = str('\n'.join(csig))
diff = difflib.unified_diff(original, new)
assert original == new, 'COCOS signals are not up-to-date! Run `make cocos` to update the omas_cocos.py file.\n' + ''.join(diff)
return out
# The CocosSignals class is just a dictionary that raises warnings when users access
# entries that are likely to need a COCOS transformation, but do not have one.
class CocosSignals(dict):
def __init__(self):
def __getitem__(self, key):
value = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
if not isinstance(value, list) and value == '?':
`{key}` may require defining its COCOS transform in {os.path.split(__file__)[0] + os.sep}omas_cocos.py
Once done, you can reload the cocos definitions with:
> from omas.omas_physics import cocos_signals; cocos_signals.reload()
return value
def reload(self):
namespace = {}
with open(os.path.split(__file__)[0] + os.sep + 'omas_cocos.py', 'r') as f:
exec(f.read(), namespace)
# cocos_signals is the actual dictionary
cocos_signals = CocosSignals()