Source code for omas.utilities.machine_mapping_decorator

from omas.omas_setup import omas_git_repo
import os
import functools
import numpy
from omas.omas_core import o2u
__all__ = [

# ===================
# machine mapping functions
# ===================
[docs]def machine_mapping_function(__regression_arguments__, **regression_args): """ Decorator used to identify machine mapping functions :param \**regression_args: arguments used to run regression test NOTE: use `inspect.unwrap(function)` to call a function decorated with `@machine_mapping_function` from another function decorated with `@machine_mapping_function` """ __all__ = __regression_arguments__['__all__'] def machine_mapping_decorator(f, __all__): __all__.append(f.__name__) if __regression_arguments__ is not None: __regression_arguments__[f.__name__] = regression_args @functools.wraps(f) def machine_mapping_caller(*args, **kwargs): clean_ods = True if len(args[0]): clean_ods = False if clean_ods and omas_git_repo: import inspect # figure out the machine name from where the function `f` is defined machine = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(inspect.getfile(f))[1])[0] if machine == '<string>': # if `f` is called via exec then we need to look at the call stack to figure out the machine name machine = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe().f_back)[0])[1])[0] # call signature argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(f) f_args_str = ", ".join('{%s!r}' % item for item in argspec.args if not item.startswith('_')) # f_args_str = ", ".join(item + '={%s!r}' % item for item in argspec.args if not item.startswith('_')) # to use keywords arguments call = f"{f.__qualname__}({f_args_str})".replace('{ods!r}', 'ods').replace('{pulse!r}', '{pulse}') default_options = None if argspec.defaults: default_options = dict(zip(argspec.args[::-1], argspec.defaults[::-1])) default_options = {item: value for item, value in default_options.items() if not item.startswith('_')} # call update_mapping = kwargs.pop("update_callback", None) out = f(*args, **kwargs) #update mappings definitions if not update_mapping is None: if clean_ods and omas_git_repo: for ulocation in numpy.unique(list(map(o2u, args[0].flat().keys()))): update_mapping(machine, ulocation, {'PYTHON': call}, 11, default_options, update_path=True) return out return machine_mapping_caller return lambda f: machine_mapping_decorator(f, __all__)