# DO NOT EDIT - This file is automatically generated # Install OMFIT framework dependencies with `pip install -r OMFIT-source/install/requirements.txt` # Optional packages can be installed with `pip install -r OMFIT-source/install/optional.txt` # Note that if one of the requirements fails, then none of them will be installed # More info about OMFIT install: https://omfit.io/install.html # More info about PIP requirements file: https://pip.readthedocs.org/en/1.1/requirements.html astropy>=2,<4 #{'REQUIRED':'ASCII tables appear as outputs of various fusion codes'} black>=19.3b0 #{'REQUIRED':'Format Python code within OMFIT'} configobj>=5.0 #{'REQUIRED':'Used to parse input files for IPS'} dill>=0.2.7 #{'REQUIRED':'Needed for saving projects with chaospy distribution objects in them'} fortranformat>=0.2 #{'REQUIRED':'OMFIT needs to read and write ascii format files similar to FORTRAN: afiles, gfiles, etc.'} h5py>=2.7 #{'REQUIRED':'hdf5 files for reproducing plots; NIMROD, FIDASIM and COMPASS modules'} jedi>=0.17.1 #{'REQUIRED':'Tab completion in command box'} lmfit>=0.9,!=1.0.1 #{'REQUIRED':'Profile fitting, STRAHL minimization'} matplotlib>=3.1,!=3.2.1,!=3.2.2 #{'REQUIRED':'Expansive plotting capabilities'} netCDF4>=1.3.1 #{'REQUIRED':'Many fusion codes output results in netcdf format'} numpy>=1.12 #{'REQUIRED':'Fast array operations'} pexpect>=3.3 #{'REQUIRED':'Passwordless login and TRANSP setup'} psutil>=5.4 #{'REQUIRED':'to get OMFIT memory usage'} pygacode>=0.57 #{'REQUIRED':'Needed to interface with GACODE'} pyodbc>=4.0 #{'REQUIRED':'Fusion data is stored in SQL databases'} pyotp>=2.2 #{'REQUIRED':'Provides one-time-password functionality'} pyttk>=0.3 #{'REQUIRED':'OMFIT makes use of some pyttk features not available with Tkinter'} pyyaml>=3.13 #{'REQUIRED':'YAML files used for generating OMFIT install-scripts'} requests>=2.20 #{'REQUIRED':'Used to track TRANSP runs for JET and GitHub API interactions'} scipy>=1.0 #{'REQUIRED':'Access physical constants, interpolation, integration, etc.'} tqdm>=4 #{'REQUIRED':'Used for displaying progress bar'} uncertainties>=3 #{'REQUIRED':'OMFITprofiles; ONETWO; MDSplus'} xarray>=0.10.8 #{'REQUIRED':'OMFITprofiles, BES; Smart dimensioning'}