Contacts: Brian Grierson

Short Description

Collection of scripts illustrating common operations in OMFIT


Sample, Documentation, Tutorial, Python

Long Description

TUTORIAL is a module that provides a series of simple self-contained python scripts that provides new and experienced users with a cookbook and code snippetes that can be easily included in existing and emerging workflows. These range from simple pure-Python questions (for example involving operations on arrays with numpy, and plotting in matplotlib), to OMFIT-specific questions involving the framework API, classes and modules.

Typical workflows

The source code of these tutorials is available both: * within OMFIT by importing the TUTORIAL module (File > Import modules > TUTORIAL) just like other physics modules * online.

Supported devices

  • Device independent




List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

3451 Brian Grierson
 726 David Eldon
 493 Orso Meneghini
 393 Nikolas Logan
 392 Fusion Bot
 291 Sterling Smith
 224 David Orozco
  28 Pablo Rodriguez
   2 Torrin Bechtel




List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: orozcod, bgrierson, grierson, meneghini, smithsp, eldond, krietedm, prattq, mcclenaghanj, bgriers, brauna, delcastilloc, khabanovf, vancompernolle, hansonm, likai, ogormant, nazikian, rfitzp, slendebroekt, victorb, andris, carbinj, clementm, glassf, nchaubey, neisert, pankin, chenly_dut, choudhuryh, crocker, deshazere, eidietis, fernico, jayesh, jsachdev, lestzj, logannc, montesk, moynihanc, richnern, samuellc, sinclairg, thomas.ogorman, xier, yadavn, zegere, avdeevag, bergmannm, burkem, capitainetema, chowdhurys, david, haskeysr, joe, laggnerf, loughranj, lvovskiya, mcurie, pablorf, pandyam, rkalling, sciortinof, shabbirk, shilin, swjtang, wgutten, wilkstm, yanz, zhangp, zunigac, abbatej, andreavergara, balbinj, bursche, callahank, cengher, chabanr, clarkr, czhu, dh4827, duval, effenbergf, eichingere, epaul, ernst, eskewj, fuyichen, groebner, guptaa, hallchenv, jeon, jessicafu232, junge, jxliu, leem, lowellm, luoyiming, lyonsbc, marisa, masliner, montes, nelsonand, nfil, nlogan, odstrcilt, pbonofig, peter, rbrzozow, root, sizheyuan, smiskeyj, soukhan, stewarts, tangs, traversop, tyounkin, user1, vianello, vincenas, Trevisan, aashourv, adamar, adishcheve, adwiteey, agnewb, akcayc, akleiner, alarconp, anandh, anguloa, asantt@ad.vtt.fi, ashourvana, ashtonkeya, asperdut, barnettrl, barrj, batteya, beidlerm, bodnerg, boses, buckj, buttj, candy, carlos, chenji, cmichael, cotet, curiem, degrandchampg, dimits1, dingsiye, dpalade, duhongfei, ehowell, fascianam, francisco, freibergers, fujia, g2egiova, gbodner, gonzalezj, groth, gwilkie, hallj, halpernj, hanxiang, hao, hasegawa, holland, horvathl, hyueheng, jalalvanda, jamiexia, jberkery, jbutt, jianx, jlchen, jleland, jmlmir, jmsfer, joungs, kaibo.nan, kalaskya, kapata, kennedyj, kimboseong, kkirov, knolkerm, kxf, kyungjin, leutholdn, lgarzot, liu, liua, liud, liuy_dlut, lix, lmorton, lupinl, majorm, margomw, marinic, matthewwaller, maxinxing, mclaughlink, mkaur, monahanj, mporad, ncrocker, niugj, npablant, pacedc, prechelg, qianzh, qinx, ramanr, ravi, razor, reac, renq, rlore, rossm, saarelmas, schellpfefferj, shoushar, sjhan00, smithdr, snyder, ssmith, stephanet, stoltzfus, sulymana, sund, syang, taczakb, tangt, tengfeitang, thomek, tomie_g, trhodes, truongd, waij, wangzibo, wdp504, wehnerw, wudonggui, xingz, yfu, yjeon, yokoyamat, yujh, yun, zeng, zhang, zhangjie, zhangjing, zpw001