
OMAS runs with Python3.6+

Pypi: To install OMAS with pip (for users):

pip install --upgrade omas

where upgrade is used to update the omas installation to the latest version.

The development version of omas can also be installed with pip:

pip install --upgrade -e

Conda: To install OMAS with conda (for users):

conda install -c conda-forge omas
conda update  -c conda-forge omas

GitHub To clone OMAS from GitHub (for developers):

git clone
cd omas
pip install --upgrade -e '.[build_structures,build_documentation]'   # Add this `omas` directory to your $PYTHONPATH
                                                                     # The [build_structures,build_documentation] options
                                                                     # install packages required for extra development purposes

List of Python package requirements.

Installation with IMAS

Different IMAS versions require different Python installations, each of which may not have the Python packages that are needed to run OMAS. One may ask the maintainers of the IMAS installation to The simplest way to ensure that the omas dependencies are always available and up-to-date, is to setup all of the Python packages that omas depends on in a standalone folder:

cd path_to_omas_installation
git clone
cd omas
pip install --target ./site-packages -r requirements.txt

Then update the omas UNIX module to include the omas and the omas/site-packages folders to the $PYTHONPATH environmental variable:

prepend-path     PYTHONPATH path_to_omas_installation/omas
prepend-path     PYTHONPATH path_to_omas_installation/omas/site-packages

Loading the imas module followed by the omas module should then give you a fully functional IMAS + OMAS environment:

module load imas # NOTE: the name of the IMAS module may change on different systems
module load omas # NOTE: the name of the OMAS module may change on different systems

Testing installation

The OMAS installation can be tested by running the regression tests:

cd omas
make test