'''save/load from MongoDB routines
import pathlib
# to start a mongodb server on the local workstation
from .omas_utils import *
from .omas_core import ODS
# -----------------------------
# save and load OMAS to MongoDB
# -----------------------------
def save_omas_mongo(ods, collection, database='omas', server=omas_rcparams['default_mongo_server']):
Save an ODS to MongoDB
:param ods: OMAS data set
:param collection: collection name in the database
:param database: database name on the server
:param server: server name
:return: unique `_id` identifier of the record
printd('Saving OMAS data to MongoDB: collection=%s database=%s server=%s' % (collection, database, server), topic='MongoDB')
# importing module
from pymongo import MongoClient
# connect
client = MongoClient(server.format(**get_mongo_credentials(server, database, collection)))
# access database
db = client[database]
# access collection
coll = db[collection]
# a cheap way to encode data
kw = {'indent': 0, 'separators': (',', ': '), 'sort_keys': True}
json_string = json.dumps(ods, default=lambda x: json_dumper(x, None), **kw)
data = json.loads(json_string)
# avoid insert_one() to modify data
data = copy.copy(data)
# insert record
res = coll.insert_one(data)
return str(res.inserted_id)
def load_omas_mongo(
Load an ODS from MongoDB
:param find: dictionary to find data in the database
:param collection: collection name in the database
:param database: database name on the server
:param server: server name
:param consistency_check: verify that data is consistent with IMAS schema
:param imas_version: imas version to use for consistency check
:param limit: return at most `limit` number of results
:return: list of OMAS data set that match find criterion
# importing module
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
# allow search by _id
if not isinstance(find, dict):
raise TypeError('load_omas_mongo find attribute must be a dictionary')
if '_id' in find:
find = copy.deepcopy(find)
find['_id'] = ObjectId(find['_id'])
printd('Loading OMAS data from MongoDB: collection=%s database=%s server=%s' % (collection, database, server), topic='MongoDB')
# connect
client = MongoClient(server.format(**get_mongo_credentials(server, database, collection)))
# access database
db = client[database]
# access collection
coll = db[collection]
# find all the matching records
found = coll.find(find)
if limit is not None:
found = found.limit(limit)
# populate ODSs
results = {}
for record in found:
ods = ODS(consistency_check=consistency_check, imas_version=imas_version)
_id = record['_id']
del record['_id']
results[_id] = ods
return results
def get_mongo_credentials(server='', database='', collection=''):
Users can specify their credentials in a `~/.omas/mongo_credentials` json file
formatted like this:
>> {"default": {"user": "mydefaultuser",
>> "pass": "mydefaultpass"},
>> "omasdb-xymmt.mongodb.net": {"user": "myuser1"
>> "pass": "mypass1",
>> "specific_database": {"user": "myuser2",
>> "pass": "mypass2",
>> "specific_collection": {"user": "myuser3",
>> "pass": "mypass3"}
>> }}}
if no `~/.omas/mongo_credentials` file is found: {'user': 'omas_test', 'pass': 'omas_test'}
if no matching server is found, the `default` is returned
:param server: server to look credentials for
* server can have `{user}:{pass}` placeholders: mongodb+srv://{user}:{pass}@omasdb.xymmt.mongodb.net
:param database: database name in server to look credentials for
:param collection: collection name in database to look credentials for
:return: dictionary with 'user' and 'pass' keys
server = server.split('@')[-1]
up = {'user': 'omas_test', 'pass': 'omas_test'}
config = {}
filepath = pathlib.Path.home() / '/.omas/mongo_credentials'
if filepath.exists():
with open(filepath) as f:
config = json.loads(f.read())
if 'default' in config:
up = config['default']
if server in config:
up = config[server]
if database in config[server]:
up = config[server][database]
if collection in config[server][collection]:
up = config[server][database][collection]
return up
def through_omas_mongo(ods, method=['function', 'class_method'][1]):
Test save and load OMAS MongoDB
:param ods: ods
:return: ods
ods = copy.deepcopy(ods) # make a copy to make sure save does not alter entering ODS
if method == 'function':
_id = save_omas_mongo(ods, collection='test', database='test')
results = load_omas_mongo({'_id': _id}, collection='test', database='test')
if len(results) != 1:
raise Exception('through_omas_mongo failed')
ods1 = list(results.values())[0]
return ods1
_id = ods.save('mongo', collection='test', database='test')
ods1 = ODS().load('mongo', {'_id': _id}, collection='test', database='test')
return ods1