OMFIT classes and plottingΒΆ

How to generate ODSs from OMFITclasses, and use OMAS plot methods

  • $\,$ Pressure, $q$ Safety factor, $P\,^\prime$ source function, $FF\,^\prime$ source function
  • plot omas omfit
from matplotlib.pyplot import show

from omfit_classes.omfit_eqdsk import OMFITgeqdsk
from omfit_classes.omfit_gacode import OMFITgacode
from omas import *

# =====================
# plotting equilibrium
# =====================
# read gEQDSK file in OMFIT
geq = OMFITgeqdsk(f'{omas_dir}samples/g145419.02100')

# convert gEQDSK to OMAS data structure
ods = geq.to_omas()

# omas plots using functional approach
omas_plot.equilibrium_summary(ods, linewidth=1)

# omas plots using object-oriented approach
# ods.plot_equilibrium_summary(linewidth=1)

# =====================
# plotting profiles
# =====================
# read input.profiles file in OMFIT
ip = OMFITgacode(f'{omas_dir}samples/input.profiles_145419_02100')

# convert input.profiles to OMAS data structure
ods = ip.to_omas()

# omas plots using functional approach
# omas_plot.core_profiles_summary(ods)

# omas plots using object-oriented approach


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