
omas.omas_environment(ods, cocosio=None, coordsio=None, unitsio=None, uncertainio=None, input_data_process_functions=None, xmlcodeparams=False, dynamic_path_creation=None, **kw)[source]

Provides environment for data input/output to/from OMAS

  • ods – ODS on which to operate

  • cocosio – COCOS convention

  • coordsio – dictionary/ODS with coordinates for data interpolation

  • unitsio – True/False whether data read from OMAS should have units

  • uncertainio – True/False whether data read from OMAS should have uncertainties

  • input_data_process_functions – list of functions that are used to process data that is passed to the ODS

  • xmlcodeparams – view code.parameters as an XML string while in this environment

  • dynamic_path_creation – whether to dynamically create the path when setting an item * False: raise an error when trying to access a structure element that does not exists * True (default): arrays of structures can be incrementally extended by accessing at the next element in the array * ‘dynamic_array_structures’: arrays of structures can be dynamically extended

  • kw – extra keywords set attributes of the ods (eg. ‘consistency_check’, ‘dynamic_path_creation’, ‘imas_version’)


ODS with environment set