physics-based ODS methods and utilities
Adds profiles_1d.phi to an ODS using q :param ods: input ods |
anything wrapped here will be available as a ODS method with name 'physics_'+f.__name__ |
Utility function for equilibrium_profiles_2d_map. |
Check that the current ODS satisfies the ITER scenario database requirements as defined in |
Returns a dictionary with coefficients for how various quantities should get multiplied in order to go from cocosin_index to cocosout_index |
Assign .time and .ids_properties.homogeneous_time info for top-level structures since these are required for writing an IDS to IMAS |
Calls all core_profiles consistency functions including |
This function sets currents in ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index] |
Density, density_thermal, and density_fast for electrons and ions are filled and are self-consistent |
Calculates individual ions pressures |
calculates effective charge |
ods function used to sum all j_parallel contributions from core_sources (j_actuator) |
Create an interpolator for scattered data points. |
This function sets the currents in ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index] using ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['j_tor'] |
Returns dictionary with COCOS coefficients given a COCOS index |
delete all .ggd and .grids_ggd entries |
This function derives values of empty fields in prpfiles_2d from other parameters in the equilibrium ods Currently only the magnetic field components are supported |
Calculate missing derived quantities for equilibrium IDS |
generate equilibrium constraints from experimental data in ODS |
Convert GGD data to profiles 2D |
This routines creates interpolators for quantities and stores them in the cache for future use. |
Calculate MHD stored energy from equilibrium pressure and volume |
Transpose 2D grid values for RZ grids under equilibrium.time_slice.:.profiles_2d.:. |
This is a utility function for generating the Python file |
Returns normalizing scale for a physical quantity. |
Return points and triangles in grids_ggd structure |
Utility function to identify COCOS coordinate system If multiple COCOS are possible, then all are returned. |
add ids_properties.version_put. |
Take data in legacy magnetics.bpol_probe and store it in current magnetics.b_field_pol_probe and magnetics.b_field_tor_probe |
Returns a numpy array of dtype=bool/ The array is true for all values inside and on the LCFS :param ods: input ods |
Provides environment for data input/output to/from OMAS |
Decorator function that: |
Transform r,z,a,l arrays commonly used to describe poloidal magnetic probes geometry to actual r,z coordinates of the end-points of the probes. |
Maps from one magnetic coordinate system to another. |
Convenience function to identify which of profiles_2d[:].grid_type.index matches the specified grid_identifier |
Interpolate scattered data points to rectangular grid |
search for the index in an array structure that matches some conditions |
utility function used to identify the ion number and element numbers given the ion label and or their Z and/or A |
Generate summary.global_quantities from global_quantities of other IDSs |
Calculatess plasma currents from core_profiles for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods |
Calculates global quantities for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods: |
Calculates Greenwald Fraction for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods. |
Integrate power densities to the total and heating and current drive systems and fills summary.global_quantities |
Calculates line-average electron density for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods |
Calculates Energy confinement time estimated from the IPB98(y,2) scaling for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods |
Calculates the stored energy based on the contents of core_profiles for all time-slices |
Given <Jt/R> returns <J.B>, or vice versa Transformation obeys <J.B> = (1/f)*(<B^2>/<1/R^2>)*(<Jt/R> + dp/dpsi*(1 - f^2*<1/R^2>/<B^2>)) N.B. |
Add wall information to the ODS |
Interface class for a unified call function for the scipy interpolators: |