gyrokinetics localΒΆ
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
gyrokinetics_local (alpha) | Description of a local gyrokinetic simulation (delta-f, flux-tube). All quantities within this IDS are normalised (apart from time and from the normalizing quantities structure), thus independent of rhostar, consistently with the local approximation and a spectral representation is assumed in the perpendicular plane (i.e. homogeneous turbulence). | |||
gyrokinetics_local.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
gyrokinetics_local.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.output_flag (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
gyrokinetics_local.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
gyrokinetics_local.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.collisions (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Collisions related quantities | ||
gyrokinetics_local.collisions.collisionality_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Normalised collisionality between two species |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Flux surface characteristics | ||
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.b_field_tor_sign (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Sign of the toroidal magnetic field | |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.dc_dr_minor_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.shape_coefficients_c] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Derivative of the 'c' shape coefficients with respect to r_minor_norm |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.delongation_dr_minor_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Derivative of the elongation with respect to r_minor_norm | |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.dgeometric_axis_r_dr_minor (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Derivative of the major radius of the surface geometric axis with respect to r_minor | |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.dgeometric_axis_z_dr_minor (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Derivative of the height of the surface geometric axis with respect to r_minor | |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.ds_dr_minor_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.shape_coefficients_s] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Derivative of the 's' shape coefficients with respect to r_minor_norm |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.elongation (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Elongation | |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.ip_sign (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Sign of the plasma current | |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.magnetic_shear_r_minor (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Magnetic shear, defined as r_minor_norm/q . dq/dr_minor_norm (different definition from the equilibrium IDS) | |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.pressure_gradient_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised pressure gradient (derivative with respect to r_minor_norm) | |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.q (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Safety factor | |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.r_minor_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised minor radius of the flux surface of interest = 1/2 * (max(R) - min(R))/L_ref | |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.shape_coefficients_c (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | 'c' coefficients in the formula defining the shape of the flux surface |
gyrokinetics_local.flux_surface.shape_coefficients_s (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | 's' coefficients in the formula defining the shape of the flux surface |
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
gyrokinetics_local.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Linear simulation | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of wavevectors | |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].binormal_wavevector_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised binormal component of the wavevector | |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of eigenmode for this wavector | |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].angle_pol (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Poloidal angle grid. The angle is defined with respect to (R0,Z0) with R0=(Rmax-Rmin)/2 and Z0=(Zmax-Zmin)/2. It is increasing clockwise. So (r,theta,phi) is right-handed. theta=0 for Z=Z0 and R>R0 (LFS) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Code-specific parameters used for this eigenmode | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].code.output_flag (alpha) | INT_0D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].fields (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Electrostatic potential, magnetic field and magnetic vector potential | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].fields.a_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].angle_pol, | CPX_2D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel vector potential |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].fields.a_field_parallel_perturbed_parity (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].time_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Parity of the perturbed parallel vector potential with respect to theta = 0 (poloidal angle) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].fields.a_field_parallel_perturbed_weight (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].time_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Amplitude of the perturbed parallel vector potential normalised to the sum of amplitudes of all perturbed fields |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].fields.b_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].angle_pol, | CPX_2D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel magnetic field |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].fields.b_field_parallel_perturbed_parity (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].time_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Parity of the perturbed parallel magnetic field with respect to theta = 0 (poloidal angle) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].fields.b_field_parallel_perturbed_weight (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].time_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Amplitude of the perturbed parallel magnetic field normalised to the sum of amplitudes of all perturbed fields |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].fields.phi_potential_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].angle_pol, | CPX_2D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed electrostatic potential |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].fields.phi_potential_perturbed_parity (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].time_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Parity of the perturbed electrostatic potential with respect to theta = 0 (poloidal angle) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].fields.phi_potential_perturbed_weight (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].time_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Amplitude of the perturbed electrostatic potential normalised to the sum of amplitudes of all perturbed fields |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].frequency_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Frequency | |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].growth_rate_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Growth rate | |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].growth_rate_tolerance (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Relative tolerance on the growth rate (convergence of the simulation) | |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].initial_value_run (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if this is an initial value run, 0 for an eigenvalue run | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Normalised fluxes in the laboratory frame | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Normalised fluxes in the rotating frame | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].linear_weights_rotating_frame.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Moments (normalised) of the perturbed distribution function of gyrocenters | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter.density (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised density |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter.heat_flux_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel heat flux (integral of 0.5 * m * v_par * v^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter.j_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel current density |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter.pressure_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel temperature |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter.pressure_perpendicular (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perpendicular temperature |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter.v_parallel_energy_perpendicular (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised moment (integral over 0.5 * m * v_par * v_perp^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter.v_perpendicular_square_energy (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised moment (integral over 0.5 * m * v_perp^2 * v^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_0 (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Moments (normalised) of the perturbed distribution function of gyrocenters times 0th order Bessel function of the first kind | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_0.density (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised density |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_0.heat_flux_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel heat flux (integral of 0.5 * m * v_par * v^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_0.j_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel current density |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_0.pressure_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel temperature |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_0.pressure_perpendicular (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perpendicular temperature |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_0.v_parallel_energy_perpendicular (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised moment (integral over 0.5 * m * v_par * v_perp^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_0.v_perpendicular_square_energy (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised moment (integral over 0.5 * m * v_perp^2 * v^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_1 (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Moments (normalised) of the perturbed distribution function of gyrocenters times 1st order Bessel function of the first kind | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_1.density (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised density |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_1.heat_flux_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel heat flux (integral of 0.5 * m * v_par * v^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_1.j_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel current density |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_1.pressure_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel temperature |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_1.pressure_perpendicular (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perpendicular temperature |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_1.v_parallel_energy_perpendicular (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised moment (integral over 0.5 * m * v_par * v_perp^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_gyrocenter_bessel_1.v_perpendicular_square_energy (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised moment (integral over 0.5 * m * v_perp^2 * v^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_particle (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Moments (normalised) of the perturbed distribution function of particles | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_particle.density (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised density |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_particle.heat_flux_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel heat flux (integral of 0.5 * m * v_par * v^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_particle.j_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel current density |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_particle.pressure_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised parallel temperature |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_particle.pressure_perpendicular (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perpendicular temperature |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_particle.v_parallel_energy_perpendicular (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised moment (integral over 0.5 * m * v_par * v_perp^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].moments_norm_particle.v_perpendicular_square_energy (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | CPX_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised moment (integral over 0.5 * m * v_perp^2 * v^2) |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].poloidal_turns (alpha) | INT_0D | Number of poloidal turns considered in the flux-tube simulation | ||
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].eigenmode[:].time_norm (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised time of the gyrokinetic simulation |
gyrokinetics_local.linear.wavevector[:].radial_wavevector_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised radial component of the wavevector | |
gyrokinetics_local.model (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Assumptions of the GK calculations | ||
gyrokinetics_local.model.adiabatic_electrons (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if electrons are adiabatic, 0 otherwise | ||
gyrokinetics_local.model.collisions_energy_conservation (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if the collision operator conserves energy, 0 otherwise | ||
gyrokinetics_local.model.collisions_finite_larmor_radius (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if finite larmor radius effects are retained in the collision operator, 0 otherwise | ||
gyrokinetics_local.model.collisions_momentum_conservation (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if the collision operator conserves momentum, 0 otherwise | ||
gyrokinetics_local.model.collisions_pitch_only (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if only pitch-angle scattering is retained, 0 otherwise | ||
gyrokinetics_local.model.include_a_field_parallel (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if fluctuations of the parallel vector potential are retained, 0 otherwise | ||
gyrokinetics_local.model.include_b_field_parallel (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if fluctuations of the parallel magnetic field are retained, 0 otherwise | ||
gyrokinetics_local.model.include_centrifugal_effects (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if centrifugal effects are retained, 0 otherwise | ||
gyrokinetics_local.model.include_coriolis_drift (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if Coriolis drift is included, 0 otherwise | ||
gyrokinetics_local.model.include_full_curvature_drift (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if all contributions to the curvature drift are included (including beta_prime), 0 otherwise. Neglecting the beta_prime contribution (Flag=0) is only recommended together with the neglect of parallel magnetic field fluctuations | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Non-linear simulation | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.angle_pol (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Poloidal angle grid. The angle is defined with respect to (R0,Z0) with R0=(Rmax-Rmin)/2 and Z0=(Zmax-Zmin)/2. It is increasing clockwise. So (r,theta,phi) is right-handed. theta=0 for Z=Z0 and R>R0 (LFS) |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Array of normalised binormal wavevectors |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Code-specific parameters used for the non-linear simulation | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.code.output_flag (alpha) | INT_0D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_4d (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 4D fields | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_4d.a_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm, | CPX_4D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel vector potential |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_4d.b_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm, | CPX_4D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel magnetic field |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_4d.phi_potential_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm, | CPX_4D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed electrostatic potential |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_1d (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 1D fields (summed over kx, time averaged and flux surface averaged) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_1d.a_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel vector potential |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_1d.b_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel magnetic field |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_1d.phi_potential_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed electrostatic potential |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_2d_surface_average (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 2D fields (time averaged and flux surface averaged) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_2d_surface_average.a_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel vector potential |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_2d_surface_average.b_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel magnetic field |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_2d_surface_average.phi_potential_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed electrostatic potential |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_3d (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 3D fields (time averaged) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_3d.a_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel vector potential |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_3d.b_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel magnetic field |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_intensity_3d.phi_potential_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.binormal_wavevector_norm, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed electrostatic potential |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_zonal_2d (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 2D zonal fields (taken at ky=0, flux surface averaged) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_zonal_2d.a_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.radial_wavevector_norm, | CPX_2D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel vector potential |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_zonal_2d.b_field_parallel_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.radial_wavevector_norm, | CPX_2D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed parallel magnetic field |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fields_zonal_2d.phi_potential_perturbed_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.radial_wavevector_norm, | CPX_2D (uncertain) | - | Normalised perturbed electrostatic potential |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 1D fluxes (flux-surface and time averaged), summed over kx and ky | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 1D fluxes (flux-surface and time averaged), summed over kx and ky in the rotating frame | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_1d_rotating_frame.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 2D fluxes (flux-surface averaged), summed over kx and ky | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 2D fluxes (flux-surface averaged), summed over kx and ky in the rotating frame | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_k_y_sum_rotating_frame.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 2D fluxes (time and flux-surface averaged), summed over kx | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 2D fluxes (time and flux-surface averaged), summed over kx in the rotating frame | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_2d_k_x_sum_rotating_frame.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 3D fluxes (time and flux surface averaged) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 3D fluxes (time and flux surface averaged) in the rotating frame | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_3d_rotating_frame.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 4D fluxes (time averaged) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 4D fluxes (time averaged) in the rotating frame | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_4d_rotating_frame.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 5D fluxes | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 5D fluxes in the rotating frame | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.energy_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.energy_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.energy_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised energy flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_parallel_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the parallel component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.momentum_tor_perpendicular_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the perpendicular component of the normalised toroidal momentum flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.particles_a_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel electromagnetic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.particles_b_field_parallel (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed parallel magnetic field to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.fluxes_5d_rotating_frame.particles_phi_potential (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | - | Contribution of the perturbed electrostatic potential to the normalised particle flux |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.quasi_linear (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag = 1 if the non-linear fluxes are in fact calculated by a quasi-linear model, 0 if non-linear | ||
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.radial_wavevector_norm (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Array of normalised radial wavevectors |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.time_interval_norm (alpha) | [1...2] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised time interval used to average fluxes in non-linear runs |
gyrokinetics_local.non_linear.time_norm (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised time of the gyrokinetic simulation |
gyrokinetics_local.normalizing_quantities (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Physical quantities used for normalization (useful to link to the original simulation/experience) | ||
gyrokinetics_local.normalizing_quantities.b_field_tor (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | T | Toroidal magnetic field at major radius r | |
gyrokinetics_local.normalizing_quantities.n_e (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Electron density at outboard equatorial midplane of the flux surface (angle_pol = 0) | |
gyrokinetics_local.normalizing_quantities.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius of the flux surface of interest, defined as (min(R)+max(R))/2 | |
gyrokinetics_local.normalizing_quantities.t_e (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | eV | Electron temperature at outboard equatorial midplane of the flux surface (angle_pol = 0) | |
gyrokinetics_local.species (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of species (including electrons) used in the calculation and related quantities | |
gyrokinetics_local.species[:].charge_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised charge | |
gyrokinetics_local.species[:].density_log_gradient_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised logarithmic gradient (with respect to r_minor_norm) of the density | |
gyrokinetics_local.species[:].density_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised density | |
gyrokinetics_local.species[:].mass_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised mass | |
gyrokinetics_local.species[:].potential_energy_gradient_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species_all.angle_pol] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Effective potential energy determining the poloidal variation of the species background density |
gyrokinetics_local.species[:].potential_energy_norm (alpha) | [gyrokinetics_local.species_all.angle_pol] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised gradient (with respect to r_minor_norm) of the effective potential energy |
gyrokinetics_local.species[:].temperature_log_gradient_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised logarithmic gradient (with respect to r_minor_norm) of the temperature | |
gyrokinetics_local.species[:].temperature_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised temperature | |
gyrokinetics_local.species[:].velocity_tor_gradient_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised gradient (with respect to r_minor_norm) of the toroidal velocity | |
gyrokinetics_local.species_all (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Physical quantities common to all species | ||
gyrokinetics_local.species_all.angle_pol (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Poloidal angle grid, from -pi to pi, on which the species dependent effective potential energy (which determines the poloidal variation of the density) is expressed. The angle is defined with respect to (R0,Z0) with R0=(Rmax-Rmin)/2 and Z0=(Zmax-Zmin)/2. It is increasing clockwise. So (r,theta,phi) is right-handed. theta=0 for Z=Z0 and R>R0 (LFS) |
gyrokinetics_local.species_all.beta_reference (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Reference plasma beta (see detailed documentation at the root of the IDS) | |
gyrokinetics_local.species_all.debye_length_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Debye length computed from the reference quantities (see detailed documentation at the root of the IDS) | |
gyrokinetics_local.species_all.shearing_rate_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised ExB shearing rate (for non-linear runs only) | |
gyrokinetics_local.species_all.velocity_tor_norm (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal velocity of species (all species are assumed to have a purely toroidal velocity with a common toroidal angular frequency) | |
gyrokinetics_local.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |