complete schema¶
amns data¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
amns_data (alpha) | Atomic, molecular, nuclear and surface physics data. Each occurrence contains the data for a given element (nuclear charge), describing various physical processes. For each process, data tables are organized by charge states. The coordinate system used by the data tables is described under the coordinate_system node. | |||
amns_data.a (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom | |
amns_data.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
amns_data.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
amns_data.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
amns_data.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
amns_data.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
amns_data.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
amns_data.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
amns_data.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
amns_data.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
amns_data.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
amns_data.code.output_flag (alpha) | [amns_data.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
amns_data.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
amns_data.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
amns_data.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
amns_data.coordinate_system (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Array of possible coordinate systems for process tables | |
amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of coordinates for that coordinate system. A coordinate an be either a range of real values or a set of discrete values (if interpolation_type=0) | |
amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].extrapolation_type (alpha) | [1...2] | INT_1D | Extrapolation strategy when leaving the domain. The first value of the vector describes the behaviour at lower bound, the second describes the at upper bound. Possible values: 0=none, report error; 1=boundary value; 2=linear extrapolation | |
amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].interpolation_type (alpha) | INT_0D | Interpolation strategy in this coordinate direction. Integer flag: 0=discrete (no interpolation); 1=linear; ... | ||
amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].label (alpha) | STR_0D | Description of coordinate (e.g. "Electron temperature") | ||
amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].spacing (alpha) | INT_0D | Flag for specific coordinate spacing (for optimization purposes). Integer flag: 0=undefined; 1=uniform; ... | ||
amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].transformation (alpha) | INT_0D | Coordinate transformation applied to coordinate values stored in coord. Integer flag: 0=none; 1=log10; 2=ln | ||
amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].units (alpha) | STR_0D | Units of coordinate (e.g. eV) | ||
amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].value_labels (alpha) | [amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].values] | STR_1D | String description of discrete coordinate values (if interpolation_type=0). E.g., for spectroscopic lines, the spectroscopic description of the transition. | |
amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].values (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | units given by coordinate_system(:)/coordinate(:)/units | Coordinate values |
amns_data.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
amns_data.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
amns_data.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
amns_data.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
amns_data.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
amns_data.process (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Description and data for a set of physical processes. | |
amns_data.process[:].charge_state (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Process tables for a set of charge states. Only one table is used for that process, defined by process(:)/table_dimension | |
amns_data.process[:].charge_state[:].label (alpha) | STR_0D | String identifying charge state (e.g. C+, C+2 , C+3, C+4, C+5, C+6, ...) | ||
amns_data.process[:].charge_state[:].table_0d (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | units given by process(:)/results_units | 0D table describing the process data | |
amns_data.process[:].charge_state[:].table_1d (alpha) | [amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].values] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | units given by process(i1)/results_units | 1D table describing the process data |
amns_data.process[:].charge_state[:].table_2d (alpha) | [amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].values, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | units given by process(i1)/results_units | 2D table describing the process data |
amns_data.process[:].charge_state[:].table_3d (alpha) | [amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].values, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | units given by process(:)/results_units | 3D table describing the process data |
amns_data.process[:].charge_state[:].table_4d (alpha) | [amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].values, | FLT_4D (uncertain) | units given by process(i1)/results_units | 4D table describing the process data |
amns_data.process[:].charge_state[:].table_5d (alpha) | [amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].values, | FLT_5D (uncertain) | units given by process(i1)/results_units | 5D table describing the process data |
amns_data.process[:].charge_state[:].table_6d (alpha) | [amns_data.coordinate_system[:].coordinate[:].values, | FLT_6D (uncertain) | units given by process(i1)/results_units | 6D table describing the process data |
amns_data.process[:].charge_state[:].z_max (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Maximum Z of the charge state bundle (equal to z_min if no bundle) | |
amns_data.process[:].charge_state[:].z_min (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Minimum Z of the charge state bundle | |
amns_data.process[:].citation (alpha) | STR_0D | Reference to publication(s) | ||
amns_data.process[:].coordinate_index (alpha) | INT_0D | Index in tables_coord, specifying what coordinate systems to use for this process (valid for all tables) | ||
amns_data.process[:].label (alpha) | STR_0D | String identifying the process (e.g. EI, RC, ...) | ||
amns_data.process[:].products (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of products resulting of this process | |
amns_data.process[:].products[:].charge (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Charge number of the participant | |
amns_data.process[:].products[:].element (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of elements forming the atom (in such case, this array should be of size 1) or molecule. Mass of atom and nuclear charge should be set to 0 for photons and electrons. The mass of atom shouldn't be set for an atomic process that is not isotope dependent. | |
amns_data.process[:].products[:].element[:].a (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom | |
amns_data.process[:].products[:].element[:].atoms_n (alpha) | INT_0D | Number of atoms of this element in the molecule | ||
amns_data.process[:].products[:].element[:].multiplicity (obsolescent) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Multiplicity of the atom | |
amns_data.process[:].products[:].element[:].z_n (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge | |
amns_data.process[:].products[:].label (alpha) | STR_0D | String identifying reaction participant (e.g. "D", "e", "W", "CD4", "photon", "n") | ||
amns_data.process[:].products[:].mass (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of the participant | |
amns_data.process[:].products[:].metastable (alpha) | [1...N] | INT_1D | An array identifying the metastable; if zero-length, then not a metastable; if of length 1, then the value indicates the electronic level for the metastable (mostly used for atoms/ions); if of length 2, then the 1st would indicate the electronic level and the second the vibrational level for the metastable (mostly used for molecules and molecular ions); if of length 3, then the 1st would indicate the electronic level, the second the vibrational level and the third the rotational level for the metastable (mostly used for molecules and molecular ions) | |
amns_data.process[:].products[:].metastable_label (alpha) | STR_0D | Label identifying in text form the metastable | ||
amns_data.process[:].products[:].multiplicity (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Multiplicity in the reaction | |
amns_data.process[:].products[:].relative_charge (alpha) | INT_0D | This is a flag indicating that charges are absolute (if set to 0), relative (if 1) or irrelevant (-1); relative would be used to categorize the ionization reactions from i to i+1 for all charge states; in the case of bundles, the +1 relative indicates the next bundle | ||
amns_data.process[:].products[:].role (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Identifier for the role of this paricipant in the reaction. For surface reactions distinguish between projectile and wall. | ||
amns_data.process[:].products[:].role.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
amns_data.process[:].products[:].role.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
amns_data.process[:].products[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
amns_data.process[:].provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
amns_data.process[:].reactants (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of reactants involved in this process | |
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].charge (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Charge number of the participant | |
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].element (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of elements forming the atom (in such case, this array should be of size 1) or molecule. Mass of atom and nuclear charge should be set to 0 for photons and electrons. The mass of atom shouldn't be set for an atomic process that is not isotope dependent. | |
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].element[:].a (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom | |
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].element[:].atoms_n (alpha) | INT_0D | Number of atoms of this element in the molecule | ||
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].element[:].multiplicity (obsolescent) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Multiplicity of the atom | |
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].element[:].z_n (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge | |
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].label (alpha) | STR_0D | String identifying reaction participant (e.g. "D", "e", "W", "CD4", "photon", "n") | ||
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].mass (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of the participant | |
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].metastable (alpha) | [1...N] | INT_1D | An array identifying the metastable; if zero-length, then not a metastable; if of length 1, then the value indicates the electronic level for the metastable (mostly used for atoms/ions); if of length 2, then the 1st would indicate the electronic level and the second the vibrational level for the metastable (mostly used for molecules and molecular ions); if of length 3, then the 1st would indicate the electronic level, the second the vibrational level and the third the rotational level for the metastable (mostly used for molecules and molecular ions) | |
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].metastable_label (alpha) | STR_0D | Label identifying in text form the metastable | ||
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].multiplicity (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Multiplicity in the reaction | |
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].relative_charge (alpha) | INT_0D | This is a flag indicating that charges are absolute (if set to 0), relative (if 1) or irrelevant (-1); relative would be used to categorize the ionization reactions from i to i+1 for all charge states; in the case of bundles, the +1 relative indicates the next bundle | ||
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].role (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Identifier for the role of this paricipant in the reaction. For surface reactions distinguish between projectile and wall. | ||
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].role.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:].role.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
amns_data.process[:].reactants[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
amns_data.process[:].result_label (alpha) | STR_0D | Description of the process result (rate, cross section, sputtering yield, ...) | ||
amns_data.process[:].result_transformation (alpha) | INT_0D | Transformation of the process result. Integer flag: 0=no transformation; 1=10^; 2=exp() | ||
amns_data.process[:].result_units (alpha) | STR_0D | Units of the process result | ||
amns_data.process[:].source (alpha) | STR_0D | Filename or subroutine name used to provide this data | ||
amns_data.process[:].table_dimension (alpha) | INT_0D | Table dimensionality of the process (1 to 6), valid for all charge states. Indicates which of the tables is filled (below the charge_state node) | ||
amns_data.release (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of available releases of the AMNS data; each element contains information about the AMNS data that is included in the release. This part of the IDS is filled and stored only into shot/run=0/1, playing the role of a catalogue. | |
amns_data.release[:].data_entry (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | For this release, list of each data item (i.e. shot/run pair containing the actual data) included in this release | |
amns_data.release[:].data_entry[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Description of this data entry | ||
amns_data.release[:].data_entry[:].run (alpha) | INT_0D | Which run number is the active run number for this version | ||
amns_data.release[:].data_entry[:].shot (alpha) | INT_0D | Shot number = Mass*1000+Nuclear_charge | ||
amns_data.release[:].date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date of this release | ||
amns_data.release[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Description of this release | ||
amns_data.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
amns_data.z_n (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge |
b field non axisymmetric¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
b_field_non_axisymmetric (alpha) | Vacuum 3d error magnetic field (the full 3d magnetic field with the axisymmetric components subtracted) | |||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.output_flag (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.configuration (alpha) | STR_0D | In case of a constant (single time slice) b_field description, name of the corresponding scenario/configuration | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.control_surface_names (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of control surface names, refers to the ../time_slice/control_surface index | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].time] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of time slices | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.control_surface_names] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Magnetic field components and Fourier decomposition of the normal components of the magnetic field for a set of given control surfaces | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].b_field_normal (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].outline.r, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | T | Normal component of the vacuum error magnetic field on the various surface points |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].b_field_normal_fourier (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].outline.r, | CPX_2D (uncertain) | T | Fourier coefficients of the normal component of the vacuum error magnetic field on the various surface points |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].b_field_r (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].outline.r, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | T | R component of the vacuum error magnetic field on the various surface points |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].b_field_tor (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].outline.r, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | T | Toroidal component of the vacuum error magnetic field on the various surface points |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].b_field_z (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].outline.r, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | T | Z component of the vacuum error magnetic field on the various surface points |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].n_tor (alpha) | [1...N] | INT_1D | Toroidal mode number | |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].normal_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the normal vector to the surface, given on each point of the surface | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].normal_vector.r (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Major radius |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].normal_vector.z (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].normal_vector.r] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Height |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Set of points defining the surface in a poloidal plane. The surface then extends in the toroidal direction in an axisymmetric way | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].outline.r (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Major radius |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].outline.z (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].outline.r] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Height |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].control_surface[:].phi (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle array, on which the Fourier decomposition is carried out |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the error field map | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.b_field_r (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.grid.r, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | T | R component of the vacuum error magnetic field |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.b_field_tor (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.grid.r, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | T | Toroidal component of the vacuum error magnetic field |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.b_field_z (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.grid.r, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | T | Z component of the vacuum error magnetic field |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.grid (alpha) | STRUCTURE | 3D grid | ||
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.grid.phi (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.grid.r] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.grid.r (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Major radius |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.grid.z (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.grid.r] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Height |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.ripple_amplitude (alpha) | [b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].field_map.grid.r, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Value of (b_field_max-b_field_min)/(b_field_max+b_field_min), where b_field_max resp. b_field_min) is the maximum (resp. minimum) of the magnetic field amplitude over a 2pi rotation in toroidal angle phi at a given R, Z position. |
b_field_non_axisymmetric.time_slice[:].time (alpha) | FLT_0D | s | Time |
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
barometry (alpha) | Pressure measurements in the vacuum vessel. NB will need to change the type of the pressure node to signal_1d when moving to the new LL. | |||
barometry.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
barometry.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
barometry.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
barometry.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
barometry.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
barometry.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
barometry.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
barometry.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
barometry.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
barometry.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
barometry.code.output_flag (alpha) | [barometry.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
barometry.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
barometry.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
barometry.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
barometry.gauge (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of gauges | |
barometry.gauge[:].calibration_coefficient (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Pa | Coefficient used for converting raw signal into absolute pressure | |
barometry.gauge[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the gauge | ||
barometry.gauge[:].position (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the measurements | ||
barometry.gauge[:].position.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |
barometry.gauge[:].position.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |
barometry.gauge[:].position.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |
barometry.gauge[:].pressure (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Pa | Pressure | |
barometry.gauge[:] (alpha) | [barometry.gauge[:].pressure.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Data |
barometry.gauge[:].pressure.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
barometry.gauge[:].type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of the gauge (index = 1: Penning; index = 2: Baratron) | ||
barometry.gauge[:].type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
barometry.gauge[:].type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
barometry.gauge[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
barometry.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
barometry.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
barometry.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
barometry.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
barometry.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
barometry.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
barometry.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
barometry.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
barometry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
barometry.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
barometry.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
barometry.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
barometry.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
barometry.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
barometry.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
barometry.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
barometry.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
barometry.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
barometry.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
barometry.latency (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Upper bound of the delay between physical information received by the detector and data available on the real-time (RT) network. | |
barometry.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
bolometer (alpha) | Bolometer diagnostic | ||| (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of channels (detector or pixel of a camera) | |[:].aperture (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Description of a set of collimating apertures | |[:].aperture[:].centre (alpha) | STRUCTURE | If geometry_type=2, coordinates of the centre of the circle. If geometry_type=1 or 3, coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) describing the plane detector/aperture. This origin is located within the detector/aperture area. | ||[:].aperture[:].centre.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:].aperture[:].centre.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |[:].aperture[:].centre.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |[:].aperture[:].geometry_type (alpha) | INT_0D | Type of geometry used to describe the surface of the detector or aperture (1:'outline', 2:'circular', 3:'rectangle'). In case of 'outline', the surface is described by an outline of point in a local coordinate system defined by a centre and three unit vectors X1, X2, X3. Note that there is some flexibility here and the data provider should choose the most convenient coordinate system for the object, respecting the definitions of (X1,X2,X3) indicated below. In case of 'circular', the surface is a circle defined by its centre, radius, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. In case of 'rectangle', the surface is a rectangle defined by its centre, widths in the X1 and X2 directions, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. | ||[:].aperture[:].outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Irregular outline of the detector/aperture in the (X1, X2) coordinate system. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||[:].aperture[:].outline.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |[:].aperture[:].outline.x2 (alpha) | [[:].aperture[:].outline.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |[:].aperture[:].radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of the circle, used only if geometry_type = 2 | |[:].aperture[:].surface (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface of the detector/aperture, derived from the above geometric data | |[:].aperture[:].x1_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | ||[:].aperture[:].x1_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].aperture[:].x1_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].aperture[:].x1_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].aperture[:].x1_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X1 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |[:].aperture[:].x2_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | ||[:].aperture[:].x2_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].aperture[:].x2_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].aperture[:].x2_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].aperture[:].x2_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X2 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |[:].aperture[:].x3_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the detector/aperture plane and oriented towards the plasma. | ||[:].aperture[:].x3_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].aperture[:].x3_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].aperture[:].x3_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].detector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Detector description | ||[:].detector.centre (alpha) | STRUCTURE | If geometry_type=2, coordinates of the centre of the circle. If geometry_type=1 or 3, coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) describing the plane detector/aperture. This origin is located within the detector/aperture area. | ||[:].detector.centre.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:].detector.centre.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |[:].detector.centre.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |[:].detector.geometry_type (alpha) | INT_0D | Type of geometry used to describe the surface of the detector or aperture (1:'outline', 2:'circular', 3:'rectangle'). In case of 'outline', the surface is described by an outline of point in a local coordinate system defined by a centre and three unit vectors X1, X2, X3. Note that there is some flexibility here and the data provider should choose the most convenient coordinate system for the object, respecting the definitions of (X1,X2,X3) indicated below. In case of 'circular', the surface is a circle defined by its centre, radius, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. In case of 'rectangle', the surface is a rectangle defined by its centre, widths in the X1 and X2 directions, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. | ||[:].detector.outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Irregular outline of the detector/aperture in the (X1, X2) coordinate system. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||[:].detector.outline.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |[:].detector.outline.x2 (alpha) | [[:].detector.outline.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |[:].detector.radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of the circle, used only if geometry_type = 2 | |[:].detector.surface (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface of the detector/aperture, derived from the above geometric data | |[:].detector.x1_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | ||[:].detector.x1_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].detector.x1_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].detector.x1_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].detector.x1_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X1 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |[:].detector.x2_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | ||[:].detector.x2_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].detector.x2_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].detector.x2_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].detector.x2_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X2 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |[:].detector.x3_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the detector/aperture plane and oriented towards the plasma. | ||[:].detector.x3_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].detector.x3_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].detector.x3_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].etendue (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^ | Etendue (geometric extent) of the channel's optical system | |[:].etendue_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Method used to calculate the etendue. Index = 0 : exact calculation with a 4D integral; 1 : approximation with first order formula (detector surface times solid angle subtended by the apertures); 2 : other methods | ||[:].etendue_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].etendue_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].identifier (alpha) | STR_0D | ID of the channel | ||[:].line_of_sight (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the reference line of sight of the channel, defined by two points when the beam is not reflected, a third point is added to define the reflected beam path | ||[:].line_of_sight.first_point (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the first point | ||[:].line_of_sight.first_point.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:].line_of_sight.first_point.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |[:].line_of_sight.first_point.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |[:].line_of_sight.second_point (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the second point | ||[:].line_of_sight.second_point.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:].line_of_sight.second_point.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |[:].line_of_sight.second_point.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |[:].line_of_sight.third_point (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the third point | ||[:].line_of_sight.third_point.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:].line_of_sight.third_point.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |[:].line_of_sight.third_point.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the channel | ||[:].power (alpha) | STRUCTURE | W | Power received on the detector | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].power.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | W | Data |[:].power.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the channel for the whole acquisition period (0 means valid, negative values mean non-valid) | ||[:].validity_timed (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Indicator of the validity of the channel as a function of time (0 means valid, negative values mean non-valid) | ||[:] (alpha) | [[:].validity_timed.time] | INT_1D | Data | |[:].validity_timed.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
bolometer.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
bolometer.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bolometer.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
bolometer.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
bolometer.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bolometer.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
bolometer.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
bolometer.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
bolometer.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bolometer.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
bolometer.code.output_flag (alpha) | [bolometer.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
bolometer.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
bolometer.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bolometer.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bolometer.grid (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Definition of the 2D grid (the content of dim1 and dim2 is defined by the selected grid_type) | ||
bolometer.grid.dim1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | mixed | First dimension values |
bolometer.grid.dim2 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | mixed | Second dimension values |
bolometer.grid.volume_element (alpha) | [bolometer.grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m^3 | Volume of plasma enclosed in the cell formed by the nodes [dim1(i) dim2(j)], [dim1(i+1) dim2(j)], [dim1(i) dim2(j+1)] and [dim1(i+1) dim2(j+1)] |
bolometer.grid_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Selection of one of a set of grid types for the 2D power density map | ||
bolometer.grid_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
bolometer.grid_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
bolometer.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
bolometer.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
bolometer.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
bolometer.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
bolometer.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
bolometer.latency (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Upper bound of the delay between physical information received by the detector and data available on the real-time (RT) network. | |
bolometer.power_density (alpha) | [bolometer.grid.dim1, | STRUCTURE | W.m^-3 | Power density map in the poloidal cross-section, obtained from tomographic inversion of the bolometer data | (alpha) | [bolometer.grid.dim1, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | W.m^-3 | Data |
bolometer.power_density.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
bolometer.power_radiated_inside_lcfs (alpha) | [bolometer.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | W | Radiated power from the plasma inside the Last Closed Flux Surface, reconstructed from bolometry data |
bolometer.power_radiated_total (alpha) | [bolometer.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | W | Total radiated power reconstructed from bolometry data |
bolometer.power_radiated_validity (alpha) | [bolometer.time] | INT_1D | Validity flag related to the radiated power reconstructions | |
bolometer.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
bremsstrahlung visible¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
bremsstrahlung_visible (alpha) | Diagnostic for measuring the bremsstrahlung from thermal particules in the visible light range, in view of determining the effective charge of the plasma. | ||| (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of channels (detector or pixel of a camera) | |[:].filter (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Filter wavelength range and detection efficiency | ||[:].filter.detection_efficiency (alpha) | [[:].filter.wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Probability of detection of a photon impacting the detector as a function of its wavelength |[:].filter.wavelength_lower (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Lower bound of the filter wavelength range | |[:].filter.wavelength_upper (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Upper bound of the filter wavelength range | |[:].filter.wavelengths (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Array of wavelength values |[:].intensity (alpha) | STRUCTURE | (counts) s^-1 | Intensity, i.e. number of photoelectrons detected by unit time, taking into account electronic gain compensation and channels relative calibration | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].intensity.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | (counts) s^-1 | Data |[:].intensity.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].line_of_sight (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the line of sight of the channel, given by 2 points | ||[:].line_of_sight.first_point (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the first point | ||[:].line_of_sight.first_point.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:].line_of_sight.first_point.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |[:].line_of_sight.first_point.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |[:].line_of_sight.second_point (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the second point | ||[:].line_of_sight.second_point.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:].line_of_sight.second_point.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |[:].line_of_sight.second_point.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the channel | ||[:].radiance_spectral (alpha) | STRUCTURE | (photons).m^-2.s^^-1.m^-1 | Calibrated spectral radiance (radiance per unit wavelength) | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].radiance_spectral.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | (photons).m^-2.s^^-1.m^-1 | Data |[:].radiance_spectral.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].zeff_line_average (alpha) | STRUCTURE | - | Average effective charge along the line of sight | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].zeff_line_average.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Data |[:].zeff_line_average.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].zeff_line_average.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||[:].zeff_line_average.validity_timed (alpha) | [[:].zeff_line_average.time] | INT_1D | Indicator of the validity of the data for each time slice. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | |
bremsstrahlung_visible.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.output_flag (alpha) | [bremsstrahlung_visible.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
bremsstrahlung_visible.latency (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Upper bound of the delay between physical information received by the detector and data available on the real-time (RT) network. | |
bremsstrahlung_visible.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
calorimetry (alpha) | Calometry measurements on various tokamak subsystems | |||
calorimetry.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
calorimetry.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
calorimetry.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
calorimetry.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
calorimetry.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
calorimetry.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
calorimetry.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
calorimetry.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
calorimetry.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
calorimetry.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
calorimetry.code.output_flag (alpha) | [calorimetry.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
calorimetry.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
calorimetry.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
calorimetry.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
calorimetry.cooling_loop (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of cooling loops | |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].identifier (alpha) | STR_0D | ID of the loop | ||
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].mass_flow (alpha) | STRUCTURE | kg.s^-1 | Mass flow of the coolant going through the loop | |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:] (alpha) | [calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].mass_flow.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | kg.s^-1 | Data |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].mass_flow.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].mass_flow.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].mass_flow.validity_timed (alpha) | [calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].mass_flow.time] | INT_1D | Indicator of the validity of the data for each time slice. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the loop | ||
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_in (alpha) | STRUCTURE | K | Temperature of the coolant when entering the loop | |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:] (alpha) | [calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_in.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | K | Data |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_in.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_in.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_in.validity_timed (alpha) | [calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_in.time] | INT_1D | Indicator of the validity of the data for each time slice. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_out (alpha) | STRUCTURE | K | Temperature of the coolant when exiting the loop | |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:] (alpha) | [calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_out.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | K | Data |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_out.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_out.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||
calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_out.validity_timed (alpha) | [calorimetry.cooling_loop[:].temperature_out.time] | INT_1D | Indicator of the validity of the data for each time slice. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | | (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of groups of components on which calorimetry measurements are carried out (grouped by tokamak subsystems or localisation on the machine) | |[:].component (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of components on which calorimetry measurements are carried out | |[:].component[:].energy_cumulated (alpha) | STRUCTURE | J | Energy extracted from the component since the start of the pulse | |[:].component[:] (alpha) | [[:].component[:].energy_cumulated.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | J | Data |[:].component[:].energy_cumulated.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].component[:].energy_cumulated.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||[:].component[:].energy_cumulated.validity_timed (alpha) | [[:].component[:].energy_cumulated.time] | INT_1D | Indicator of the validity of the data for each time slice. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | |[:].component[:].energy_total (alpha) | STRUCTURE | J | Energy extracted from the component on the whole plasma discharge, including the return to thermal equilibrium of the component in the post-pulse phase | |[:].component[:] (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | J | Data | |[:].component[:].energy_total.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||[:].component[:].identifier (alpha) | STR_0D | ID of the component | ||[:].component[:].mass_flow (alpha) | STRUCTURE | kg.s^-1 | Mass flow of the coolant going through the component | |[:].component[:] (alpha) | [[:].component[:].mass_flow.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | kg.s^-1 | Data |[:].component[:].mass_flow.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].component[:].mass_flow.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||[:].component[:].mass_flow.validity_timed (alpha) | [[:].component[:].mass_flow.time] | INT_1D | Indicator of the validity of the data for each time slice. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | |[:].component[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the component | ||[:].component[:].power (alpha) | STRUCTURE | W | Power extracted from the component | |[:].component[:] (alpha) | [[:].component[:].power.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | W | Data |[:].component[:].power.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].component[:].power.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||[:].component[:].power.validity_timed (alpha) | [[:].component[:].power.time] | INT_1D | Indicator of the validity of the data for each time slice. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | |[:].component[:].temperature_in (alpha) | STRUCTURE | K | Temperature of the coolant when entering the component | |[:].component[:] (alpha) | [[:].component[:].temperature_in.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | K | Data |[:].component[:].temperature_in.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].component[:].temperature_in.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||[:].component[:].temperature_in.validity_timed (alpha) | [[:].component[:].temperature_in.time] | INT_1D | Indicator of the validity of the data for each time slice. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | |[:].component[:].temperature_out (alpha) | STRUCTURE | K | Temperature of the coolant when exiting the component | |[:].component[:] (alpha) | [[:].component[:].temperature_out.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | K | Data |[:].component[:].temperature_out.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].component[:].temperature_out.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||[:].component[:].temperature_out.validity_timed (alpha) | [[:].component[:].temperature_out.time] | INT_1D | Indicator of the validity of the data for each time slice. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | |[:].component[:].transit_time (alpha) | STRUCTURE | s | Transit time for the coolant to go from the input to the output of the component | |[:].component[:] (alpha) | [[:].component[:].transit_time.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Data |[:].component[:].transit_time.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].component[:].transit_time.validity (alpha) | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the data for the whole acquisition period. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | ||[:].component[:].transit_time.validity_timed (alpha) | [[:].component[:].transit_time.time] | INT_1D | Indicator of the validity of the data for each time slice. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the diagnostic RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the diagnostic RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used (values lower than -2 have a code-specific meaning detailing the origin of their invalidity) | |[:].identifier (alpha) | STR_0D | ID of the group | ||[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the group | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
calorimetry.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
calorimetry.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
calorimetry.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
calorimetry.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
calorimetry.latency (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Upper bound of the delay between physical information received by the detector and data available on the real-time (RT) network. | |
calorimetry.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
camera ir¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
camera_ir (alpha) | Infrared camera for monitoring of Plasma Facing Components | |||
camera_ir.calibration (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Calibration data | ||
camera_ir.calibration.luminance_to_temperature (alpha) | [1...N, | INT_2D | Luminance to temperature conversion table | |
camera_ir.calibration.optical_temperature (alpha) | [1...N, | INT_2D | Temperature of the optical components (digital levels) | |
camera_ir.calibration.transmission_barrel (alpha) | [1...N, | INT_2D | Transmission of the optical barrel | |
camera_ir.calibration.transmission_mirror (alpha) | [1...N, | INT_2D | Transmission of the mirror | |
camera_ir.calibration.transmission_window (alpha) | [1...N, | INT_2D | Transmission of the window | |
camera_ir.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
camera_ir.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_ir.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_ir.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
camera_ir.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_ir.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_ir.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
camera_ir.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_ir.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_ir.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
camera_ir.code.output_flag (alpha) | [camera_ir.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
camera_ir.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_ir.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_ir.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_ir.fibre_bundle (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the fibre bundle | ||
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.fibre_positions (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Individual fibres centres positions in the (X1, X2) coordinate system | ||
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.fibre_positions.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.fibre_positions.x2 (alpha) | [camera_ir.fibre_bundle.fibre_positions.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.fibre_radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of a single fibre | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Geometry of the fibre bundle entrance | ||
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.centre (alpha) | STRUCTURE | If geometry_type=2, coordinates of the centre of the circle. If geometry_type=1 or 3, coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) describing the plane detector/aperture. This origin is located within the detector/aperture area. | ||
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.centre.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.centre.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.centre.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.geometry_type (alpha) | INT_0D | Type of geometry used to describe the surface of the detector or aperture (1:'outline', 2:'circular', 3:'rectangle'). In case of 'outline', the surface is described by an outline of point in a local coordinate system defined by a centre and three unit vectors X1, X2, X3. Note that there is some flexibility here and the data provider should choose the most convenient coordinate system for the object, respecting the definitions of (X1,X2,X3) indicated below. In case of 'circular', the surface is a circle defined by its centre, radius, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. In case of 'rectangle', the surface is a rectangle defined by its centre, widths in the X1 and X2 directions, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. | ||
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Irregular outline of the detector/aperture in the (X1, X2) coordinate system. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.outline.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.outline.x2 (alpha) | [camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.outline.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of the circle, used only if geometry_type = 2 | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.surface (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface of the detector/aperture, derived from the above geometric data | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x1_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | ||
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x1_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x1_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x1_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x1_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X1 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x2_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | ||
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x2_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x2_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x2_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x2_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X2 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x3_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the detector/aperture plane and oriented towards the plasma. | ||
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x3_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x3_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_ir.fibre_bundle.geometry.x3_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_ir.frame (alpha) | [camera_ir.frame[:].time] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of frames | |
camera_ir.frame[:].surface_temperature (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | K | Surface temperature image. First dimension : line index (horizontal axis). Second dimension: column index (vertical axis). The size of this matrix is assumed to be constant over time |
camera_ir.frame[:].time (alpha) | FLT_0D | s | Time | |
camera_ir.frame_analysis (alpha) | [camera_ir.frame_analysis[:].time] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities deduced from frame analysis for a set of time slices | |
camera_ir.frame_analysis[:].distance_separatrix_midplane (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Distance between the measurement position and the separatrix, mapped along flux surfaces to the outboard midplane, in the major radius direction. Positive value means the measurement is outside of the separatrix. |
camera_ir.frame_analysis[:].power_flux_parallel (alpha) | [camera_ir.frame_analysis[:].distance_separatrix_midplane] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | W.m^-2 | Parallel heat flux received by the element monitored by the camera, along the distance_separatrix_midplane coordinate |
camera_ir.frame_analysis[:].sol_heat_decay_length (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Heat flux decay length in SOL at divertor entrance, mapped to the mid-plane, this is the lambda_q parameter defined in reference T. Eich et al, Nucl. Fusion 53 (2013) 093031 | |
camera_ir.frame_analysis[:].time (alpha) | FLT_0D | s | Time | |
camera_ir.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
camera_ir.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
camera_ir.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
camera_ir.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_ir.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_ir.latency (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Upper bound of the delay between physical information received by the detector and data available on the real-time (RT) network. | |
camera_ir.midplane (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Choice of midplane definition for the mapping of measurements on an equilibrium | ||
camera_ir.midplane.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_ir.midplane.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the camera | ||
camera_ir.optical_element (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of optical elements | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].back_surface (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Curvature of the front surface | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].back_surface.curvature_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Curvature of the surface | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].back_surface.curvature_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].back_surface.curvature_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].back_surface.x1_curvature (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of curvature in the X1 direction, to be filled only for curvature_type/index = 2, 4 or 5 | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].back_surface.x2_curvature (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of curvature in the X2 direction, to be filled only for curvature_type/index = 3 or 5 | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].front_surface (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Curvature of the front surface | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].front_surface.curvature_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Curvature of the surface | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].front_surface.curvature_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].front_surface.curvature_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].front_surface.x1_curvature (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of curvature in the X1 direction, to be filled only for curvature_type/index = 2, 4 or 5 | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].front_surface.x2_curvature (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of curvature in the X2 direction, to be filled only for curvature_type/index = 3 or 5 | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Further geometrical description of the element | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.centre (alpha) | STRUCTURE | If geometry_type=2, coordinates of the centre of the circle. If geometry_type=1 or 3, coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) describing the plane detector/aperture. This origin is located within the detector/aperture area. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.centre.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.centre.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.centre.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.geometry_type (alpha) | INT_0D | Type of geometry used to describe the surface of the detector or aperture (1:'outline', 2:'circular', 3:'rectangle'). In case of 'outline', the surface is described by an outline of point in a local coordinate system defined by a centre and three unit vectors X1, X2, X3. Note that there is some flexibility here and the data provider should choose the most convenient coordinate system for the object, respecting the definitions of (X1,X2,X3) indicated below. In case of 'circular', the surface is a circle defined by its centre, radius, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. In case of 'rectangle', the surface is a rectangle defined by its centre, widths in the X1 and X2 directions, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Irregular outline of the detector/aperture in the (X1, X2) coordinate system. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.outline.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.outline.x2 (alpha) | [camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.outline.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of the circle, used only if geometry_type = 2 | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.surface (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface of the detector/aperture, derived from the above geometric data | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x1_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x1_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x1_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x1_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x1_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X1 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x2_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x2_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x2_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x2_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x2_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X2 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x3_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the detector/aperture plane and oriented towards the plasma. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x3_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x3_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].geometry.x3_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Material properties of the optical element | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.extinction_coefficient (alpha) | [camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Extinction coefficient (for metal) |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.refractive_index (alpha) | [camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Refractive index (for metal and dielectric) |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.roughness (alpha) | [camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Roughness parameter of the material. Varies in range [0, 1]. 0 is perfectly specular, 1 is perfectly rough |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.transmission_coefficient (alpha) | [camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Transmission coefficient (for dielectric) |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of optical element material. In case of 'metal' refractive_index and extinction_coefficient are used. In case of 'dielectric' refractive_index and transmission_coefficient are used. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].material_properties.wavelengths (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Wavelengths array for refractive_index, extinction_coefficient and transmission_coefficient |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].thickness (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Distance between front_surface and back_surface along the X3 vector | |
camera_ir.optical_element[:].type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of optical element. In case of 'mirror' and 'diaphragm', the element is described by one 'front_surface'. In case of 'lens', the element is described by 'front_surface' and 'back_surface'. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:].type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
camera_ir.optical_element[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
camera_ir.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
camera visible¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
camera_visible (alpha) | Camera in the visible light range | ||| (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of channels (a front aperture, possibly followed by others, viewing the plasma recorded by one or more detectors e.g. for different wavelength ranges) | |[:].aperture (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Description of apertures between plasma and the detectors (position, outline shape and orientation) | |[:].aperture[:].centre (alpha) | STRUCTURE | If geometry_type=2, coordinates of the centre of the circle. If geometry_type=1 or 3, coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) describing the plane detector/aperture. This origin is located within the detector/aperture area. | ||[:].aperture[:].centre.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:].aperture[:].centre.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |[:].aperture[:].centre.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |[:].aperture[:].geometry_type (alpha) | INT_0D | Type of geometry used to describe the surface of the detector or aperture (1:'outline', 2:'circular', 3:'rectangle'). In case of 'outline', the surface is described by an outline of point in a local coordinate system defined by a centre and three unit vectors X1, X2, X3. Note that there is some flexibility here and the data provider should choose the most convenient coordinate system for the object, respecting the definitions of (X1,X2,X3) indicated below. In case of 'circular', the surface is a circle defined by its centre, radius, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. In case of 'rectangle', the surface is a rectangle defined by its centre, widths in the X1 and X2 directions, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. | ||[:].aperture[:].outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Irregular outline of the detector/aperture in the (X1, X2) coordinate system. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||[:].aperture[:].outline.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |[:].aperture[:].outline.x2 (alpha) | [[:].aperture[:].outline.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |[:].aperture[:].radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of the circle, used only if geometry_type = 2 | |[:].aperture[:].surface (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface of the detector/aperture, derived from the above geometric data | |[:].aperture[:].x1_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | ||[:].aperture[:].x1_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].aperture[:].x1_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].aperture[:].x1_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].aperture[:].x1_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X1 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |[:].aperture[:].x2_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | ||[:].aperture[:].x2_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].aperture[:].x2_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].aperture[:].x2_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].aperture[:].x2_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X2 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |[:].aperture[:].x3_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the detector/aperture plane and oriented towards the plasma. | ||[:].aperture[:].x3_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].aperture[:].x3_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].aperture[:].x3_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].detector (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of detectors | |[:].detector[:].columns_n (alpha) | INT_0D | Number of pixel columns in the horizontal direction | ||[:].detector[:].counts_to_radiance (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | photons.m^-2.s^^-1.counts^-1 | Counts to radiance factor, for each pixel of the detector. Includes both the transmission losses in the relay optics and the quantum efficiency of the camera itself, integrated over the wavelength range |[:].detector[:].exposure_time (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Exposure time | |[:].detector[:].frame (alpha) | [[:].detector[:].frame[:].time] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of frames | |[:].detector[:].frame[:].image_raw (alpha) | [1...N, | INT_2D | Raw image (unprocessed) (digital levels). First dimension : line index (horizontal axis). Second dimension: column index (vertical axis). | |[:].detector[:].frame[:].radiance (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | photons.m^-2.s^^-1 | Radiance image. First dimension : line index (horizontal axis). Second dimension: column index (vertical axis). |[:].detector[:].frame[:].time (alpha) | FLT_0D | s | Time | |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of geometry matrix (ray transfer matrix) | ||[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.emission_grid (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Grid defining the light emission cells | ||[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.emission_grid.dim1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | mixed | First dimension values |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.emission_grid.dim2 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | mixed | Second dimension values |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.emission_grid.dim3 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | mixed | Third dimension values |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.emission_grid.grid_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Grid type | ||[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.emission_grid.grid_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.emission_grid.grid_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:].detector[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.interpolated (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interpolated geometry matrix for reflected light | ||[:].detector[:] (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | m^-2 | Interpolated Ray Transfer Matrix (RTM, or geometry matrix), which provides transformation of the reflected light from each interpolation knot to the receiver (detector pixel). When convolving with an emission profile, the values must be interpolated to the emission grid and multiplied by the volume of the grid cells. The interpolated matrix is given on an array of interpolation knots of coordinates r, z and phi (third dimension of this array). The first two dimension correspond to the detector pixels : first dimension : line index (horizontal axis); second dimension: column index (vertical axis). |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.interpolated.phi (alpha) | [[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.interpolated.r] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) of interpolation knots |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.interpolated.r (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Major radius of interpolation knots |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.interpolated.z (alpha) | [[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.interpolated.r] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Height of interpolation knots |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.voxel_map (alpha) | [[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.emission_grid.dim1, | INT_3D | Voxel map for geometry matrix. The cells with same number are merged in the computation into a single emission source meta-cell (the voxel). Cells with number -1 are excluded. Voxel count starts from 0. | |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.voxels_n (alpha) | INT_0D | Number of voxels defined in the voxel_map. | ||[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.with_reflections (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Geometry matrix with reflections | ||[:].detector[:] (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | The Ray Transfer Matrix (RTM, or geometry matrix) here provides transformation of the signal from each individual unit light source (voxel) to each pixel of the receiver (detector). The emission profile has [photons.m^-3.s^^-1] units and radiance signal has [photons.m^-2.s^^-1] units. So the RTM has [m] units. This data is stored in a sparse form, i.e. the array contains only the non-zero element of the Ray transfer matrix. The voxel index corresponding to an element of this array can be found in voxel_indices. The pixel indices corresponding to an element of this array can be found in pixel_indices |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.with_reflections.pixel_indices (alpha) | [[:].detector[:], | INT_2D | List of pixel indices used in the sparse data array. The first dimension refers to the data array index. The second dimension lists the line index (horizontal axis) in first position, then the column index (vertical axis). | |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.with_reflections.voxel_indices (alpha) | [[:].detector[:]] | INT_1D | List of voxel indices (defined in the voxel map) used in the sparse data array | |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.without_reflections (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Geometry matrix without reflections | ||[:].detector[:] (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | The Ray Transfer Matrix (RTM, or geometry matrix) here provides transformation of the signal from each individual unit light source (voxel) to each pixel of the receiver (detector). The emission profile has [photons.m^-3.s^^-1] units and radiance signal has [photons.m^-2.s^^-1] units. So the RTM has [m] units. This data is stored in a sparse form, i.e. the array contains only the non-zero element of the Ray transfer matrix. The voxel index corresponding to an element of this array can be found in voxel_indices. The pixel indices corresponding to an element of this array can be found in pixel_indices |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.without_reflections.pixel_indices (alpha) | [[:].detector[:], | INT_2D | List of pixel indices used in the sparse data array. The first dimension refers to the data array index. The second dimension lists the line index (horizontal axis) in first position, then the column index (vertical axis). | |[:].detector[:].geometry_matrix.without_reflections.voxel_indices (alpha) | [[:].detector[:]] | INT_1D | List of voxel indices (defined in the voxel map) used in the sparse data array | |[:].detector[:].lines_n (alpha) | INT_0D | Number of pixel lines in the vertical direction | ||[:].detector[:].noise (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Detector noise (e.g. read-out noise) (rms counts per second exposure time) | |[:].detector[:].pixel_to_alpha (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Alpha angle of each pixel in the horizontal axis |[:].detector[:].pixel_to_beta (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Beta angle of each pixel in the vertical axis |[:].detector[:].wavelength_lower (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Lower bound of the detector wavelength range | |[:].detector[:].wavelength_upper (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Upper bound of the detector wavelength range | |[:].fibre_bundle (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the fibre bundle | ||[:].fibre_bundle.fibre_positions (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Individual fibres centres positions in the (X1, X2) coordinate system | ||[:].fibre_bundle.fibre_positions.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |[:].fibre_bundle.fibre_positions.x2 (alpha) | [[:].fibre_bundle.fibre_positions.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |[:].fibre_bundle.fibre_radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of a single fibre | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Geometry of the fibre bundle entrance | ||[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.centre (alpha) | STRUCTURE | If geometry_type=2, coordinates of the centre of the circle. If geometry_type=1 or 3, coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) describing the plane detector/aperture. This origin is located within the detector/aperture area. | ||[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.centre.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.centre.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.centre.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.geometry_type (alpha) | INT_0D | Type of geometry used to describe the surface of the detector or aperture (1:'outline', 2:'circular', 3:'rectangle'). In case of 'outline', the surface is described by an outline of point in a local coordinate system defined by a centre and three unit vectors X1, X2, X3. Note that there is some flexibility here and the data provider should choose the most convenient coordinate system for the object, respecting the definitions of (X1,X2,X3) indicated below. In case of 'circular', the surface is a circle defined by its centre, radius, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. In case of 'rectangle', the surface is a rectangle defined by its centre, widths in the X1 and X2 directions, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. | ||[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Irregular outline of the detector/aperture in the (X1, X2) coordinate system. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.outline.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.outline.x2 (alpha) | [[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.outline.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of the circle, used only if geometry_type = 2 | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.surface (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface of the detector/aperture, derived from the above geometric data | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x1_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | ||[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x1_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x1_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x1_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x1_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X1 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x2_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | ||[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x2_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x2_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x2_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x2_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X2 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x3_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the detector/aperture plane and oriented towards the plasma. | ||[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x3_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x3_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].fibre_bundle.geometry.x3_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the channel | ||[:].optical_element (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of optical elements | |[:].optical_element[:].back_surface (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Curvature of the front surface | ||[:].optical_element[:].back_surface.curvature_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Curvature of the surface | ||[:].optical_element[:].back_surface.curvature_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].optical_element[:].back_surface.curvature_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:].optical_element[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].optical_element[:].back_surface.x1_curvature (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of curvature in the X1 direction, to be filled only for curvature_type/index = 2, 4 or 5 | |[:].optical_element[:].back_surface.x2_curvature (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of curvature in the X2 direction, to be filled only for curvature_type/index = 3 or 5 | |[:].optical_element[:].front_surface (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Curvature of the front surface | ||[:].optical_element[:].front_surface.curvature_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Curvature of the surface | ||[:].optical_element[:].front_surface.curvature_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].optical_element[:].front_surface.curvature_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:].optical_element[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].optical_element[:].front_surface.x1_curvature (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of curvature in the X1 direction, to be filled only for curvature_type/index = 2, 4 or 5 | |[:].optical_element[:].front_surface.x2_curvature (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of curvature in the X2 direction, to be filled only for curvature_type/index = 3 or 5 | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Further geometrical description of the element | ||[:].optical_element[:].geometry.centre (alpha) | STRUCTURE | If geometry_type=2, coordinates of the centre of the circle. If geometry_type=1 or 3, coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) describing the plane detector/aperture. This origin is located within the detector/aperture area. | ||[:].optical_element[:].geometry.centre.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.centre.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.centre.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.geometry_type (alpha) | INT_0D | Type of geometry used to describe the surface of the detector or aperture (1:'outline', 2:'circular', 3:'rectangle'). In case of 'outline', the surface is described by an outline of point in a local coordinate system defined by a centre and three unit vectors X1, X2, X3. Note that there is some flexibility here and the data provider should choose the most convenient coordinate system for the object, respecting the definitions of (X1,X2,X3) indicated below. In case of 'circular', the surface is a circle defined by its centre, radius, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. In case of 'rectangle', the surface is a rectangle defined by its centre, widths in the X1 and X2 directions, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. | ||[:].optical_element[:].geometry.outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Irregular outline of the detector/aperture in the (X1, X2) coordinate system. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||[:].optical_element[:].geometry.outline.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.outline.x2 (alpha) | [[:].optical_element[:].geometry.outline.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of the circle, used only if geometry_type = 2 | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.surface (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface of the detector/aperture, derived from the above geometric data | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x1_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | ||[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x1_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x1_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x1_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x1_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X1 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x2_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | ||[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x2_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x2_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x2_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x2_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X2 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x3_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the detector/aperture plane and oriented towards the plasma. | ||[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x3_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x3_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |[:].optical_element[:].geometry.x3_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |[:].optical_element[:].material_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Material properties of the optical element | ||[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.extinction_coefficient (alpha) | [[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Extinction coefficient (for metal) |[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.refractive_index (alpha) | [[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Refractive index (for metal and dielectric) |[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.roughness (alpha) | [[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Roughness parameter of the material. Varies in range [0, 1]. 0 is perfectly specular, 1 is perfectly rough |[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.transmission_coefficient (alpha) | [[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Transmission coefficient (for dielectric) |[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of optical element material. In case of 'metal' refractive_index and extinction_coefficient are used. In case of 'dielectric' refractive_index and transmission_coefficient are used. | ||[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:].optical_element[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].optical_element[:].material_properties.wavelengths (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Wavelengths array for refractive_index, extinction_coefficient and transmission_coefficient |[:].optical_element[:].thickness (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Distance between front_surface and back_surface along the X3 vector | |[:].optical_element[:].type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of optical element. In case of 'mirror' and 'diaphragm', the element is described by one 'front_surface'. In case of 'lens', the element is described by 'front_surface' and 'back_surface'. | ||[:].optical_element[:].type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].optical_element[:].type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:].optical_element[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].viewing_angle_alpha_bounds (alpha) | [1...2] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Minimum and maximum values of alpha angle of the field of view, where alpha is the agle between the axis X3 and projection of the chord of view on the plane X1X3 counted clockwise from the top view of X2 axis. X1, X2, X3 are the ones of the first aperture (i.e. the closest to the plasma). |[:].viewing_angle_beta_bounds (alpha) | [1...2] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Minimum and maximum values of beta angle of the field of view, where beta is the angle between the axis X3 and projection of the chord of view on the plane X2X3 counted clockwise from the top view of X1 axis. X1, X2, X3 are the ones of the first aperture (i.e. the closest to the plasma). |
camera_visible.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
camera_visible.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_visible.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_visible.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
camera_visible.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_visible.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_visible.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
camera_visible.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_visible.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_visible.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
camera_visible.code.output_flag (alpha) | [camera_visible.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
camera_visible.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_visible.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_visible.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
camera_visible.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
camera_visible.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
camera_visible.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_visible.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_visible.latency (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Upper bound of the delay between physical information received by the detector and data available on the real-time (RT) network. | | (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the camera | ||
camera_visible.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
camera x rays¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
camera_x_rays (alpha) | X-rays imaging camera (can be used for soft or hard X-rays imaging systems) | |||
camera_x_rays.aperture (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the collimating aperture of the diagnostic | ||
camera_x_rays.aperture.centre (alpha) | STRUCTURE | If geometry_type=2, coordinates of the centre of the circle. If geometry_type=1 or 3, coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) describing the plane detector/aperture. This origin is located within the detector/aperture area. | ||
camera_x_rays.aperture.centre.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.centre.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.centre.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.geometry_type (alpha) | INT_0D | Type of geometry used to describe the surface of the detector or aperture (1:'outline', 2:'circular', 3:'rectangle'). In case of 'outline', the surface is described by an outline of point in a local coordinate system defined by a centre and three unit vectors X1, X2, X3. Note that there is some flexibility here and the data provider should choose the most convenient coordinate system for the object, respecting the definitions of (X1,X2,X3) indicated below. In case of 'circular', the surface is a circle defined by its centre, radius, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. In case of 'rectangle', the surface is a rectangle defined by its centre, widths in the X1 and X2 directions, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. | ||
camera_x_rays.aperture.outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Irregular outline of the detector/aperture in the (X1, X2) coordinate system. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||
camera_x_rays.aperture.outline.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |
camera_x_rays.aperture.outline.x2 (alpha) | [camera_x_rays.aperture.outline.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |
camera_x_rays.aperture.radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of the circle, used only if geometry_type = 2 | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.surface (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface of the detector/aperture, derived from the above geometric data | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x1_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | ||
camera_x_rays.aperture.x1_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x1_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x1_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x1_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X1 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x2_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | ||
camera_x_rays.aperture.x2_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x2_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x2_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x2_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X2 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x3_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the detector/aperture plane and oriented towards the plasma. | ||
camera_x_rays.aperture.x3_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x3_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_x_rays.aperture.x3_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | | (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Characteristics of the camera used. The orientation of the camera is described as follows : pixels are aligned along x1 and x2 unit vectors while x3 is normal to the detector plane. | || (alpha) | [1...2] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Total camera dimension in each direction (x1, x2) | (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the camera centre | || (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | | (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | | (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | | (alpha) | STR_0D | ID of the camera | || (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the line of sight for each pixel, given by 2 points. For each coordinate : first dimension : line index (x1 axis); second dimension: column index (x2 axis). | || (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the first point | || (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m | Height | (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the second point | || (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m | Height | (alpha) | [1...2] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Pixel dimension in each direction (x1, x2) | (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the centre of each pixel. First dimension : line index (x1 axis). Second dimension: column index (x2 axis). | || (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m | Height | (alpha) | [1...2] | INT_1D | Number of pixels in each direction (x1, x2) | | (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | || (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | | (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | | (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | | (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | || (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | | (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | | (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | | (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the camera plane and oriented towards the plasma. | || (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | | (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | | (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_x_rays.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
camera_x_rays.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_x_rays.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_x_rays.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
camera_x_rays.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_x_rays.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_x_rays.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
camera_x_rays.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_x_rays.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_x_rays.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
camera_x_rays.code.output_flag (alpha) | [camera_x_rays.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
camera_x_rays.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_x_rays.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_x_rays.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_x_rays.detector_humidity (alpha) | STRUCTURE | - | Fraction of humidity (0-1) measured at the detector level | | (alpha) | [camera_x_rays.detector_humidity.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Data |
camera_x_rays.detector_humidity.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
camera_x_rays.detector_temperature (alpha) | STRUCTURE | K | Temperature measured at the detector level | | (alpha) | [camera_x_rays.detector_temperature.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | K | Data |
camera_x_rays.detector_temperature.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
camera_x_rays.energy_configuration_name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the chosen energy configuration (energy detection threshold) | ||
camera_x_rays.energy_threshold_lower (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | eV | Lower energy detection threshold on each pixel of the detector (photons are counted only if their energy is above this value) |
camera_x_rays.exposure_time (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Exposure time | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Characteristics of the filter window | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.centre (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) describing the filter. This origin is located within the filter area and should be the middle point of the filter surface. If geometry_type=2, it's the centre of the circular filter. If geometry_type=3, it's the centre of the rectangular filter. | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.centre.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.centre.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.centre.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.curvature_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Curvature of the filter. | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.curvature_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.curvature_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.geometry_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Geometry of the filter contour. Note that there is some flexibility in the choice of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3). The data provider should choose the most convenient coordinate system for the filter, respecting the definitions of (X1,X2,X3) indicated below. | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.geometry_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.geometry_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.identifier (alpha) | STR_0D | ID of the filter | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.material (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Material of the filter window | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.material.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.material.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Irregular outline of the filter in the (X1, X2) coordinate system, used only if geometry_type/index=1. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.outline.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.outline.x2 (alpha) | [camera_x_rays.filter_window.outline.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.photon_absorption (alpha) | [camera_x_rays.filter_window.wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Probability of absorbing a photon passing through the filter as a function of its wavelength |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of the circle, used only if geometry_type/index = 2 | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.surface (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface of the filter, derived from the above geometric data | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.thickness (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Thickness of the filter window | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.wavelength_lower (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Lower bound of the filter wavelength range | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.wavelength_upper (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Upper bound of the filter wavelength range | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.wavelengths (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Array of wavelength values |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x1_curvature (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of curvature in the X1 direction, to be filled only for curvature_type/index = 2, 4 or 5 | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x1_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x1_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x1_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x1_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x1_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the filter in the X1 direction, used only if geometry_type/index = 3 | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x2_curvature (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of curvature in the X2 direction, to be filled only for curvature_type/index = 3 or 5 | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x2_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x2_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x2_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x2_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x2_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the filter in the X2 direction, used only if geometry_type/index = 3 | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x3_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the filter surface and oriented towards the plasma. | ||
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x3_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x3_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
camera_x_rays.filter_window.x3_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
camera_x_rays.frame (alpha) | [camera_x_rays.frame[:].time] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of frames. Each time step corresponds to the beginning of the photon integration of each image | |
camera_x_rays.frame[:].counts_n (alpha) | [1...N, | INT_2D | Number of counts detected on each pixel during one exposure time. First dimension : line index (horizontal axis). Second dimension: column index (vertical axis). | |
camera_x_rays.frame[:].time (alpha) | FLT_0D | s | Time | |
camera_x_rays.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_x_rays.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
camera_x_rays.latency (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Upper bound of the delay between physical information received by the detector and data available on the real-time (RT) network. | | (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the camera | ||
camera_x_rays.photon_energy (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | List of values of the photon energy (coordinate for quantum_effiency) |
camera_x_rays.pixel_status (alpha) | [1...N, | INT_2D | Status of each pixel : +1 for valid pixels, -1 for inactive pixels, -2 for mis-calibrated pixels. | |
camera_x_rays.quantum_efficiency (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | - | Quantum efficiency of the detector, i.e. conversion factor multiplying the number of counts to obtain the number of photons impacting the detector, tabulated as a function of the photon energy, for each pixel of the detector. If all pixels have the same quantum efficiency, just set the size of the first and second dimensions to 1 |
camera_x_rays.readout_time (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Time used to read out each frame on the detector | |
camera_x_rays.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
charge exchange¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
charge_exchange (alpha) | Charge exchange spectroscopy diagnostic | |||
charge_exchange.aperture (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the collimating aperture of the diagnostic, relevant to all lines-of-sight (channels) | ||
charge_exchange.aperture.centre (alpha) | STRUCTURE | If geometry_type=2, coordinates of the centre of the circle. If geometry_type=1 or 3, coordinates of the origin of the local coordinate system (X1,X2,X3) describing the plane detector/aperture. This origin is located within the detector/aperture area. | ||
charge_exchange.aperture.centre.phi (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |
charge_exchange.aperture.centre.r (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Major radius | |
charge_exchange.aperture.centre.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Height | |
charge_exchange.aperture.geometry_type (alpha) | INT_0D | Type of geometry used to describe the surface of the detector or aperture (1:'outline', 2:'circular', 3:'rectangle'). In case of 'outline', the surface is described by an outline of point in a local coordinate system defined by a centre and three unit vectors X1, X2, X3. Note that there is some flexibility here and the data provider should choose the most convenient coordinate system for the object, respecting the definitions of (X1,X2,X3) indicated below. In case of 'circular', the surface is a circle defined by its centre, radius, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. In case of 'rectangle', the surface is a rectangle defined by its centre, widths in the X1 and X2 directions, and normal vector oriented towards the plasma X3. | ||
charge_exchange.aperture.outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Irregular outline of the detector/aperture in the (X1, X2) coordinate system. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||
charge_exchange.aperture.outline.x1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x1 axis |
charge_exchange.aperture.outline.x2 (alpha) | [charge_exchange.aperture.outline.x1] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Positions along x2 axis |
charge_exchange.aperture.radius (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Radius of the circle, used only if geometry_type = 2 | |
charge_exchange.aperture.surface (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface of the detector/aperture, derived from the above geometric data | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x1_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X1 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X1 vector is more horizontal than X2 (has a smaller abs(Z) component) and oriented in the positive phi direction (counter-clockwise when viewing from above). | ||
charge_exchange.aperture.x1_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x1_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x1_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x1_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X1 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x2_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X2 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X2 axis is orthonormal so that uX2 = uX3 x uX1. | ||
charge_exchange.aperture.x2_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x2_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x2_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x2_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the aperture in the X2 direction, used only if geometry_type = 3 | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x3_unit_vector (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Components of the X3 direction unit vector in the (X,Y,Z) coordinate system, where X is the major radius axis for phi = 0, Y is the major radius axis for phi = pi/2, and Z is the height axis. The X3 axis is normal to the detector/aperture plane and oriented towards the plasma. | ||
charge_exchange.aperture.x3_unit_vector.x (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along X axis | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x3_unit_vector.y (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Y axis | |
charge_exchange.aperture.x3_unit_vector.z (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Component along Z axis | | (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of channels (lines-of-sight). The line-of-sight is defined by the centre of the collimating aperture and the position of the measurements. | |[:].bes (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Derived Beam Emission Spectroscopy (BES) parameters | ||[:].bes.a (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom of the diagnostic neutral beam particle | |[:].bes.doppler_shift (alpha) | STRUCTURE | m | Doppler shift due to the diagnostic neutral beam particle velocity | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].bes.doppler_shift.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Data |[:].bes.doppler_shift.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].bes.label (alpha) | STR_0D | String identifying the diagnostic neutral beam particle | ||[:].bes.lorentz_shift (alpha) | STRUCTURE | m | Lorentz shift due to the Lorentz electric field (vxB) in the frame of the diagnostic neutral beam particles moving with a velocity v across the magnetic field B | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].bes.lorentz_shift.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Data |[:].bes.lorentz_shift.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].bes.radiances (alpha) | [1...9, | STRUCTURE | (photons) m^-2.s^^-1 | Calibrated intensities of the 9 splitted lines (Stark effect due to Lorentz electric field). Note: radiances are integrated over the sightline crossing the neutral beam |[:] (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | (photons) m^-2.s^^-1 | Data |[:].bes.radiances.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].bes.transition_wavelength (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Unshifted wavelength of the BES transition | |[:].bes.z_ion (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Ion charge of the diagnostic neutral beam particle | |[:].bes.z_n (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge of the diagnostic neutral beam particle | |[:].identifier (alpha) | STR_0D | ID of the channel | ||[:].ion (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Physical quantities related to ion species and charge stage (H+, D+, T+, He+2, Li+3, Be+4, C+6, N+7, O+8, Ne+10, Si+14, Ar+16 or Ar+18) derived from the measured charge exchange emission of each species, at the position of the measurement | |[:].ion[:].a (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom of the ion | |[:].ion[:].label (alpha) | STR_0D | String identifying the ion (e.g. H+, D+, T+, He+2, C+6, ...) | ||[:].ion[:].n_i_over_n_e (alpha) | STRUCTURE | - | Ion concentration (ratio of the ion density over the electron density) at the channel measurement point | |[:].ion[:] (alpha) | [[:].ion[:].n_i_over_n_e.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Data |[:].ion[:].n_i_over_n_e.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].ion[:].n_i_over_n_e_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the method used to derive the ion concentration | ||[:].ion[:].n_i_over_n_e_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].ion[:].n_i_over_n_e_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:].ion[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].ion[:].t_i (alpha) | STRUCTURE | eV | Ion temperature at the channel measurement point | |[:].ion[:] (alpha) | [[:].ion[:].t_i.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Data |[:].ion[:].t_i.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].ion[:].t_i_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the method used to derive the ion temperature | ||[:].ion[:].t_i_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].ion[:].t_i_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:].ion[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].ion[:].velocity_pol (alpha) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Poloidal velocity of the ion (oriented clockwise when seen from front on the right side of the tokamak axi-symmetry axis) at the channel measurement point | |[:].ion[:] (alpha) | [[:].ion[:].velocity_pol.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Data |[:].ion[:].velocity_pol.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].ion[:].velocity_pol_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the method used to reconstruct the ion poloidal velocity | ||[:].ion[:].velocity_pol_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].ion[:].velocity_pol_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:].ion[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].ion[:].velocity_tor (alpha) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Toroidal velocity of the ion (oriented counter-clockwise when seen from above) at the channel measurement point | |[:].ion[:] (alpha) | [[:].ion[:].velocity_tor.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Data |[:].ion[:].velocity_tor.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].ion[:].velocity_tor_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the method used to reconstruct the ion toroidal velocity | ||[:].ion[:].velocity_tor_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].ion[:].velocity_tor_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:].ion[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].ion[:].z_ion (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Ion charge | |[:].ion[:].z_n (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge | |[:].ion_fast (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Derived Fast Ion Charge eXchange (FICX) parameters | |[:].ion_fast[:].a (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom of the fast ion | |[:].ion_fast[:].label (alpha) | STR_0D | String identifying the fast ion (e.g. H+, D+, T+, He+2, C+6, ...) | ||[:].ion_fast[:].radiance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | (photons) m^-2.s^^-1 | Calibrated radiance of the fast ion charge exchange spectrum assuming the shape is pre-defined (e.g. by the Fokker-Planck slowing-down function). Note: radiance is integrated over the sightline crossing the neutral beam | |[:].ion_fast[:] (alpha) | [[:].ion_fast[:].radiance.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | (photons) m^-2.s^^-1 | Data |[:].ion_fast[:].radiance.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].ion_fast[:].radiance_spectral_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the method used to reconstruct the fast ion charge exchange spectrum (e.g. what pre-defined slowing-down and source functions used) | ||[:].ion_fast[:].radiance_spectral_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].ion_fast[:].radiance_spectral_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:].ion_fast[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].ion_fast[:].transition_wavelength (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Unshifted wavelength of the fast ion charge exchange transition | |[:].ion_fast[:].z_ion (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Fast ion charge | |[:].ion_fast[:].z_n (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge of the fast ion | |[:].momentum_tor (alpha) | STRUCTURE | kg.m^-1.s^-1 | Total plasma toroidal momentum, summed over ion species and electrons weighted by their density and major radius, i.e. sum_over_species(n*R*m*Vphi), at the channel measurement point | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].momentum_tor.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | kg.m^-1.s^-1 | Data |[:].momentum_tor.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].momentum_tor_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the method used to reconstruct the total plasma toroidal momentum | ||[:].momentum_tor_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].momentum_tor_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the channel | ||[:].position (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the measurements | ||[:].position.phi (alpha) | STRUCTURE | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].position.phi.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Data |[:].position.phi.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].position.r (alpha) | STRUCTURE | m | Major radius | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].position.r.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Data |[:].position.r.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].position.z (alpha) | STRUCTURE | m | Height | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].position.z.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Data |[:].position.z.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].spectrum (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of spectra obtained by various gratings | |[:].spectrum[:].exposure_time (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Exposure time | |[:].spectrum[:].grating (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^-1 | Number of grating lines per unit length | |[:].spectrum[:].instrument_function (alpha) | [1...2, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m | Array of Gaussian widths and amplitudes which as a sum make up the instrument fuction. IF(lambda) = sum( instrument_function(1,i)/sqrt(2 * pi * instrument_function(2,i)^2 ) * exp( -lambda^2/(2 * instrument_function(2,i)^2) ) ),whereby sum( instrument_function(1,i) ) = 1 |[:].spectrum[:].intensity_spectrum (alpha) | [[:].spectrum[:].wavelengths, | STRUCTURE | (photoelectrons).s^-1 | Intensity spectrum (not calibrated), i.e. number of photoelectrons detected by unit time by a wavelength pixel of the channel, taking into account electronic gain compensation and channels relative calibration |[:].spectrum[:] (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | (photoelectrons).s^-1 | Data |[:].spectrum[:].intensity_spectrum.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of processed spectral lines | |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].intensity (alpha) | STRUCTURE | (photonelectrons).s^-1 | Non-calibrated intensity (integrated over the spectrum for this line), i.e. number of photoelectrons detected by unit time, taking into account electronic gain compensation and channels relative calibration | |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:] (alpha) | [[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].intensity.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | (photonelectrons).s^-1 | Data |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].intensity.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].label (alpha) | STR_0D | String identifying the processed spectral line: Spectroscopy notation emitting element (e.g. D I, Be IV, W I, C VI), transition - if known - between round brackets (e.g. (3-2) ) and indication type of charge exchange - if applicable - between square brackets (e.g. [ACX] or [PCX]). Example for beryllium active charge exchange line at 468.5 nm: 'Be IV (8-6) [ACX]'. Example for impact excitation tungsten line coming from the plasma edge: 'W I' | ||[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].radiance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | m^-2.s^^-1 | Calibrated, background subtracted radiance (integrated over the spectrum for this line) | |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:] (alpha) | [[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].radiance.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-2.s^^-1 | Data |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].radiance.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].shift (alpha) | STRUCTURE | m | Shift of the emission line wavelength with respected to the unshifted cental wavelength (e.g. Doppler shift) | |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:] (alpha) | [[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].shift.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Data |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].shift.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].wavelength_central (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Unshifted central wavelength of the processed spectral line | |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].width (alpha) | STRUCTURE | m | Full width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the emission line | |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:] (alpha) | [[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].width.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Data |[:].spectrum[:].processed_line[:].width.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].spectrum[:].radiance_calibration (alpha) | [[:].spectrum[:].wavelengths] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^^-1 | Radiance calibration |[:].spectrum[:].radiance_calibration_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date of the radiance calibration (yyyy_mm_dd) | ||[:].spectrum[:].radiance_continuum (alpha) | [[:].spectrum[:].wavelengths, | STRUCTURE | m^-2.s^^-1.m^-1 | Calibrated continuum intensity in the middle of the spectrum per unit wavelength |[:].spectrum[:] (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m^-2.s^^-1.m^-1 | Data |[:].spectrum[:].radiance_continuum.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].spectrum[:].radiance_spectral (alpha) | [[:].spectrum[:].wavelengths, | STRUCTURE | (photons) m^-2.s^^-1.m^-1 | Calibrated spectral radiance (radiance per unit wavelength) |[:].spectrum[:] (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | (photons) m^-2.s^^-1.m^-1 | Data |[:].spectrum[:].radiance_spectral.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].spectrum[:].slit_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Width of the slit (placed in the object focal plane) | |[:].spectrum[:].wavelength_calibration_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date of the wavelength calibration (yyyy_mm_dd) | ||[:].spectrum[:].wavelengths (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Measured wavelengths |[:].t_i_average (alpha) | STRUCTURE | eV | Ion temperature (averaged on charge states and ion species) at the channel measurement point | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].t_i_average.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Data |[:].t_i_average.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].t_i_average_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the method used to reconstruct the average ion temperature | ||[:].t_i_average_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].t_i_average_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].zeff (alpha) | STRUCTURE | - | Local ionic effective charge at the channel measurement point | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].zeff.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Data |[:].zeff.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].zeff_line_average (alpha) | STRUCTURE | - | Ionic effective charge, line average along the channel line-of-sight | |[:] (alpha) | [[:].zeff_line_average.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Data |[:].zeff_line_average.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |[:].zeff_line_average_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the method used to reconstruct the line average effective charge | ||[:].zeff_line_average_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].zeff_line_average_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||[:].zeff_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Description of the method used to reconstruct the local effective charge | ||[:].zeff_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||[:].zeff_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
charge_exchange.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
charge_exchange.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
charge_exchange.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
charge_exchange.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
charge_exchange.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
charge_exchange.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
charge_exchange.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
charge_exchange.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
charge_exchange.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
charge_exchange.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
charge_exchange.code.output_flag (alpha) | [charge_exchange.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
charge_exchange.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
charge_exchange.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
charge_exchange.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
charge_exchange.etendue (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2.str | Etendue (geometric extent) of the optical system | |
charge_exchange.etendue_method (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Method used to calculate the etendue. Index = 0 : exact calculation with a 4D integral; 1 : approximation with first order formula (detector surface times solid angle subtended by the apertures); 2 : other methods | ||
charge_exchange.etendue_method.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
charge_exchange.etendue_method.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
charge_exchange.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
charge_exchange.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
charge_exchange.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
charge_exchange.latency (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Upper bound of the delay between physical information received by the detector and data available on the real-time (RT) network. | |
charge_exchange.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
coils non axisymmetric¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
coils_non_axisymmetric (alpha) | Non axisymmetric active coils system (e.g. ELM control coils, error field correction coils, ...) | |||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.output_flag (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of coils | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of conductors inside the coil. The structure can be used with size 1 for a simplified description as a single conductor. A conductor is composed of several elements, serially connected, i.e. transporting the same current. | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section (alpha) | [coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | STRUCT_ARRAY | The cross-section perpendicular to the conductor contour is described by a series of contour points, given by their relative position with respect to the start point of each element. If the size of this array of structure is equal to 1, then the cross-section is given only for the first element and translated along the conductor elements. Otherwise, it's given explictly for each element, allowing to describe changes of the cross section shape | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].area (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m^2 | Area of the conductor cross-section, derived from the above geometric data | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].geometry_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Geometry type used to describe the cross section of this element. The conductor centre is given by the ../../elements description. | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].geometry_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].geometry_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].height (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full height of the rectangle in the binormal direction, used only if geometry_type/index = 3 | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].outline (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Polygonal outline of the cross section in the (normal, binormal) coordinate system. Do NOT repeat the first point. | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].outline.binormal (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].outline.normal] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Coordinates along the binormal axis |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].outline.normal (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Coordinate along the normal axis |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].radius_inner (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Inner radius of the annulus, used only if geometry_type/index = 5 | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].cross_section[:].width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Full width of the rectangle or square in the normal direction, when geometry_type/index = 3 or 4. Diameter of the circle when geometry_type/index = 2. Outer diameter of the annulus in case geometry_type/index = 5 | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Set of geometrical elements (line segments and/or arcs of a circle) describing the contour of the conductor centre. We define a coordinate system associated to each element as follows: for the arc and circle elements: binormal = (start point - center) x (intermediate point - center). This vector points in the direction of the circle / arc axis. normal = (center - point on curve). The normal vector will rotate as the point moves around the curve. Tangent = normal x binormal. For the line element we require an extra point, using the currently redundant intermediate point to define the line element's normal axis. The local coordinates for the line element then become: tangent = end point - start point; normal = intermediate point - start point; binormal = tangent x normal. It is assumed that all the axes above are normalized such that they have a unit length. | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.centres (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the centre of the arc of a circle of every element (meaningful only if type/index = 2 or 3, fill with default/empty value otherwise) | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.centres.phi (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.centres.r (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Major radius |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.centres.z (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Height |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.end_points (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the end point of every element. Meaningful only if type/index = 1 or 2, fill with default/empty value otherwise | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.end_points.phi (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.end_points.r (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Major radius |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.end_points.z (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Height |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.intermediate_points (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of an intermediate point along the circle or arc of circle, for every element, providing the orientation of the element (must define with the corresponding start point an aperture angle strictly inferior to PI). In the case of a line segment (../types/index=1), fill this node with a point such that the vector intermediate_point - start_point defines the direction of the element's normal axis (see documentation of ../elements) | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.intermediate_points.phi (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.intermediate_points.r (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Major radius |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.intermediate_points.z (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Height |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.start_points (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Position of the start point of every element | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.start_points.phi (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad | Toroidal angle (oriented counter-clockwise when viewing from above) |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.start_points.r (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Major radius |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.start_points.z (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Height |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].elements.types (alpha) | [1...N] | INT_1D | Type of every element: 1: line segment, its ends are given by the start and end points; index = 2: arc of a circle; index = 3: full circle | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].resistance (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Ohm | conductor resistance | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].voltage (alpha) | STRUCTURE | V | Voltage on the conductor terminals. Sign convention : positive when the current flows in the direction in which conductor elements are ordered (from start to end for a positive polarity coil) | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:] (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].voltage.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V | Data |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].conductor[:].voltage.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].current (alpha) | STRUCTURE | A | Current in one turn of the coil (to be multiplied by the number of turns to calculate the magnetic field generated). Sign convention : a positive current flows in the direction in which conductor elements are ordered (from start to end for a positive polarity coil) | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:] (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].current.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A | Data |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].current.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].identifier (alpha) | STR_0D | Alphanumeric identifier of coil | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the coil | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].resistance (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Ohm | Coil resistance | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].turns (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | - | Number of total turns in the coil. May be a fraction when describing the coil connections. | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].voltage (alpha) | STRUCTURE | V | Voltage on the coil terminals. Sign convention : positive when the current flows in the direction in which conductor elements are ordered (from start to end for a positive polarity coil) | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:] (alpha) | [coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].voltage.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V | Data |
coils_non_axisymmetric.coil[:].voltage.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
coils_non_axisymmetric.latency (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Upper bound of the delay between input command received from the RT network and actuator starting to react. Applies globally to the system described by this IDS unless specific latencies (e.g. channel-specific or antenna-specific) are provided at a deeper level in the IDS structure. | |
coils_non_axisymmetric.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
controllers (alpha) | Feedback and feedforward controllers | |||
controllers.code (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
controllers.code.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
controllers.code.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
controllers.code.library (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
controllers.code.library[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
controllers.code.library[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
controllers.code.library[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
controllers.code.library[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
controllers.code.library[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
controllers.code.library[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
controllers.code.output_flag (alpha) | [controllers.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
controllers.code.parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
controllers.code.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
controllers.code.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
controllers.ids_properties.comment (alpha) | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
controllers.ids_properties.creation_date (alpha) | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
controllers.ids_properties.homogeneous_time (alpha) | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || (alpha) | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
controllers.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
controllers.ids_properties.occurrence_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
controllers.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
controllers.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
controllers.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
controllers.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
controllers.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
controllers.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
controllers.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
controllers.ids_properties.provider (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
controllers.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
controllers.ids_properties.version_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
controllers.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
controllers.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language (alpha) | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
controllers.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary (alpha) | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
controllers.linear_controller (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | A linear controller, this is rather conventional | |
controllers.linear_controller[:].controller_class (alpha) | STR_0D | One of a known class of controllers | ||
controllers.linear_controller[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Description of this controller | ||
controllers.linear_controller[:].input_names (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | Names of the input signals, following the SDN convention | |
controllers.linear_controller[:].inputs (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].input_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | Input signals; the timebase is common to inputs and outputs for any particular controller |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].inputs.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of this controller | ||
controllers.linear_controller[:].output_names (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | Names of the output signals following the SDN convention | |
controllers.linear_controller[:].outputs (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].output_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | Output signals; the timebase is common to inputs and outputs for any particular controller |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].outputs.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].pid (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Filtered PID controller | ||
controllers.linear_controller[:].pid.d (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].output_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | Derivative term |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].output_names, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].pid.d.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].pid.i (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].output_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | Integral term |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].output_names, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].pid.i.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].pid.p (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].output_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | Proportional term |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].output_names, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].pid.p.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].pid.tau (alpha) | STRUCTURE | s | Filter time-constant for the D-term | |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].pid.tau.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].pid.tau.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Statespace controller in discrete or continuous time | ||
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.a (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.state_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | A matrix |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.state_names, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.a.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.b (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.state_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | B matrix |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.state_names, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.b.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.c (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.state_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | C matrix |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.state_names, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.c.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.d (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.state_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | D matrix, normally proper and D=0 |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.state_names, | FLT_3D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.d.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.deltat (alpha) | STRUCTURE | s | Discrete time sampling interval ; if less than 1e-10, the controller is considered to be expressed in continuous time | |
controllers.linear_controller[:] (alpha) | [controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.deltat.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Data |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.deltat.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.linear_controller[:].statespace.state_names (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | Names of the states | |
controllers.nonlinear_controller (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | A non-linear controller, this is less conventional and will have to be developed | |
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].controller_class (alpha) | STR_0D | One of a known class of controllers | ||
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Description of this controller | ||
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].function (alpha) | STR_0D | Method to be defined | ||
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].input_names (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | Names of the input signals, following the SDN convention | |
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].inputs (alpha) | [controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].input_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | Input signals; the timebase is common to inputs and outputs for any particular controller |
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:] (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].inputs.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of this controller | ||
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].output_names (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | Output signal names following the SDN convention | |
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].outputs (alpha) | [controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].output_names, | STRUCTURE | mixed | Output signals; the timebase is common to inputs and outputs for any particular controller |
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:] (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | mixed | Data |
controllers.nonlinear_controller[:].outputs.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Time |
controllers.time (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
core instant changes¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
core_instant_changes | Instant changes of the radial core plasma profiles due to pellet, MHD, ... | |||
core_instant_changes.change | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of instant change terms (each being due to a different phenomenon) | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].identifier | STRUCTURE | Instant change term identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].identifier.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].identifier.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].time] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Changes in 1D core profiles for various time slices. This structure mirrors core_profiles/profiles_1d and describes instant changes to each of these physical quantities (i.e. a signed difference quantity after change - quantity before change) | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].conductivity_parallel | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | ohm^-1.m^-1 | Parallel conductivity |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].current_parallel_inside | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A | Parallel current driven inside the flux surface. Cumulative surface integral of j_total |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].e_field | STRUCTURE | V.m^-1 | Electric field, averaged on the magnetic surface. E.g for the parallel component, average(E.B) / B0, using core_profiles/vacuum_toroidal_field/b0 | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].e_field.diamagnetic | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].e_field.parallel | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Parallel component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].e_field.poloidal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].e_field.radial | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Radial component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].e_field.toroidal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].e_field_parallel (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Parallel electric field = average(E.B) / B0, where Core_Profiles/Vacuum_Toroidal_Field/ B0 |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons | STRUCTURE | Quantities related to the electrons | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.collisionality_norm | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Collisionality normalised to the bounce frequency |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fast | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit | STRUCTURE | m^-3 | Information on the fit used to obtain the density profile | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.chi_squared | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.local | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Measured values |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.reconstructed | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.source | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.time_measurement | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.weight | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of thermal particles |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_validity | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the density profile. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.pressure | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.pressure_fast_parallel | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.pressure_fast_perpendicular | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.pressure_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit | STRUCTURE | eV | Information on the fit used to obtain the temperature profile | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.chi_squared | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.local | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Measured values |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.reconstructed | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.source | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.time_measurement | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.weight | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_validity | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the temperature profile. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity (obsolescent) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity.diamagnetic (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity.parallel (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity.poloidal (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity.radial (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity.toroidal (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity_pol (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal velocity |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity_tor (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal velocity |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid | STRUCTURE | Radial grid | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.area | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^2 | Cross-sectional area of the flux surface |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.psi | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Wb | Poloidal magnetic flux |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.psi_boundary | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Wb | Value of the poloidal magnetic flux at the plasma boundary (useful to normalize the psi array values when the radial grid doesn't go from the magnetic axis to the plasma boundary) | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.psi_magnetic_axis | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Wb | Value of the poloidal magnetic flux at the magnetic axis (useful to normalize the psi array values when the radial grid doesn't go from the magnetic axis to the plasma boundary) | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_pol_norm | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised poloidal flux coordinate = sqrt((psi(rho)-psi(magnetic_axis)) / (psi(LCFS)-psi(magnetic_axis))) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Toroidal flux coordinate. rho_tor = sqrt(b_flux_tor/(pi*b0)) ~ sqrt(pi*r^2*b0/(pi*b0)) ~ r [m]. The toroidal field used in its definition is indicated under vacuum_toroidal_field/b0 |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate. The normalizing value for rho_tor_norm, is the toroidal flux coordinate at the equilibrium boundary (LCFS or 99.x % of the LCFS in case of a fixed boundary equilibium calculation, see time_slice/boundary/b_flux_pol_norm in the equilibrium IDS) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.surface | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface area of the toroidal flux surface |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.volume | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^3 | Volume enclosed inside the magnetic surface |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities related to the different ion species, in the sense of isonuclear or isomolecular sequences. Ionisation states (or other types of states) must be differentiated at the state level below | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fast | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit | STRUCTURE | m^-3 | Information on the fit used to obtain the density profile | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.chi_squared | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.local | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Measured values |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.reconstructed | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.source | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.time_measurement | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.weight | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_validity | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the density profile. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].element | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of elements forming the atom or molecule | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].element[:].a | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].element[:].atoms_n | INT_0D | Number of atoms of this element in the molecule | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].element[:].multiplicity (obsolescent) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Multiplicity of the atom | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].element[:].z_n | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].label | STR_0D | String identifying ion (e.g. H, D, T, He, C, D2, ...) | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].multiple_states_flag | INT_0D | Multiple states calculation flag : 0-Only the 'ion' level is considered and the 'state' array of structure is empty; 1-Ion states are considered and are described in the 'state' array of structure | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].neutral_index | INT_0D | Index of the corresponding neutral species in the ../../neutral array | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].pressure | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].pressure_fast_parallel | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].pressure_fast_perpendicular | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].pressure_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].rotation_frequency_tor | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad.s^-1 | Toroidal rotation frequency (i.e. toroidal velocity divided by the major radius at which the toroidal velocity is taken) (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities related to the different states of the species (ionisation, energy, excitation, ...) | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fast | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit | STRUCTURE | m^-3 | Information on the fit used to obtain the density profile | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.chi_squared | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.local | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Measured values |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.reconstructed | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.source | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.time_measurement | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.weight | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of thermal particles |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].electron_configuration | STR_0D | Configuration of atomic orbitals of this state, e.g. 1s2-2s1 | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].ionisation_potential | FLT_0D (uncertain) | eV | Cumulative and average ionisation potential to reach a given bundle. Defined as sum (x_z* (sum of Epot from z'=0 to z-1)), where Epot is the ionisation potential of ion Xz’+, and x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].label | STR_0D | String identifying state (e.g. C+, C+2 , C+3, C+4, C+5, C+6, ...) | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure_fast_parallel | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure_fast_perpendicular | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].rotation_frequency_tor | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad.s^-1 | Toroidal rotation frequency (i.e. toroidal velocity divided by the major radius at which the toroidal velocity is taken) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].temperature | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity (obsolescent) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity.diamagnetic (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity.parallel (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity.poloidal (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity.radial (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity.toroidal (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].vibrational_level | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Vibrational level (can be bundled) | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].vibrational_mode | STR_0D | Vibrational mode of this state, e.g. "A_g". Need to define, or adopt a standard nomenclature. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_average | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Average Z of the charge state bundle, volume averaged over the plasma radius (equal to z_min if no bundle), = sum (Z*x_z) where x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_average_1d | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Average charge profile of the charge state bundle (equal to z_min if no bundle), = sum (Z*x_z) where x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_average_square_1d | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Average square charge profile of the charge state bundle (equal to z_min squared if no bundle), = sum (Z^2*x_z) where x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_max | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Maximum Z of the charge state bundle (equal to z_min if no bundle) | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_min | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Minimum Z of the charge state bundle | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_square_average | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Average Z square of the charge state bundle, volume averaged over the plasma radius (equal to z_min squared if no bundle), = sum (Z^2*x_z) where x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit | STRUCTURE | eV | Information on the fit used to obtain the temperature profile | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.chi_squared | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.local | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Measured values |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.reconstructed | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.source | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.time_measurement | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.weight | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_validity | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the temperature profile. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) at the position of maximum major radius on every flux surface | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity.diamagnetic | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity.parallel | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity.poloidal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity.radial | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity.toroidal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity_pol (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal velocity (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity_tor (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal velocity (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].z_ion | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Ion charge (of the dominant ionisation state; lumped ions are allowed), volume averaged over plasma radius | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].z_ion_1d | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Average charge of the ion species (sum of states charge weighted by state density and divided by ion density) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].ion[:].z_ion_square_1d | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Average square charge of the ion species (sum of states square charge weighted by state density and divided by ion density) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].j_bootstrap | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A/m^2 | Bootstrap current density = average(J_Bootstrap.B) / B0, where B0 = Core_Profiles/Vacuum_Toroidal_Field/ B0 |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].j_non_inductive | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A/m^2 | Non-inductive (includes bootstrap) parallel current density = average(jni.B) / B0, where B0 = Core_Profiles/Vacuum_Toroidal_Field/ B0 |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].j_ohmic | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A/m^2 | Ohmic parallel current density = average(J_Ohmic.B) / B0, where B0 = Core_Profiles/Vacuum_Toroidal_Field/ B0 |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].j_tor | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A/m^2 | Total toroidal current density = average(J_Tor/R) / average(1/R) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].j_total | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A/m^2 | Total parallel current density = average(jtot.B) / B0, where B0 = Core_Profiles/Vacuum_Toroidal_Field/ B0 |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].magnetic_shear | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Magnetic shear, defined as rho_tor/q . dq/drho_tor |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].momentum_tor | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | kg.m^-1.s^-1 | Total plasma toroidal momentum, summed over ion species and electrons weighted by their density and major radius, i.e. sum_over_species(n*R*m*Vphi) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].n_i_thermal_total | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Total ion thermal density (sum over species and charge states) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].n_i_total_over_n_e | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Ratio of total ion density (sum over species and charge states) over electron density. (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities related to the different neutral species | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].density | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].density_fast | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].density_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].element | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of elements forming the atom or molecule | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].element[:].a | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].element[:].atoms_n | INT_0D | Number of atoms of this element in the molecule | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].element[:].multiplicity (obsolescent) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Multiplicity of the atom | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].element[:].z_n | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].ion_index | INT_0D | Index of the corresponding ion species in the ../../ion array | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].label | STR_0D | String identifying the species (e.g. H, D, T, He, C, D2, DT, CD4, ...) | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].multiple_states_flag | INT_0D | Multiple states calculation flag : 0-Only one state is considered; 1-Multiple states are considered and are described in the state structure | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].pressure | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].pressure_fast_parallel | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].pressure_fast_perpendicular | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].pressure_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities related to the different states of the species (energy, excitation, ...) | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].density | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].density_fast | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].density_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of thermal particles |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].electron_configuration | STR_0D | Configuration of atomic orbitals of this state, e.g. 1s2-2s1 | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].label | STR_0D | String identifying state | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].neutral_type | STRUCTURE | Neutral type (if the considered state is a neutral), in terms of energy. ID =1: cold; 2: thermal; 3: fast; 4: NBI | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].neutral_type.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].neutral_type.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].pressure | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].pressure_fast_parallel | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].pressure_fast_perpendicular | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].pressure_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].temperature | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity (obsolescent) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity.diamagnetic (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity.parallel (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity.poloidal (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity.radial (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity.toroidal (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].vibrational_level | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Vibrational level (can be bundled) | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].vibrational_mode | STR_0D | Vibrational mode of this state, e.g. "A_g". Need to define, or adopt a standard nomenclature. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].temperature | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity (obsolescent) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity.diamagnetic (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity.parallel (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity.poloidal (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity.radial (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity.toroidal (obsolescent) | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].phi_potential | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V | Electrostatic potential, averaged on the magnetic flux surface |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].pressure_ion_total | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Total (sum over ion species) thermal ion pressure |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].pressure_parallel | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Total parallel pressure (electrons+ions, thermal+non-thermal) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].pressure_perpendicular | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Total perpendicular pressure (electrons+ions, thermal+non-thermal) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].pressure_thermal | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Thermal pressure (electrons+ions) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].q | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Safety factor (IMAS uses COCOS=11: only positive when toroidal current and magnetic field are in same direction) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].rotation_frequency_tor_sonic | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s^-1 | Derivative of the flux surface averaged electrostatic potential with respect to the poloidal flux, multiplied by -1. This quantity is the toroidal angular rotation frequency due to the ExB drift, introduced in formula (43) of Hinton and Wong, Physics of Fluids 3082 (1985), also referred to as sonic flow in regimes in which the toroidal velocity is dominant over the poloidal velocity |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Ion temperature (averaged on charge states and ion species) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit | STRUCTURE | eV | Information on the fit used to obtain the t_i_average profile | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.chi_squared | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.local | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Measured values |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.reconstructed | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.source | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.time_measurement | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.weight | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].time | FLT_0D | s | Time | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Effective charge |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit | STRUCTURE | - | Information on the fit used to obtain the zeff profile | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.chi_squared | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.local | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Measured values |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.reconstructed | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.source | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.time_measurement | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.weight | [core_instant_changes.change[:].profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_instant_changes.code | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
core_instant_changes.code.commit | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_instant_changes.code.description | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_instant_changes.code.library | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
core_instant_changes.code.library[:].commit | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_instant_changes.code.library[:].description | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_instant_changes.code.library[:].name | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
core_instant_changes.code.library[:].parameters | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.code.library[:].repository | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_instant_changes.code.library[:].version | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
core_instant_changes.code.output_flag | [core_instant_changes.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
core_instant_changes.code.parameters | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.code.repository | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_instant_changes.code.version | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.comment | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.creation_date | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.homogeneous_time | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.occurrence_type | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.provider | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.version_put | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
core_instant_changes.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
core_instant_changes.time | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
core_instant_changes.vacuum_toroidal_field | STRUCTURE | Characteristics of the vacuum toroidal field (used in Rho_Tor definition and in the normalization of current densities) | ||
core_instant_changes.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0 | [core_instant_changes.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | T | Vacuum toroidal field at R0 [T]; Positive sign means anti-clockwise when viewing from above. The product R0B0 must be consistent with the b_tor_vacuum_r field of the tf IDS. |
core_instant_changes.vacuum_toroidal_field.r0 | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Reference major radius where the vacuum toroidal magnetic field is given (usually a fixed position such as the middle of the vessel at the equatorial midplane) |
core profiles¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
core_profiles | Core plasma profiles | |||
core_profiles.code | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
core_profiles.code.commit | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_profiles.code.description | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_profiles.code.library | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
core_profiles.code.library[:].commit | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_profiles.code.library[:].description | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_profiles.code.library[:].name | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
core_profiles.code.library[:].parameters | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.code.library[:].repository | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_profiles.code.library[:].version | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
core_profiles.code.output_flag | [core_profiles.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
core_profiles.code.parameters | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.code.repository | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_profiles.code.version | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_profiles.covariance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | User defined covariance matrix. The covariance of various quantities can be stored here, these quantities are referred to by giving their IDS path in the rows_uri list | || (alpha) | [core_profiles.covariance.rows_uri, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | mixed | Covariance matrix |
core_profiles.covariance.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Description of this covariance matrix | ||
core_profiles.covariance.rows_uri (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of URIs corresponding to the rows (1st dimension) of the covariance matrix. If not all indices of a given node are used, they must be listed explicitly e.g. rows_uri(i) = pf_active:1/coil(i) will refer to a list of indices of the occurrence 1 of the pf_active IDS of this data entry. If the rows correspond to all indices of a given vector it is sufficient to give a single URI where this vector is denoted using the (:) implicit notation, e.g. rows_uri(1) = /grid_ggd(3)/grid_subset(2)/elements(:). | |
core_profiles.global_quantities | STRUCTURE | Various global quantities derived from the profiles | ||
core_profiles.global_quantities.beta_pol | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Poloidal beta. Defined as betap = 4 int(p dV) / [R_0 * mu_0 * Ip^2] |
core_profiles.global_quantities.beta_tor | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Toroidal beta, defined as the volume-averaged total perpendicular pressure divided by (B0^2/(2*mu0)), i.e. beta_toroidal = 2 mu0 int(p dV) / V / B0^2 |
core_profiles.global_quantities.beta_tor_norm | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal beta, defined as 100 * beta_tor * a[m] * B0 [T] / ip [MA] |
core_profiles.global_quantities.current_bootstrap | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A | Bootstrap current (toroidal component). Positive sign means anti-clockwise when viewed from above. |
core_profiles.global_quantities.current_non_inductive | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A | Total non-inductive current (toroidal component). Positive sign means anti-clockwise when viewed from above. |
core_profiles.global_quantities.ejima | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Ejima coefficient : resistive psi losses divided by (mu0*R*Ip). See S. Ejima et al, Nuclear Fusion, Vol.22, No.10 (1982), 1313 |
core_profiles.global_quantities.energy_diamagnetic | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | J | Plasma energy content = 3/2 * integral over the plasma volume of the total perpendicular pressure |
core_profiles.global_quantities.ion | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities related to the different ion species, in the sense of isonuclear or isomolecular sequences. The set of ion species of this array must be the same as the one defined in profiles_1d/ion, at the time slice indicated in ion_time_slice | |
core_profiles.global_quantities.ion[:].n_i_volume_average | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Volume averaged density of this ion species (averaged over the plasma volume up to the LCFS) |
core_profiles.global_quantities.ion[:].t_i_volume_average | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Volume averaged temperature of this ion species (averaged over the plasma volume up to the LCFS) |
core_profiles.global_quantities.ion_time_slice | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Time slice of the profiles_1d array used to define the ion composition of the global_quantities/ion array. | |
core_profiles.global_quantities.ip | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A | Total plasma current (toroidal component). Positive sign means anti-clockwise when viewed from above. | (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Internal inductance. The li_3 definition is used, i.e. li_3 = 2/R0/mu0^2/Ip^2 * int(Bp^2 dV). |
core_profiles.global_quantities.li_3 | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Internal inductance. The li_3 definition is used, i.e. li_3 = 2/R0/mu0^2/Ip^2 * int(Bp^2 dV). |
core_profiles.global_quantities.n_e_volume_average | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Volume averaged electron density (average over the plasma volume up to the LCFS) |
core_profiles.global_quantities.resistive_psi_losses | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Wb | Resistive part of the poloidal flux losses, defined as the volume-averaged scalar product of the electric field and the ohmic current density, normalized by the plasma current and integrated in time from the beginning of the plasma discharge: int ( (int(E_field_tor.j_ohm_tor) dV) / Ip ) dt) |
core_profiles.global_quantities.t_e_peaking | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Electron temperature peaking factor, defined as the Te value at the magnetic axis divided by the volume averaged Te (average over the plasma volume up to the LCFS) |
core_profiles.global_quantities.t_e_volume_average | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Volume averaged electron temperature (average over the plasma volume up to the LCFS) |
core_profiles.global_quantities.t_i_average_peaking | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Ion temperature (averaged over ion species and states) peaking factor, defined as the Ti value at the magnetic axis divided by the volume averaged Ti (average over the plasma volume up to the LCFS) |
core_profiles.global_quantities.v_loop | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V | LCFS loop voltage (positive value drives positive ohmic current that flows anti-clockwise when viewed from above) |
core_profiles.global_quantities.z_eff_resistive | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Volume average plasma effective charge, estimated from the flux consumption in the ohmic phase |
core_profiles.ids_properties | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.comment | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.creation_date | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.homogeneous_time | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
core_profiles.ids_properties.occurrence_type | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which a plugin has been applied | |
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins actually used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application). This information is filled by the plugin infrastructure during the GET operation. | |
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].get_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the plugin applies to the whole IDS. | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins used to PUT a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, if so they are listed by order of application) | |
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].put_operation[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Plugins to be used to read back a node (potentially, multiple plugins can be applied, listed in reverse order of application) | |
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].name (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].parameters (alpha) | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.plugins.node[:].readback[:].version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.provenance (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Provenance information about this IDS | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.provenance.node (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of IDS nodes for which the provenance is given. The provenance information applies to the whole structure below the IDS node. For documenting provenance information for the whole IDS, set the size of this array of structure to 1 and leave the child "path" node empty | |
core_profiles.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the node within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below. If empty, means the provenance information applies to the whole IDS. | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.provenance.node[:].sources (alpha) | [1...N] | STR_1D | List of sources used to import or calculate this node, identified as explained below. In case the node is the result of of a calculation / data processing, the source is an input to the process described in the "code" structure at the root of the IDS. The source can be an IDS (identified by a URI or a persitent identifier, see syntax in the link below) or non-IDS data imported directly from an non-IMAS database (identified by the command used to import the source, or the persistent identifier of the data source). Often data are obtained by a chain of processes, however only the last process input are recorded here. The full chain of provenance has then to be reconstructed recursively from the provenance information contained in the data sources. | |
core_profiles.ids_properties.provider | STR_0D | Name of the person in charge of producing this data | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.source (obsolescent) | STR_0D | Source of the data (any comment describing the origin of the data : code, path to diagnostic signals, processing method, ...). Superseeded by the new provenance structure. | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.version_put | STRUCTURE | Version of the access layer package used to PUT this IDS | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer | STR_0D | Version of Access Layer used to PUT this IDS | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.version_put.access_layer_language | STR_0D | Programming language of the Access Layer high level API used to PUT this IDS | ||
core_profiles.ids_properties.version_put.data_dictionary | STR_0D | Version of Data Dictionary used to PUT this IDS | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].time] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Core plasma radial profiles for various time slices | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].conductivity_parallel | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | ohm^-1.m^-1 | Parallel conductivity |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].current_parallel_inside | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A | Parallel current driven inside the flux surface. Cumulative surface integral of j_total |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].e_field | STRUCTURE | V.m^-1 | Electric field, averaged on the magnetic surface. E.g for the parallel component, average(E.B) / B0, using core_profiles/vacuum_toroidal_field/b0 | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].e_field.diamagnetic | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].e_field.parallel | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Parallel component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].e_field.poloidal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].e_field.radial | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Radial component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].e_field.toroidal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].e_field_parallel (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V.m^-1 | Parallel electric field = average(E.B) / B0, where Core_Profiles/Vacuum_Toroidal_Field/ B0 |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons | STRUCTURE | Quantities related to the electrons | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.collisionality_norm | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Collisionality normalised to the bounce frequency |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fast | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit | STRUCTURE | m^-3 | Information on the fit used to obtain the density profile | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.chi_squared | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.local | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Measured values |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.reconstructed | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.source | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.time_measurement | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.weight | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of thermal particles |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.density_validity | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the density profile. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.pressure | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.pressure_fast_parallel | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.pressure_fast_perpendicular | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.pressure_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit | STRUCTURE | eV | Information on the fit used to obtain the temperature profile | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.chi_squared | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.local | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Measured values |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.reconstructed | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.source | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.time_measurement | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.weight | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.temperature_validity | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the temperature profile. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity (obsolescent) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity.diamagnetic (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity.parallel (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity.poloidal (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity.radial (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity.toroidal (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity_pol (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal velocity |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].electrons.velocity_tor (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal velocity |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid | STRUCTURE | Radial grid | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.area | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^2 | Cross-sectional area of the flux surface |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.psi | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Wb | Poloidal magnetic flux |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.psi_boundary | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Wb | Value of the poloidal magnetic flux at the plasma boundary (useful to normalize the psi array values when the radial grid doesn't go from the magnetic axis to the plasma boundary) | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.psi_magnetic_axis | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Wb | Value of the poloidal magnetic flux at the magnetic axis (useful to normalize the psi array values when the radial grid doesn't go from the magnetic axis to the plasma boundary) | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_pol_norm | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised poloidal flux coordinate = sqrt((psi(rho)-psi(magnetic_axis)) / (psi(LCFS)-psi(magnetic_axis))) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m | Toroidal flux coordinate. rho_tor = sqrt(b_flux_tor/(pi*b0)) ~ sqrt(pi*r^2*b0/(pi*b0)) ~ r [m]. The toroidal field used in its definition is indicated under vacuum_toroidal_field/b0 |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate. The normalizing value for rho_tor_norm, is the toroidal flux coordinate at the equilibrium boundary (LCFS or 99.x % of the LCFS in case of a fixed boundary equilibium calculation, see time_slice/boundary/b_flux_pol_norm in the equilibrium IDS) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.surface | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^2 | Surface area of the toroidal flux surface |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.volume | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^3 | Volume enclosed inside the magnetic surface |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities related to the different ion species, in the sense of isonuclear or isomolecular sequences. Ionisation states (or other types of states) must be differentiated at the state level below | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fast | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit | STRUCTURE | m^-3 | Information on the fit used to obtain the density profile | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.chi_squared | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.local | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Measured values |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.reconstructed | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.source | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.time_measurement | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.weight | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].density_validity | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the density profile. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].element | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of elements forming the atom or molecule | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].element[:].a | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].element[:].atoms_n | INT_0D | Number of atoms of this element in the molecule | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].element[:].multiplicity (obsolescent) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Multiplicity of the atom | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].element[:].z_n | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].label | STR_0D | String identifying ion (e.g. H, D, T, He, C, D2, ...) | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].multiple_states_flag | INT_0D | Multiple states calculation flag : 0-Only the 'ion' level is considered and the 'state' array of structure is empty; 1-Ion states are considered and are described in the 'state' array of structure | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].neutral_index | INT_0D | Index of the corresponding neutral species in the ../../neutral array | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].pressure | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].pressure_fast_parallel | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].pressure_fast_perpendicular | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].pressure_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].rotation_frequency_tor | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad.s^-1 | Toroidal rotation frequency (i.e. toroidal velocity divided by the major radius at which the toroidal velocity is taken) (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities related to the different states of the species (ionisation, energy, excitation, ...) | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fast | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit | STRUCTURE | m^-3 | Information on the fit used to obtain the density profile | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.chi_squared | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.local | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Measured values |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.reconstructed | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.source | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.time_measurement | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.weight | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of thermal particles |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].electron_configuration | STR_0D | Configuration of atomic orbitals of this state, e.g. 1s2-2s1 | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].ionisation_potential | FLT_0D (uncertain) | eV | Cumulative and average ionisation potential to reach a given bundle. Defined as sum (x_z* (sum of Epot from z'=0 to z-1)), where Epot is the ionisation potential of ion Xz’+, and x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].label | STR_0D | String identifying state (e.g. C+, C+2 , C+3, C+4, C+5, C+6, ...) | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure_fast_parallel | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure_fast_perpendicular | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].rotation_frequency_tor | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | rad.s^-1 | Toroidal rotation frequency (i.e. toroidal velocity divided by the major radius at which the toroidal velocity is taken) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].temperature | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity (obsolescent) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity.diamagnetic (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity.parallel (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity.poloidal (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity.radial (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].velocity.toroidal (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].vibrational_level | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Vibrational level (can be bundled) | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].vibrational_mode | STR_0D | Vibrational mode of this state, e.g. "A_g". Need to define, or adopt a standard nomenclature. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_average | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Average Z of the charge state bundle, volume averaged over the plasma radius (equal to z_min if no bundle), = sum (Z*x_z) where x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_average_1d | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Average charge profile of the charge state bundle (equal to z_min if no bundle), = sum (Z*x_z) where x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_average_square_1d | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Average square charge profile of the charge state bundle (equal to z_min squared if no bundle), = sum (Z^2*x_z) where x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_max | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Maximum Z of the charge state bundle (equal to z_min if no bundle) | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_min | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Minimum Z of the charge state bundle | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_square_average | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Average Z square of the charge state bundle, volume averaged over the plasma radius (equal to z_min squared if no bundle), = sum (Z^2*x_z) where x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit | STRUCTURE | eV | Information on the fit used to obtain the temperature profile | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.chi_squared | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.local | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Measured values |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.reconstructed | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.source | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.time_measurement | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.weight | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].temperature_validity | INT_0D | Indicator of the validity of the temperature profile. 0: valid from automated processing, 1: valid and certified by the RO; - 1 means problem identified in the data processing (request verification by the RO), -2: invalid data, should not be used | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) at the position of maximum major radius on every flux surface | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity.diamagnetic | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity.parallel | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity.poloidal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity.radial | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity.toroidal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity_pol (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal velocity (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].velocity_tor (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal velocity (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].z_ion | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Ion charge (of the dominant ionisation state; lumped ions are allowed), volume averaged over plasma radius | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].z_ion_1d | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Average charge of the ion species (sum of states charge weighted by state density and divided by ion density) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].z_ion_square_1d | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Average square charge of the ion species (sum of states square charge weighted by state density and divided by ion density) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].j_bootstrap | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A/m^2 | Bootstrap current density = average(J_Bootstrap.B) / B0, where B0 = Core_Profiles/Vacuum_Toroidal_Field/ B0 |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].j_non_inductive | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A/m^2 | Non-inductive (includes bootstrap) parallel current density = average(jni.B) / B0, where B0 = Core_Profiles/Vacuum_Toroidal_Field/ B0 |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].j_ohmic | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A/m^2 | Ohmic parallel current density = average(J_Ohmic.B) / B0, where B0 = Core_Profiles/Vacuum_Toroidal_Field/ B0 |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].j_tor | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A/m^2 | Total toroidal current density = average(J_Tor/R) / average(1/R) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].j_total | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | A/m^2 | Total parallel current density = average(jtot.B) / B0, where B0 = Core_Profiles/Vacuum_Toroidal_Field/ B0 |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].magnetic_shear | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Magnetic shear, defined as rho_tor/q . dq/drho_tor |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].momentum_tor | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | kg.m^-1.s^-1 | Total plasma toroidal momentum, summed over ion species and electrons weighted by their density and major radius, i.e. sum_over_species(n*R*m*Vphi) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].n_i_thermal_total | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Total ion thermal density (sum over species and charge states) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].n_i_total_over_n_e | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Ratio of total ion density (sum over species and charge states) over electron density. (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities related to the different neutral species | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].density | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].density_fast | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].density_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].element | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of elements forming the atom or molecule | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].element[:].a | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].element[:].atoms_n | INT_0D | Number of atoms of this element in the molecule | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].element[:].multiplicity (obsolescent) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Multiplicity of the atom | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].element[:].z_n | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].ion_index | INT_0D | Index of the corresponding ion species in the ../../ion array | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].label | STR_0D | String identifying the species (e.g. H, D, T, He, C, D2, DT, CD4, ...) | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].multiple_states_flag | INT_0D | Multiple states calculation flag : 0-Only one state is considered; 1-Multiple states are considered and are described in the state structure | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].pressure | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].pressure_fast_parallel | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].pressure_fast_perpendicular | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].pressure_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities related to the different states of the species (energy, excitation, ...) | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].density | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].density_fast | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].density_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of thermal particles |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].electron_configuration | STR_0D | Configuration of atomic orbitals of this state, e.g. 1s2-2s1 | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].label | STR_0D | String identifying state | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].neutral_type | STRUCTURE | Neutral type (if the considered state is a neutral), in terms of energy. ID =1: cold; 2: thermal; 3: fast; 4: NBI | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].neutral_type.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].neutral_type.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].pressure | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].pressure_fast_parallel | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].pressure_fast_perpendicular | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].pressure_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].temperature | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity (obsolescent) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity.diamagnetic (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity.parallel (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity.poloidal (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity.radial (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].velocity.toroidal (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].vibrational_level | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Vibrational level (can be bundled) | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].state[:].vibrational_mode | STR_0D | Vibrational mode of this state, e.g. "A_g". Need to define, or adopt a standard nomenclature. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].temperature | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity (obsolescent) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity.diamagnetic (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity.parallel (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity.poloidal (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity.radial (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].neutral[:].velocity.toroidal (obsolescent) | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].phi_potential | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | V | Electrostatic potential, averaged on the magnetic flux surface |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].pressure_ion_total | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Total (sum over ion species) thermal ion pressure |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].pressure_parallel | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Total parallel pressure (electrons+ions, thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].pressure_perpendicular | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Total perpendicular pressure (electrons+ions, thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].pressure_thermal | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | Pa | Thermal pressure (electrons+ions) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].q | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Safety factor (IMAS uses COCOS=11: only positive when toroidal current and magnetic field are in same direction) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].rotation_frequency_tor_sonic | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s^-1 | Derivative of the flux surface averaged electrostatic potential with respect to the poloidal flux, multiplied by -1. This quantity is the toroidal angular rotation frequency due to the ExB drift, introduced in formula (43) of Hinton and Wong, Physics of Fluids 3082 (1985), also referred to as sonic flow in regimes in which the toroidal velocity is dominant over the poloidal velocity |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Ion temperature (averaged on charge states and ion species) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit | STRUCTURE | eV | Information on the fit used to obtain the t_i_average profile | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.chi_squared | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.local | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Measured values |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.reconstructed | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | eV | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.source | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.time_measurement | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.weight | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].t_i_average_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].time | FLT_0D | s | Time | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Effective charge |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit | STRUCTURE | - | Information on the fit used to obtain the zeff profile | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.chi_squared | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Squared error normalized by the weighted standard deviation considered in the minimization process : chi_squared = weight^2 *(reconstructed - measured)^2 / sigma^2, where sigma is the standard deviation of the measurement error |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.local | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | INT_1D | Integer flag : 1 means local measurement, 0 means line-integrated measurement | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Measured values |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.parameters | STR_0D | List of the fit specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.reconstructed | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Value reconstructed from the fit |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.rho_tor_norm | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Normalised toroidal flux coordinate of each measurement (local value for a local measurement, minimum value reached by the line of sight for a line measurement) |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.source | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | STR_1D | Path to the source data for each measurement in the IMAS data dictionary, e.g. ece/channel(i)/t_e for the electron temperature on the i-th channel in the ECE IDS | |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.time_measurement | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | Exact time slices used from the time array of the measurement source data. If the time slice does not exist in the time array of the source data, it means linear interpolation has been used |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.time_measurement_slice_method | STRUCTURE | Method used to slice the data : index = 0 means using exact time slice of the measurement, 1 means linear interpolation, ... | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.time_measurement_slice_method.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:] | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.time_measurement_width | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | s | In case the measurements are averaged over a time interval, this node is the full width of this time interval (empty otherwise). In case the slicing/averaging method doesn't use a hard time interval cutoff, this width is the characteristic time span of the slicing/averaging method. By convention, the time interval starts at time_measurement-time_width and ends at time_measurement. |
core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.weight | [core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].zeff_fit.measured] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | - | Weight given to each measured value |
core_profiles.profiles_2d (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].time] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Core plasma quantities in a poloidal cross section, for various time slices | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Definition of the 2D grid (the content of dim1 and dim2 is defined by the selected grid_type) | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | mixed | First dimension values |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim2 (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | mixed | Second dimension values |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.volume_element (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m^3 | Elementary plasma volume of plasma enclosed in the cell formed by the nodes [dim1(i) dim2(j)], [dim1(i+1) dim2(j)], [dim1(i) dim2(j+1)] and [dim1(i+1) dim2(j+1)] |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid_type (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Selection of one of a set of grid types | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid_type.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid_type.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | 2D quantities related to the different ion species, in the sense of isonuclear or isomolecular sequences. Ionisation states (or other types of states) must be differentiated at the state level below. This array doesn't necessarily have the same size as the profiles_1d/ion array, since 2D data may be relevant only for a subset of ion species. | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].density (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].density_fast (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].density_thermal (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].element (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of elements forming the atom or molecule | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].element[:].a (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Atomic Mass Unit | Mass of atom | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].element[:].atoms_n (alpha) | INT_0D | Number of atoms of this element in the molecule | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].element[:].multiplicity (obsolescent) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Multiplicity of the atom | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].element[:].z_n (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Nuclear charge | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].ion_index (alpha) | INT_0D | Index of the corresponding ion species in the ../../../profiles_1d/ion array | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].label (alpha) | STR_0D | String identifying ion (e.g. H, D, T, He, C, D2, ...) | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].multiple_states_flag (alpha) | INT_0D | Multiple states calculation flag : 0-Only the 'ion' level is considered and the 'state' array of structure is empty; 1-Ion states are considered and are described in the 'state' array of structure | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].pressure (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].pressure_fast_parallel (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].pressure_fast_perpendicular (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].pressure_thermal (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) (sum over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].rotation_frequency_tor (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | rad.s^-1 | Toroidal rotation frequency (i.e. toroidal velocity divided by the major radius at which the toroidal velocity is taken) (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Quantities related to the different states of the species (ionisation, energy, excitation, ...) | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].density (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_fast (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of fast (non-thermal) particles |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].density_thermal (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Density of thermal particles |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].electron_configuration (alpha) | STR_0D | Configuration of atomic orbitals of this state, e.g. 1s2-2s1 | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].ionisation_potential (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | eV | Cumulative and average ionisation potential to reach a given bundle. Defined as sum (x_z* (sum of Epot from z'=0 to z-1)), where Epot is the ionisation potential of ion Xz’+, and x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].label (alpha) | STR_0D | String identifying state (e.g. C+, C+2 , C+3, C+4, C+5, C+6, ...) | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure_fast_parallel (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) parallel pressure |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure_fast_perpendicular (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Fast (non-thermal) perpendicular pressure |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].pressure_thermal (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].rotation_frequency_tor (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | rad.s^-1 | Toroidal rotation frequency (i.e. toroidal velocity divided by the major radius at which the toroidal velocity is taken) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].temperature (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].vibrational_level (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Vibrational level (can be bundled) | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].vibrational_mode (alpha) | STR_0D | Vibrational mode of this state, e.g. "A_g". Need to define, or adopt a standard nomenclature. | ||
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_average (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Average Z of the charge state bundle, volume averaged over the plasma radius (equal to z_min if no bundle), = sum (Z*x_z) where x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_max (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Maximum Z of the charge state bundle (equal to z_min if no bundle) | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_min (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Minimum Z of the charge state bundle | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].state[:].z_square_average (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Average Z square of the charge state bundle, volume averaged over the plasma radius (equal to z_min squared if no bundle), = sum (Z^2*x_z) where x_z is the relative concentration of a given charge state in the bundle, i.e. sum(x_z) = 1 over the bundle. | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].temperature (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | eV | Temperature (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].velocity (alpha) | STRUCTURE | m.s^-1 | Velocity (average over charge states when multiple charge states are considered) at the position of maximum major radius on every flux surface | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].velocity.diamagnetic (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Diamagnetic component |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].velocity.parallel (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Parallel component |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].velocity.poloidal (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Poloidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].velocity.radial (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Radial component |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].velocity.toroidal (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m.s^-1 | Toroidal component |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].ion[:].z_ion (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | Elementary Charge Unit | Ion charge (of the dominant ionisation state; lumped ions are allowed), volume averaged over plasma radius | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].momentum_tor (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | kg.m^-1.s^-1 | Total plasma toroidal momentum, summed over ion species and electrons weighted by their density and major radius, i.e. sum_over_species(n*R*m*Vphi) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].n_i_thermal_total (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | m^-3 | Total ion thermal density (sum over species and charge states) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].n_i_total_over_n_e (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Ratio of total ion density (sum over species and charge states) over electron density. (thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].pressure_ion_total (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Total (sum over ion species) thermal ion pressure |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].pressure_parallel (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Total parallel pressure (electrons+ions, thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].pressure_perpendicular (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Total perpendicular pressure (electrons+ions, thermal+non-thermal) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].pressure_thermal (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | Pa | Thermal pressure (electrons+ions) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].t_i_average (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | eV | Ion temperature (averaged on states and ion species) |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].time (alpha) | FLT_0D | s | Time | |
core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].zeff (alpha) | [core_profiles.profiles_2d[:].grid.dim1, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Effective charge |
core_profiles.statistics (alpha) | [core_profiles.statistics[:].time] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Statistics for various time slices | |
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of 2D quantities on which statistics are provided. 2D means 1D+time dimension, so either a 1D quantity within a dynamic array of structure, or a 2D dynamic quantity outside of an array of structure. Therefore the resulting statistical value is 1D for a given statistics time slice. | |
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].distribution (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Probability distribution function of the quantity | ||
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].distribution.bins (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | mixed | Bins of quantitiy values, defined for each element (first dimension) corresponding to the first dimension of the original 2D quantity |
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].distribution.probability (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Probability to have a value of the quantity between bins(n) and bins(n+1) (thus the size of its second dimension is the size of the second dimension of the bins array - 1). The first dimension correspond to the first dimension of the original 2D quantity |
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the quantity within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below | ||
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].statistics_type (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | Set of statistics types applied to the quantity | |
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].statistics_type[:].grid_index (alpha) | INT_0D | Only if the statistics value is given on a different GGD grid subset than the original quantity (e.g. if the statistics has worked over a dimension of the GGD), index of the grid used to represent the statistics value | ||
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].statistics_type[:].grid_subset_index (alpha) | INT_0D | Only if the statistics value is given on a different GGD grid subset than the original quantity (e.g. if the statistics has worked over a dimension of the GGD), index of the new grid subset the statistics value is provided on. Corresponds to the index used in the grid subset definition: grid_subset(:)/identifier/index | ||
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].statistics_type[:].identifier (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Identifier of the statistics type | ||
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].statistics_type[:].identifier.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].statistics_type[:].identifier.index (alpha) | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | ||
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].statistics_type[:] (alpha) | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].statistics_type[:].uq_input_path (alpha) | INT_0D | For Sobol index only, path to the related the uq_input quantity, e.g. ../../../uq_input_2d(3) | ||
core_profiles.statistics[:].quantity_2d[:].statistics_type[:].value (alpha) | [1...N] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | mixed | Value of the statistics for that quantity, the array corresponding to the first dimension of the original 2D quantity |
core_profiles.statistics[:].time (alpha) | FLT_0D | s | Time | |
core_profiles.statistics[:].time_width (alpha) | FLT_0D (uncertain) | s | Width of the time interval over which the statistics have been calculated. By convention, the time interval starts at time-time_width and ends at time. | |
core_profiles.statistics[:].uq_input_2d (alpha) | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | If the statistics are based on an uncertainty quantification process, set of 2D input quantities that are varied | |
core_profiles.statistics[:].uq_input_2d[:].distribution (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Probability distribution function of the quantity | ||
core_profiles.statistics[:].uq_input_2d[:].distribution.bins (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | mixed | Bins of quantitiy values, defined for each element (first dimension) corresponding to the first dimension of the original 2D quantity |
core_profiles.statistics[:].uq_input_2d[:].distribution.probability (alpha) | [1...N, | FLT_2D (uncertain) | - | Probability to have a value of the quantity between bins(n) and bins(n+1) (thus the size of its second dimension is the size of the second dimension of the bins array - 1). The first dimension correspond to the first dimension of the original 2D quantity |
core_profiles.statistics[:].uq_input_2d[:].path (alpha) | STR_0D | Path of the quantity within the IDS, following the syntax given in the link below | ||
core_profiles.time | [1...N] | FLT_1D_TYPE | s | Generic time |
core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field | STRUCTURE | Characteristics of the vacuum toroidal field (used in rho_tor definition and in the normalization of current densities) | ||
core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0 | [core_profiles.time] | FLT_1D (uncertain) | T | Vacuum toroidal field at R0 [T]; Positive sign means anti-clockwise when viewing from above. The product R0B0 must be consistent with the b_tor_vacuum_r field of the tf IDS. |
core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.r0 | FLT_0D (uncertain) | m | Reference major radius where the vacuum toroidal magnetic field is given (usually a fixed position such as the middle of the vessel at the equatorial midplane) |
core sources¶
Path | Dimensions | Type | Units | Description |
core_sources | Core plasma thermal source terms (for the transport equations of the thermal species). Energy terms correspond to the full kinetic energy equation (i.e. the energy flux takes into account the energy transported by the particle flux) | |||
core_sources.code | STRUCTURE | Generic decription of the code-specific parameters for the code that has produced this IDS | ||
core_sources.code.commit | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_sources.code.description | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_sources.code.library | [1...N] | STRUCT_ARRAY | List of external libraries used by the code that has produced this IDS | |
core_sources.code.library[:].commit | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_sources.code.library[:].description | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | ||
core_sources.code.library[:].name | STR_0D | Name of software | ||
core_sources.code.library[:].parameters | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_sources.code.library[:].repository | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_sources.code.library[:].version | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | || | STR_0D | Name of software generating IDS | ||
core_sources.code.output_flag | [core_sources.time] | INT_1D | Output flag : 0 means the run is successful, other values mean some difficulty has been encountered, the exact meaning is then code specific. Negative values mean the result shall not be used. | |
core_sources.code.parameters | STR_0D | List of the code specific parameters in XML format | ||
core_sources.code.repository | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_sources.code.version | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_sources.ids_properties | STRUCTURE | Interface Data Structure properties. This element identifies the node above as an IDS | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.comment | STR_0D | Any comment describing the content of this IDS | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.creation_date | STR_0D | Date at which this data has been produced | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.homogeneous_time | INT_0D | This node must be filled (with 0, 1, or 2) for the IDS to be valid. If 1, the time of this IDS is homogeneous, i.e. the time values for this IDS are stored in the time node just below the root of this IDS. If 0, the time values are stored in the various time fields at lower levels in the tree. In the case only constant or static nodes are filled within the IDS, homogeneous_time must be set to 2 | || | STR_0D | User-defined name for this IDS occurrence | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.occurrence | INT_0D | |||
core_sources.ids_properties.occurrence_type | STRUCTURE | Type of data contained in this occurrence | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.occurrence_type.description | STR_0D | Verbose description | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.occurrence_type.index | INT_0D | Integer identifier (enumeration index within a list). Private identifier values must be indicated by a negative index. | || | STR_0D | Short string identifier | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.plugins (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Information about the plugins used to write/read this IDS. This structure is filled automatically by the Access Layer at GET/PUT time, no need to fill it via a user program. | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to GET the data | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique commit reference of software | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.description (alpha) | STR_0D | Short description of the software (type, purpose) | || (alpha) | STR_0D | Name of software used | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.repository (alpha) | STR_0D | URL of software repository | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_get.version (alpha) | STR_0D | Unique version (tag) of software | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put (alpha) | STRUCTURE | Plugin infrastructure used to PUT the data | ||
core_sources.ids_properties.plugins.infrastructure_put.commit (alpha) | STR_0D | <