Build on your laptop

First step

You will need suitable python and fortran environments. There is detailed help for

If you need more help, please raise an issue at

Source code

You should clone the gacode repository from GitHub. This was you can keep you installation up to date:

$ git clone

Concept of platform files

In order to compile the full GACODE package on a new machine, platform files must be created. You can use existing ones or create your own. After cloning the repository, you can query the existing platforms using:

$ ./gacode/shared/bin/gacode_platforms

To create new platform files (say, for a new platform MINE) then copy/edit the following files:

$GACODE_ROOT/platform/env/env.MINE (if needed)

Numerous templates for each of these files can be found in the specific folders, and most often there will be an existing machine files that is almost exactly what you need

Environment variables

To use your new platform files, enter the following lines in your shell RC file:

export GACODE_ROOT=$HOME/gacode
. $GACODE_ROOT/shared/bin/gacode_setup
. $GACODE_ROOT/platform/env/env.MINE (if needed)


When building with gfortran, we recommend using OpenBLAS. It is important to build with single-threaded settings. In the Makefile.rule file in the top-level OpenBLAS directory, set:


You can find an example of linking to OpenBLAS in the MINT platform file. To test the thread safety, you can use the test program in shared/hybridtest:

$ cd gacode/shared/hybridtest
$ make clean ; make
$ ./test


To build the entire GACODE project, type:

$ cd $GACODE_ROOT ; make

To test that the build is successful, you can run regression tests:

$ neo -r
$ tglf -r
$ cgyro -r -n 4 -nomp 2

This last command run the complete CGYRO regression test suite using 4 MPI tasks and 2 OpenMP threads (8 total threads).