Tabular list for input.cgyro
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Geometry model selector |
2 |
Normalized minor radius |
0.5 |
Normalized major radius |
3.0 |
Shafranov shift |
0.0 |
Elongation |
1.0 |
Elongation shear |
0.0 |
Triangularity |
0.0 |
Triangularity shear |
0.0 |
Squareness |
0.0 |
Squareness shear |
0.0 |
Elevation |
0.0 |
Gradient of elevation |
0.0 |
Safety factor |
2.0 |
Magnetic shear |
1.0 |
Field orientation |
-1.0 |
Current orientation |
-1.0 |
Enforce up-down symmetry |
1 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Tilt |
0.0 |
Tilt shear |
0.0 |
Ovality |
0.0 |
Ovality shear |
0.0 |
2nd antisymmetric moment |
0.0 |
2nd antisymmetric moment shear |
0.0 |
3rd antisymmetric moment |
0.0 |
3rd antisymmetric moment shear |
0.0 |
3rd symmetric moment |
0.0 |
3rd symmetric moment shear |
0.0 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Profile input selector |
1 |
Toggle quasineutrality |
1 |
Toggle nonlinear simulation |
0 |
Control zonal flow testing |
0 |
Toggle silent output |
0 |
Initial \(n>0\) amplitude |
0.1 |
Initial \(n=0\) amplitude |
0.0 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Number of fields to evolve |
1 |
Electron beta |
0.0 |
Electron beta scaling parameter |
0.0 |
Pressure gradient scaling factor |
1.0 |
Debye length |
0.0 |
Debye length scaling factor |
0.0 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Number of radial \(k_x^0\) wavenumbers |
4 |
Radial domain size |
1 |
Number of binormal \(k_y\) wavenumbers |
1 |
Binormal wavenumber or domain size |
0.3 |
Number of poloidal \(\theta\) gridpoints |
24 |
Number of pitch angle \(\xi\) gridpoints |
16 |
Number of energy \(u\) gridpoints |
8 |
Maximum energy |
8.0 |
Use FP64 or FP32 math for nonlinear term |
0 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Radial spectral upwind scaling |
1.0 |
Poloidal upwind scaling |
1.0 |
Binormal spectral upwind scaling |
0.0 |
Radial spectral upwind order |
3 |
Poloidal upwind order |
3 |
Binormal spectral upwind order |
3 |
Use reduced precision communication |
0 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Time integrator selection |
0 |
Time step |
0.01 |
Error tolerance |
1e-4 |
Simulation time |
1.0 |
Error tolerance for frequency |
0.001 |
Data output interval |
100 |
Restart data output interval |
10 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Number of GK species (ions plus electrons) |
1 |
Species charge |
1 |
Species mass |
1.0 |
Species density |
1.0 |
Species temperature |
1.0 |
Species density gradient |
1.0 |
Species temperature gradient |
1.0 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Electron-electron collision frequency |
0.1 |
Collision model selector |
4 |
Toggle self-consistent field update |
1 |
Toggle momentum conservation |
1 |
Toggle energy conservation |
1 |
Toggle energy diffusion |
1 |
Toggle so-called FLR term |
0 |
Reduce Sugama memory use |
0 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Rotation model selector |
1 |
Dopper shearing rate (\(E \times B\) shear) |
0.0 |
Rotation shearing rate |
0.0 |
Rotation speed (Mach number) |
0.0 |
Doppler shearing rate scaling factor |
1.0 |
Rotation shearing rate scaling factor |
1.0 |
Rotation speed scaling factor |
1.0 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Global output resolution |
4 |
Source rate |
15.0 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
Output of electromagnetic field components |
0 |
Output of density and energy moments |
0 |
Output of global flux profiles |
0 |
Output of distribution (single-mode only) |
0 |
input.cgyro parameter |
Short description |
Default |
How many toroidal harmonics per MPI process |
1 |
Use FP64 or FP32 constants for the cmat constants |
0 |
Use FP64 or FP32 math for nonlinear term |
0 |
Relative ordering of MPI ranks |
2 |
What internal velocity order to use |
1 |
Enable GPU offload when possible |
1 |